New Grower The next step

Salutations Savage,

I would try a bigger pot next time...

Under a different context perhaps, but the thing is my plan has always been to cultivate dwarf autofems indoors, on a window sill. Though i guess it would be easier for me to complete my explanation by illustrating a previous stage of experimentation before anything else:

This was before i build my present prototyping platfom. We can recognize two different sets of self-watering buckets, one is 9" (dia.) and it was what i depended on initially; i remembered reading about volume as a height-limiting factor so i selected it in hope that theory would work... Total weight proved to be quite convenient for a roaming session meant to be displaced regularily between windows 2 to 3 times a day in order to provide them 10 hours of sunlight each day (max. on summer solstice), then i pushed it a little bit further by adopting the larger buckets measuring 8" (sq.) and which contain 7.5 litres. So far it appears i was right on target; a larger volume wouldn't make much sense to me because of what follows, actually...

Shawinigan is at "46.541045,-72.745164" on Google Maps, so according to another on-line resource i found that i can center a 71 days autofem session on June 21st as its middle-date, which translates into a daylight variation not exceeding 45 minutes. Here are the numbers:
May 16: 5h15 - 20h19 (15h04)
June 21: 4h57 - 20h47 (15h49)
July 26: 5h25 - 20h29 (15h04)
That's not even 16 hours daily. So lets suppose i set my timer to 5h30 (On) and 20h30 (Off), it would mean i can synchronize artificial illumination to daylight and effectively optimize it's limited stealth aspect as this simple trick should render it less noticeable from outside (my open structure sheads light through a window).


Now lets see how the larger bucket performed in the begining:

This plan'ts size felt about right but i wished its flowering phase had been better so that's one period when i started to aim for more power. The situation finally improved in terms of number while flower quality hardly compared with that of a plant finished under sunlight; it must be a spectrum issue i figure.


My experiments using an open structure prototyping platform are still intended in a context of window sill culture; part of the plan was to acquire hands-on background to gain a more appropriate understanding of what i need to include in a yet-to-come hybrid/complementing "docking-station" cabinet (ref.: "Passive-venting closet, diffusing light from 4' fluorescent tubes"). The purpose of which not being to replace sunlight, because my initial project includes window sills.

Briefly put, even if i never realize my primary objective i verified time after time that this solution was the adequate choice to make under these circumstances:

The roots are said to be happy with this system because there's more oxygen available to them while it also avoids having a water-saturated soil. Simultaneously, i'd argue that manipulations remain manageable at no practical cost for my small short-lived plants - which is important if i'm going to have window-roaming sessions again! So, i don't have a customized cabinet to supplement solar light at the moment but i still try to keep this ultimate possibility in mind. Hence my selection of bucket: in principle there's routine handling involved.


I hope i've correctly explained the context mentioned above. You see, i'm after what one might call cannabic houseplants for their fascination power more than their dry yield - plus the fact that i must insist over growing them with little more than local off-the-shelf hardware, on top of that!...

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Salutations again everybody,

So, what's bugging me?


With no haverst scheduled before the end of July, eventually, it seems i'm not even close to a conclusion, WG. Consequently this is only one of a few more message postings to come, i guess.


As i pointed out i'd like the stickyness of plants raised under sunlight, but with the number of flower sites made possible under CFLs and using no specific or at least no hard-to-source hardware ideally (though i must admit silver coins & semiconductors ain't something plain ordinary - but still viable in my own case).

One part of the problem has to do with the need to displace 2 or 3 buckets 3 or 4 times a day while sunlight will last, with the benefit of having a shelther-type of cabinet which can provide a proper environment to my plants (temperature, humidity and illumination levels) for just a few hours daily, or when it's been cloudy for too long...

In other words the cabinet is required to be sufficient on a permanent basis even if it's intended for marginal complementary care only. Yet it needs to have a refrigeration system and a humidifier included - plus a piece of furniture with wheels to match...



