Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements


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fine-ass '22 harvest!
:cool1::cool1::cool1::cools: :cool1::cool1::cool1:

:smokeout:Alright folks, it's time to start opening ceremonies on this years outdoor auto/photo grow competition! :smokeout:

This is year 5 of the Comp, and it's been a fun road (mostly- :rofl:) to travel with growers doing their outdoor thing! Thrills, chill, and spills happen in a way that only OD growers know...
It's a more relaxed contest, and is always filled with lovely plants and buds! The Comp' is open to anybody, with any genetics they wish, any grow method... Breeder and product showcasing is welcome too!
@Waira @TheMongol will be helping to run this contest - :thanks:

>>> shout out to past players and known interested contenders: @dankstyle J @Ribbzzy @MasonJarOG @Jean-O @SOOTDAWG @wwwillie @Jraven @Weed Warrior @daleday @hecno

:greencheck: GENERAL RULES:

- 30th Oct Final finish date

-- Any genetics fly here, Auto or Photo.... Any start date, just be aware of the finish date!

--Entry Code must be included with the germ'/early seedling pics, and harvest pics: [ 2021 OD auto/photo Comp; (name); (cultivar); start date/harvest date ]

-- No plant in this Comp' is eligible for any other Battle.

-- Only participants wishing to be included in the Final Poll need to provide preferred weekly Updates....(3/month minimum)
*(Guerilla Growers can apply to the Team Leaders for a Guerilla pass which will enable you to post updates every 2-3 weeks and still be in the Final Poll.)

-- You can select up to 3 plants for the duration of the Comp', in case they get eaten, ripped, destroyed, etc.,... BUT-->

-- You must name your Final entry plant 2 weeks before harvest (photo's), or 1 week before (autos), or the official Finish date at the latest...

-- Voting will consist of live bud/cola shots and dry nugg' shots (1 each) for both auto and photo' plants submitted for polling... So 4 polls total, live and dry auto, live and dry photo....

-- winners determined same way as usual: the combined votes for the auto's and photo's live and dry will be tallied to determine the Auto winner and Photo' winner....

-- prizes TBD

-- It is acceptable for outdoor plants to be started long as the vast majority of the plant's life is outdoor.

>>> Any questions, feel free to ask! :goodluck: :growing::spels::growing: :goodluck:

>>>>> current contestants ---->
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l'll give it ago, I have some Z99 photo seedlings at the moment , I am harvesting a plant at the moment , so I will fill the form in later today . @Iriee Vibez you may be interested in having a bit of fun . :vibe::thumbsup:
I'm ready to play :baked: :growing:


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@smokeyfromau didn't you just start some winter plants :eyebrows:.
Hey @the green bandit , :yay:sure did mate, but mmm photos seem stunted but autos are going well plus only on Thursday last week i dropped some auto beans into water. I have 4 healthy langy seedlings. They will spend 1 - 2weeks inside then hybrid 3rd week with daily sun and light at night, after 21 days outdoors for good. IF these photos dont take i could try another photo, for the comp, maybe one more suited to the cooler temps.

Thanks @Waira for starting the competition,, thanks to @TheMongol , @trailanimal , and @the green bandit not much going since cant get sponsored seeds, I do have local seeds bought .from Aussie seed bank - Yantra, plus first time ever they sell them in breeder packs, so pretty i keep the empty packets :dragon3:
:woohoo1:I love it! Brings some friends too mates, tag'm in, ....I know I missed some "suspects" already....:eyebrows:

Start whenever, and like last year, we'll likely keep this thread as the official Comp' one.... The codes are just like for Battles, so when you make your first post to enter officially, just make up your code sign and include it in with the pics...

:greencheck: If y'all would be so kind, when you do an update, please announce it as such, a simple < UPDATE (whatever week you're on)> .... This will help us a lot in spotting it, and we can them threadmark it for future reference! :thumbsup:

l'll give it ago, I have some Z99 photo seedlings at the moment , I am harvesting a plant at the moment , so I will fill the form in later today . @Iriee Vibez you may be interested in having a bit of fun . :vibe::thumbsup:
Hec, I Invited you into a PM with Mongol and others, did you get it?
:frog:Easy to follow Waira, now to decide on what to grow and what current grows ( recently dropped and sprouted) mmm might include them or try another photo bean, trying this stunted photos first to see if this week can bring them back, now lights 4/20
Smokey mate, glad you got roped in by the Bandit! :shooty: Do what you can with your current crop,...what other strains do you have? You need a fast photo?