New Grower The Not So Green thumb, First Grow Journal .

Apr 20, 2014
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I think I need to start off with a back story. Every good journal needs some kind of a back story :p So let me say that I am not a smoker. I know crazy and all. But on the other hand my girl is one.

With the prices being around 300$ for an ounce around here, as well as the fact that the people who sell it, do not only sell smoke. I have heard a lot of stories about the dealers around me and what they are into and the dumb stupid mistakes they do to get busted. I for one don't like those aspects. Also you have no idea where they are getting it from, and what has been done to it, to add weight ect. For me it seems safer to grow your self, tell no one.

Now when I started this, I really didn't care too much about the project. I had some T5 lights I bought a while ago, and some hydro buckets (It gets silly from here heh..) I bought some FF Ocean forest mix soil and some perlit. I did some reading, but not as much as I should of and the mistakes I will list will prove that for sure...

So I read some others logs and I learned a lot of stuff just from every ones advice and them posting their mistakes as well. And I thought I would like to do the same. Because even though at first, I just wanted to try it see what would start to happen, I began to really like the project and started to get into it.

(Kinda long rant I know)

So when I started I used 70% Farm Fox, 30% Perlite, and 2 small hand fulls of garden lime. I did not have a ph pen at the time (I do now), and I also did not pre-soak. To make matters even worse, I put the seeds down about an inch, maybe a little bit more. Now at this point I am sure theres some face palms going on heh.. I also had them in hydro buckets thinkings "Meh they will just drain from the small little hole that water is supposed to go up. I ended up cutting the buckets off the side today, so now they have the drain holes at the bot.

Now. I have really started to like the project so I went and did more stuff from reading every ones logs. These plants are in a secure place in a wooden structure. After I saw life coming from the ground after 4-5 days, It really did make me want to be better at all of this. I washed the floors with some bleach and water and walls. I then painted the walls with white paint that doesnt allow mold and such to grow. From there I put up some mylar all the way around for giving the plants as much light as possible.

Now that long rant is over with, ill post the specs and some pictures. I do think my plants are a bit small (Sure thats been said a lot before) But I also understand it. Because as they was trying to grow, I was moving them around a lot, building around them and of course messing with them way to much. More mistakes.

Strain: Mango Auto Fem
Soil: Ocean Forest Mix Fox Farm
Plants: Six
Water: 6.5 PH Distilled.
Lights:T5 2x4, 8 bulbs. 6700k. They are kept about a foot away from the plants.
Watering: Every 4-5 days.
Temp: 69-81F
Humidity: Morning or if it rains, gets to around 60+, night time is around 30-40s.
Age: 7 days from popping through.
No Nutes at this time.
Growing Size: 2x4x7ft. Can make bigger if needed.

I do not have 2700k bulbs yet, if any one has some they recommend please let me know. I'm confused with the color and watts, not really sure what to get heh.

Last watering was 2 days ago. I learned from some others who told me to water them less. That the soil atm is too hot. So I will do this.

These are pictures at this time of the six kids and their home. I also added in the 3 pictures of those two who have the burn at this time. Any advice or comments or input I would love to hear it.

I will update this thread as much as I can. Fingers crossed.


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Nice intro to your journal, Sauce! The girls look fine for a week old, and with the FF soil you should not have to do anything but water them for several more weeks. Nice job so far! :gthumb:
When you say FF Aqua Soil, do you mean Fox Farms Ocean Forest? There are a couple different soils and grow mediums that Fox Farms offers, and it might be good to clarify what you have. As some are "hotter" (more nutrient/amendment enriched) than others and will dictate how to move forward.

Cheers & Welcome, BTW....I'm pretty much in the same boat but reverse on who, between my wife and I, smokes.
:roflcry:C' never heard of agua soil? Its for growing under water.:grin:
:roflcry:C' never heard of agua soil? Its for growing under water.:grin:

I did a couple google searches to make sure it wasn't some type of special TLO or DWC mutant hybrid thing or whatever and couldn't find anything.
Welcome. Your ladies will appreciate your hard work.
Get your lights closer to the plants! T5's should be 2"to4" above the plants. You'll see a lot more growth that way. You'll likely have to raise them every day for a while.
Pops has some seriously good info their before it gets leggy and theirs no going back. Drop the light. CFL and T5 are "as close as possible without burning" lights
I agree in general about T5 bulbs needing to be close, but keep in mind these are one week old seedlings and he has an 8 bulb fixture. No way that these little plants are anywhere close to using all the light being put out by that fixture, even at a foot away. At this age it's much more about giving them a proper environment with regards to heat and humidity rather than massive amounts of light. But it won't be long before they put out some real leaves and can really start soaking it up.