Alternately, window-roaming hardly suffices unless i cause sunlight to reflect on a mylar panel bent to send back this illumination at my plants, resulting as light on both sides (it makes a difference): 100 % time under sun illumination can get them through flowering - but dry weight will still suffer despite frequent care.

The matter of using reflectors in my prototyping structure was quite another story, there are those on the articulated side-lamps but that's pretty much all about it. Or i'd need to proceed with future plans relative to the revision of my modular 2-sides lamp assemblies.

If i do it's because standard lamp sockets have 2 sets of connector screws and this would also render wiring more convenient/safer. At the moment the structure has 10 lamps on top and 2 lamps per side, it may be an option to try ~810 Watts during the flowering phase if i can't switch from 4100 degrees Kelvin to 2700 degrees Kelvin at a lower power level.

E.G., please keep in mind it's really not easy to find suitable hardware around here!


Anyway, considering i don't have a roaming option right now i suppose i'll be growing 3 pants under CFLs for about 6 weeks and then one of those will be transfered to the window sill, with rare displacements if i get lazy.

This later plant could prove useful in reproduction if sprayed with a colloidal silver solution. That's a major part of the project because i wanted to try CS for a long time, in more than one way: it's said to kill mite eggs!!

As for the other 2 plants they'd be relatively safe at 23 degrees Celcius under CFLs, hoping their flowering phase would coincide with the time my false-male on a window sill starts to release XX pollen. One CFL plant could be meant for flower harvesting and her sister for growing autofem seeds.


Variety selected: Joint Doctor's Purple Ryder #2 (a Mazar x Lowryder hybrid)

Soil: dark organic/potting mix + perlite and vermiculite.Since it's supposed to be a dwarf variety i'm ready to bet it's going to be just fine.

Light cycle: 5h30 (On) - 20h30 (Off), from May 16 to July 26

Well, it could be more as this wouldn't seem like very unusual activity after all.


In absence of a supplemental cabinet (and carrier on wheels) it appears i may choose to have a hybrid session where CFLs are put to good use during the vegetative phase, always... But once they've expanded in volume 1 plant has to leave for the window sill where it will be submitted to CS sprays. One big question is about avoiding interference with the female ethylene hormone and still manage to kill mite eggs if present. At best i get 3 plants to harvest, at worst 1 to harest, 1 with autofem seeds and 1 with plenty of pollen for many more sessions to come - which ain't exactly bad i'd think!

My bet is that better control of CS concentration may provide a real choice between dead mites only and pollen glands on top of dead mites. A sort of win-win senario which makes me optimistic again!...


Finally, what bothers me most is temperature control: what if i get mites under CFLs and i need to keep my cultivation space at 23 degrees Celcius (at day) or 18 degrees Celcius (at night) to slow them down between showers?

Also, the air conditioner is rarely started until mid-July, while it's not cold enough outdoors to cool the room simpy by opening a window... A better time-slot for my AC system would be around mid-July to mid-August, actually. So i'm thinking perhaps this air conditionner should be installed inside my prototyping platform instead, which is possible if i create a 2nd floor to implement an air duct under my buckets while some sort of box in the right section would contain and redirect the air masses. Oh, and heat in the room would rise so i'd have to use 2 AC devices to be exact: 1 for the plants (inside my prototyping platform) + 1 for the plan'ts AC system and me (in the window)!

Clearly it won't be as economic as initially planned, on a window sill... Worst, how to cope with CFL heat during May and June (with no AC system as that would be odd)?...

Hence my concern about what's next.

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It's still unclear to me how to deal with excess heat in a low-profile fashion while using my open structure from mid-May to the end of July, with ~600 Watts of CFLs in flowering; i figured it would be possible to install an air conditioner into some false inside door-panel during May and June in order to cool the room while heating up the rest of my place but this creative idea doesn't appeal to me somehow... The heat problem would be easier to solve if my session took place from mid-February to the end of April, or mid-August to the end of October, when i can simply open a window, actually!


