New Grower The next step

Salutations WG,

...well done. Have you ever considered growing outdoors?

Thank you, it's only a Kodak (Z915) but if one takes enough pictures with it then that person can be expected to obtain a couple useful captures.

Unfortunately outdoor cultivation is not going to be an option, but that would be great.

...spectacular photos...

The originals are nothing that good, the images look better because i chose which part of a photograph to keep. Once it's resized and cut one might have the impression i've got an eye for this but the fact is i don't really know what will come out of a photo session until i've returned to my computer...

Good lighting helps, it turns out i have all the CFLs required for that job!


I'm pretty sure HighRise has a strain that will finish where you are as it's pretty close to Maine.

Hummm... I have all the seeds i can handle at the moment, not to mention those i may eventually produce myself, who knows if this gets lucky. It would have to be available at a Montreal store, at the counter, and i don't plan going there for a long while. Though i will check on SeedFinder as you've got me curious anyway.

While i think of it, would you expect seeds to disapear In Canada after Aprils 1st?

Throwing you some rep for the awesome journal and dedicated updates!

Well, thank you again but lets give it some time as there's a long path to reach the conclusion!


If you go with an ultrasonic humidifier consider using RO or distilled water in it...

Indeed, the lesser variables there are the better things get. Also, it's an open structure located in a medium size room where i can hang my laundry...

Sensitive plants can begin to show damage when levels get above 0.3 ppm...

This could mean i want to start slowly and give it a couple days before an increase via the timer. But how does this translate into minutes per hour?

Perhaps i should try to use a few plants equivalent to cannabis and experiment ozone on them. My cultivation platform will be busy with the Cannatonic until it's big enough to be transfered to a window sill, near the end of March i presume. This will provide a couple weeks until mid-April when the autofem session will be started.

I've got geraniums but they're tougher, almost immune i think. By chance i got plenty of time ahead.


Here's a resource i discovered only very recently:
According to an excerpt of this periodic (bimonthly) publication there appears to be some crucial information which was never submitted to my attention before: egg production is said to be stimulated by ozone while chlorosis and necrosis will threaten the plants! This major detail suggests that my plan to test a newly acquired (Bionaire BAP706) air purifier/ionizer next spring might require fair reconsideration...

Though if this interpretation of mine is accurate it could mean i now know of 2 ways to "synchonize" miticide attacks so the The Borg's resilience can be put under heavier stress, thinking that if there's a safe ozone level for plants which can affect a Spider Mite colony in such way then that might effectively translate as having the ability to induce some egg-hatching frenzy capable of exposing a larger number of dynamic parasites while leaving fewer of their eggs behind - in an attempt to render the whole colony vulnerable simultaneously - ideally.

Wouldn't it make the need for miticide rotations somewhat less acute if there were fewer mutant/egg survivors to deal with after a spray?


Well, today it's the 3rd anniversary of my initiation to vaporism so it's about time i post a picture i guess...

1st Cannatonic of the year after 2 weeks
(2014-Feb-15, 16h09)

The membrane of this seedling remained attached to its long cotyledon after germination and transfer in a substrate. Actually those 2 weeks include everything, starting with the day i took the Cannatonic seed out of my refrigerator... Right now there's only one left in standby as i've just took another for later germination, minutes ago.

Breeding being the priority it means those 2 Cannatonic will get sprayed with colloidal silver, eventually. I'm not sure about how i'll chose to proceed yet but i wish to determine what's a proper concentration level so i'm probably going to dilute a CS bottle in order to fill a second bottle, for comparisons purposes (one plant being 2 weeks older than the other).

Should i dilute twice? Or even more?? How many hours must i power up the CS generator for CS concentration to coincide with the requirements of my application?...

Lookin good bud, gonna be another steller grow.:Sharing One:
Salutations GoAuto6,

Lookin good bud, gonna be another steller grow.

Thanks for the cheering words and generous [Like] points. I wouldn't dare to make claims that compete with those of mainstream sessions but it should be fun anyway. After all, what can go wrong? Unless i fail to use CS sprays as required by my purpose... Well, an even more tricky part might come when i'll start the yet-to-come Purple Ryder #2 session in May, as i can't/shouldn't spray those with colloidal silver (hence the recent interest for that PhytO3 machine shown previously)!

At least it's now set in motion (and there's another germination launched today actually).


This new Cannatonic got me worried because of another shell problem:


2nd Cannatonic
(2014-Feb-17, 21h16)

So, i felt compelled to set it free after i noticed the hull defect under its tiny tap root:

2nd Cannatonic
(2014-Feb-18, 18h50)

This was a somewhat delicate operation but i'm now confident it's going to be OKay:

2nd Cannatonic
(2014-Feb-28, 23h38)



2nd Cannatonic
(2014-Mar-4, 14h13)

Salutations everyone,

The older Cannatonic got moved to its final window sill location yesterday. Last week i had noticed some rooting inside my bucket's water tank while the older leaves started to loose their nice look, so i thought this was my call as she didn't appear to grow hapily anymore. At the moment it only measures 14 inches high with 9 nodes present, probably the result of combining together enough CFL light with a medium-size bucket - which could make it one of my most satisfying dwarf experiments in a long while (thinking this "photo" strain used to grow significantly taller previously)...

So far i'm still trying to cope with relatively tiresome photo sessions but the time and effort required for publication simply took the fun part away as it represents too much eye strain. Consequently i've prefered to slow down and relax as i wait for the next move (CS sprays should begin in April i figure).



About the fun part:


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