Salutations again everybody,
So, what's bugging me?
With no haverst scheduled before the end of July, eventually, it seems i'm not even close to a conclusion, WG. Consequently this is only one of a few more message postings to come, i guess.
As i pointed out i'd like the stickyness of plants raised under sunlight, but with the number of flower sites made possible under CFLs and using no specific or at least no hard-to-source hardware ideally (though i must admit silver coins & semiconductors ain't something plain ordinary - but still viable in my own case).
One part of the problem has to do with the need to displace 2 or 3 buckets 3 or 4 times a day while sunlight will last, with the benefit of having a shelther-type of cabinet which can provide a proper environment to my plants (temperature, humidity and illumination levels) for just a few hours daily, or when it's been cloudy for too long...
In other words the cabinet is required to be sufficient on a permanent basis even if it's intended for marginal complementary care only. Yet it needs to have a refrigeration system and a humidifier included - plus a piece of furniture with wheels to match...
Alternately, window-roaming hardly suffices unless i cause sunlight to reflect on a mylar panel bent to send back this illumination at my plants, resulting as light on both sides (it makes a difference): 100 % time under sun illumination can get them through flowering - but dry weight will still suffer despite frequent care.
The matter of using reflectors in my prototyping structure was quite another story, there are those on the articulated side-lamps but that's pretty much all about it. Or i'd need to proceed with future plans relative to the revision of my modular 2-sides lamp assemblies.
If i do it's because standard lamp sockets have 2 sets of connector screws and this would also render wiring more convenient/safer. At the moment the structure has 10 lamps on top and 2 lamps per side, it may be an option to try ~810 Watts during the flowering phase if i can't switch from 4100 degrees Kelvin to 2700 degrees Kelvin at a lower power level.
E.G., please keep in mind it's really not easy to find suitable hardware around here!
Anyway, considering i don't have a roaming option right now i suppose i'll be growing 3 pants under CFLs for about 6 weeks and then one of those will be transfered to the window sill, with rare displacements if i get lazy.
This later plant could prove useful in reproduction if sprayed with a colloidal silver solution. That's a major part of the project because i wanted to try CS for a long time, in more than one way: it's said to kill mite eggs!!
As for the other 2 plants they'd be relatively safe at 23 degrees Celcius under CFLs, hoping their flowering phase would coincide with the time my false-male on a window sill starts to release XX pollen. One CFL plant could be meant for flower harvesting and her sister for growing autofem seeds.
Variety selected:
Joint Doctor's Purple Ryder #2 (a Mazar x Lowryder hybrid)
Soil: dark organic/potting mix + perlite and vermiculite.
Since it's supposed to be a dwarf variety i'm ready to bet it's going to be just fine.
Light cycle: 5h30 (On) - 20h30 (Off), from May 16 to July 26
Well, it could be more as this wouldn't seem like very unusual activity after all.
In absence of a supplemental cabinet (and carrier on wheels) it appears i may choose to have a hybrid session where CFLs are put to good use during the vegetative phase, always... But once they've expanded in volume 1 plant has to leave for the window sill where it will be submitted to CS sprays. One big question is about avoiding interference with the female ethylene hormone and still manage to kill mite eggs if present. At best i get 3 plants to harvest, at worst 1 to harest, 1 with autofem seeds and 1 with plenty of pollen for many more sessions to come - which ain't exactly bad i'd think!
My bet is that better control of CS concentration may provide a real choice between dead mites only and pollen glands on top of dead mites. A sort of win-win senario which makes me optimistic again!...
Finally, what bothers me most is temperature control: what if i get mites under CFLs and i need to keep my cultivation space at 23 degrees Celcius (at day) or 18 degrees Celcius (at night) to slow them down between showers?
Also, the air conditioner is rarely started until mid-July, while it's not cold enough outdoors to cool the room simpy by opening a window... A better time-slot for my AC system would be around mid-July to mid-August, actually. So i'm thinking perhaps this air conditionner should be installed inside my prototyping platform instead, which is possible if i create a 2nd floor to implement an air duct under my buckets while some sort of box in the right section would contain and redirect the air masses. Oh, and heat in the room would rise so i'd have to use 2 AC devices to be exact: 1 for the plants (inside my prototyping platform) + 1 for the plan'ts AC system and me (in the window)!
Clearly it won't be as economic as initially planned, on a window sill... Worst, how to cope with CFL heat during May and June (with no AC system as that would be odd)?...
Hence my concern about what's next.