Air conditioning usually goes into play during July and August, if i don't change my germination date then i can't fight Spider Mite invasions using a colder temperature most of the time. So, i've searched for another solution and i think this might be one:

Bionaire BAP706 Allergen Remover True Hepa 99.97% Mini Tower Air Purifier


Bell & Howell 8662 SonicBreathe Ultrasonic Personal Humidifier

I'd be gambling on ozone working as a repellent shield only, not as a miticide...

The Bionaire machine generates ionized air and sells for a hundred dollars while the Bell and Howell one appears to produce sterile fog, possibly ozonized as well, and it only costs 30 bucks. Both are locally available - which has been a major requirement of my cannabic hobby since the very begining, in 2011.

So, it might be a fun experiment and the worst which could happen is that i'll need to fallback to my door-panel-air-conditioner plan... In any case it's always useful to have one of those accessories at home, especially in winter, which just isn't true of in-line ozonators meant to fit on 4" conduits, should these fail in my application.


Initially my prototyping platform was intended as an intermediary phase leading to the construction of an adapted cabinet complementing sunlight hours. This option remains on ice so far as i'd want to integrate refrigeration into it while the plants need to remain mobile, with their own wheels... It may never happen because i no longer have access to someone who could have built customized metal structures for me.


Meanwhile, i recalled i wished to make provisions for an Oreck air purifier as a way to control the level of odors; it would sit on top of that hypothetical cabinet, with an opening inbetween to send the hot/perfumed air through it... Hence my recent focus on ozone. Should i come to abandon all hopes for self-sufficient cultivation this additional device wouldn't have become worthless with the rest of my setup.


I believe that both of the machines shown here are potentially compatible with an external 24/7 timer; i'd probably set mine to power up for 3 minutes every 10 minutes in hope this doesn't upset my plants but still avoids smelly advertizement for the critters. If it won't work then i might as well use low-concentration CS Sprays on a female plant scheduled for seed production, if i could determine what's the proper amount for starters!...

Considering i have 3 Cannatonic seeds remaining in my refrigerator, plus a few months left ahead, i've concluded i should launch 1 or 2 "photo" strain germinations next month, or maybe when Valentine day arrives as that would correspond to the 3rd anniversary of my initiation to vaporism.

The idea is to evaluate ozone on plants i can afford to loose, though i'm hoping the Cannatonic plant(s) will survive and it would come close to the flowering phase by the end of July, once turned into a false (XX) male on a window sill - which may coincide with the period when 1 of my Purple Ryder #2 autofems will be ready for pollenation under CFLs.


Imagine, a purple High-CBD hybrid with some Mazar + Lowryder in it, possibly a dwarf autofem! Who knows?...


At least the hardware part seems relatively easy to manage with: one more shopping excursion or two should allow me to decide which ionizer-featured machine i want to try in a few weeks.

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Salutations Pop22,

Interesting post!

Thank you, though lets recognize this isn't always thrilling material. Not that i feel being elitist at all, on the contrary: a hobbyist tries to re-invent the wheel! That would be me...


So, expect a slow start - but i still need to keep it to date once in a while, not knowing the outcome for sure.

Salutations everyone,

Here goes a weapon of mass destruction, this one is a Cannatonic (e.g. regular "photo" strain):

2014-Feb-3, 12h56


2014-Feb-4, 8h14


2014-Feb-5, 13h42


2014-Feb-5, 13h42
It's doomed to go through a "sex reversal" procedure using CS sprays, so i can pollenate a Purple Ryder #2 autofem later this summer.

Salutations everyone,

After germination comes the time when a seedling need to find a suitable home where to grow. In my case it's going to be the very same home until that plant dies and i've chosen easy to find material found at local stores:

Substrate (2014-Feb-5, 18h22)


Cannatonic Seedling Installation (2014-Feb-5, 20h09)


Burried Cannatonic Seedling
(2014-Feb-5, 20h11)


Cannatonic Seedling Incubation (2014-Feb-5, 20h29)


Emerging Cannatonic Seedling (2014-Feb-7, 9h47)

1st Cannatonic Seedling Stretch (2014-Feb-7, 9h53)

Cannatonic Seedling & Shell (2014-Feb-7, 18h00)

Cannatonic Seedling & Membrane (2014-Feb-7, 21h18)
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Dude, I'm really digging your thread, the details you put in your posts and the photos. Really well done. Have you ever considered growing outdoors? You take spectacular photos by the way. I'm pretty sure HighRise has a strain that will finish where you are as it's pretty close to Maine.

