Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

Cheers to AFN's UK weather correspondent - Arty, for the good news, and to zain and all you who look in to my little patch of the universe.

A few snaps of the lard ass girls, and see if you can spot the bumble bee that got stoned and hung around for an hour or two.

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And my Holland's Hope is starting to go purple. Whoo Hoo !
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Love n peace n hugs n stuff, eP.

Hope those meerkats are handy with the snips bro, that's going to be some trim party you got on your hands.
"Hope those meerkats are handy with the snips bro, that's going to be some trim party you got on your hands."

Dazed, that is so true. Come the day, I will no doubt have scissor blisters before I get even a quarter the way through. DaddyP said he will help, but I can't trust anyone else to do what is a specialised job really. But it is one problem that I can live with. Some strains are easier to snip than others. But to be honest, most of them look like they are going to be buggers to trim.

But, hey ho, its a luvverly problem to have to deal with. Bloody meerkats lack an opposable thumb. So no help there!

cheers yawl, eP.
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Dang eP That is one heck of a back yard!!

Here I am with four photos in my tent thinking I may want to start saving pence for a mechanical trimmer, and then I see your lot. (hangs head and walks slowly away...)
Cheers to AFN's UK weather correspondent - Arty, for the good news, and to zain and all you who look in to my little patch of the universe.

A few snaps of the lard ass girls, and see if you can spot the bumble bee that got stoned and hung around for an hour or two.

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And my Holland's Hope is starting to go purple. Whoo Hoo !
View attachment 385021

Love n peace n hugs n stuff, eP.

Garden looking amazing epenguin.

spotted your bee picture and it is almost definitely an "Ashy mining" bee or "Andrena cineraria" to give it it's Latin name.
It is unusual to see them this time of year as they are usually seen April to June. I am guessing due to the extended good weather this year this one is still mooching around.
"Ashy mining" bee or "Andrena cineraria"

Arty, I doff my cap to our superior bumble bee knowledge. Keith (as I called him), was motionless for about two hours solid. wasn't sure if he was dead, but finally he came to his senses, mumbled something along the lines of "Helluva trip man" and flew off into the sunset!

I have noticed a few bees that are wearing a white wooly stoles around their necks, kinda like....

Mind you, it is getting a bit chilly at night.

Thanks for the reply epenguin, you have a great way with words and telling it a Keith saw it had me smiling too much.
Gonna give you some rep for possitive vibes and making me smile about Keiths trip.He's gonna have on hell of a head ache in the morning.:slap:
:bow: :foxy: :drool: eP, that's the finest sort of privacy hedging I've seen! :d5: I love me some chunky chicks too,... makes me want to wedge myself in between them and make a man-wich! :hump: Very nicely done, saaaaahhhhhh.... especially considering the batshit crazy weather you've had this season, right? ...aaahh yeahhh :pimp:,... I see some cricket bat colas in the background of pic 4-- the Hope? Excellent! Some lovely color is always a welcome change-up too,...mad respect my friend! As a fellow OD grower, I know what a job it is to maintain and defend the ladies from vermin, finky eyes and the like! Indeed, your sufferance will be truly great come processing time...:xlaugh: One can clearly see why there's a fine industry behind specialized trimming machines,....(if only you could rent them,...) Gads, I thought my eye-balls would implode by the time I finished the Lamby's, and you have several times that to grind through- :slaps: Good (read- trust worthy) help is hard to find too! I hope you can get it- LOL! ....And proper equipment, opposable thumbs aside,... ( we know several peeps who should have theirs revoked, eh? :roflcry:)... I really like Fiskars Micro Tips, and for finish work, nothing beats these surgical curved iris scissors-
....(see post at the LHT)...***... That bee has the right idea! Both honey and the local native Bumblers often pick up the aroma and hover about the buds, but seem to realize last minute that there's no sugary goodness to be found there-- just sticky feet, which they detest!....I find crab spiders and some jumpers like the plants for hunting grounds too, but they get the boot when blooming starts, "sorry mates, thank for the help, but silk makes for poor smoke",... :grin: ... So, you think about a month to go huh? It's a nerve wracking time of year, this race to finish before the mold season begins! :no: Be vigilant my friend! And all digits crossed for decent finishing weather to continue,... Hey, is that a slug I see over there by the trunk..? :slap: :smoke:..(geez, that was like swatting a down pillow!) :WTF: Cheers eP!!
Waira, thank you so much for the comments and the rep. It does mean a lot. Cheers.
You are so right. The battle against pests and the weather is all consuming and actually rather fun ( in a perverse sort of way ) But it would not be any kind of reward if it was easy.
I was thinking of hiring a few Aussie sheep shearers (on piece work) to help with the harvest, but as you say - can u trust 'em!
Frost, mould, neighbours, doorstep callers, helicopters, roofers, vermin, pests, cops and robbers aside, this lark is a piece of cake. Easy Peasy.

And all it takes is one hard frost out of the blue and I lose the lot. Why do we do it?

Cuz we enjoy the challenge. Bring it on. Cheers Waira. eP.
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[h=2]Now then, this below is well out of context and was pinched from the Sweet Seeds Section, but I thought it would get more attention(which it deserves) here. Just in case you missed it.

Porn of The Dead[/h]
It would be remiss of me not to thank Jay from SS for the freebies he kindly sent me a while back.

And so it is only fair to share a bit of Dark Devil bud porn with you all......

Thanks again Sweet Seeds. You rock.