Throwing you some rep for the awesome journal and dedicated updates!

It's still unclear to me how to deal with excess heat in a low-profile fashion while using my open structure from mid-May to the end of July, with ~600 Watts of CFLs in flowering; i figured it would be possible to install an air conditioner into some false inside door-panel during May and June in order to cool the room while heating up the rest of my place but this creative idea doesn't appeal to me somehow... The heat problem would be easier to solve if my session took place from mid-February to the end of April, or mid-August to the end of October, when i can simply open a window, actually!


Air conditioning usually goes into play during July and August, if i don't change my germination date then i can't fight Spider Mite invasions using a colder temperature most of the time. So, i've searched for another solution and i think this might be one:

Bionaire BAP706 Allergen Remover True Hepa 99.97% Mini Tower Air Purifier


Bell & Howell 8662 SonicBreathe Ultrasonic Personal Humidifier

I'd be gambling on ozone working as a repellent shield only, not as a miticide...

The Bionaire machine generates ionized air and sells for a hundred dollars while the Bell and Howell one appears to produce sterile fog, possibly ozonized as well, and it only costs 30 bucks. Both are locally available - which has been a major requirement of my cannabic hobby since the very begining, in 2011.

So, it might be a fun experiment and the worst which could happen is that i'll need to fallback to my door-panel-air-conditioner plan... In any case it's always useful to have one of those accessories at home, especially in winter, which just isn't true of in-line ozonators meant to fit on 4" conduits, should these fail in my application.


Initially my prototyping platform was intended as an intermediary phase leading to the construction of an adapted cabinet complementing sunlight hours. This option remains on ice so far as i'd want to integrate refrigeration into it while the plants need to remain mobile, with their own wheels... It may never happen because i no longer have access to someone who could have built customized metal structures for me.


Meanwhile, i recalled i wished to make provisions for an Oreck air purifier as a way to control the level of odors; it would sit on top of that hypothetical cabinet, with an opening inbetween to send the hot/perfumed air through it... Hence my recent focus on ozone. Should i come to abandon all hopes for self-sufficient cultivation this additional device wouldn't have become worthless with the rest of my setup.


I believe that both of the machines shown here are potentially compatible with an external 24/7 timer; i'd probably set mine to power up for 3 minutes every 10 minutes in hope this doesn't upset my plants but still avoids smelly advertizement for the critters. If it won't work then i might as well use low-concentration CS Sprays on a female plant scheduled for seed production, if i could determine what's the proper amount for starters!...

Considering i have 3 Cannatonic seeds remaining in my refrigerator, plus a few months left ahead, i've concluded i should launch 1 or 2 "photo" strain germinations next month, or maybe when Valentine day arrives as that would correspond to the 3rd anniversary of my initiation to vaporism.

The idea is to evaluate ozone on plants i can afford to loose, though i'm hoping the Cannatonic plant(s) will survive and it would come close to the flowering phase by the end of July, once turned into a false (XX) male on a window sill - which may coincide with the period when 1 of my Purple Ryder #2 autofems will be ready for pollenation under CFLs.


Imagine, a purple High-CBD hybrid with some Mazar + Lowryder in it, possibly a dwarf autofem! Who knows?...


At least the hardware part seems relatively easy to manage with: one more shopping excursion or two should allow me to decide which ionizer-featured machine i want to try in a few weeks.


If you go with an ultrasonic humidifier consider using RO or distilled water in it or you may have an issue with minerals from the water building up on the plant leaves. As to ozone it is a strong oxidizer and can cause damage in particular new growth if the levels get too high. Sensitive plants can begin to show damage when levels get above 0.3 ppm (don't know how sensitive cannabis is).