New Grower The next step


10 more inches and 3 more nodes on April 1st.

So it's time for retrospective as the older plant reached 68 days while its sister is 49 days old (including the day i took their respective seeds out of storage at 9 °C). Both were abundantly flushed at ~1 month using distilled water as i noticed the 1st large leaves turned yellow. With temperature in the room varying between 23 °C to 25 °C i find it's about time to move the second plant to a window sill too. Considering the sun's route goes up in the sky and shadows became more vertical i'll have to lower shelf height closer to the ground; a solar reflector should be in place until late in flowering.

Relatively to pollen flowers the time for CS sprays is soon if it's not too late - but i recall the Cannatonic was a slow "photo" strain, so i guess the timing will be about right. I didn't want to build something complicated so an old LapTop controlling an analog 56 Kbps modem should be able to reverse polarity through a 12 Volts 6 poles double-trow relay hoping a 20 mA loop will suffice to control it. The 3-pins semi-conductor a diode and a resistor will set current to 1.6 mA ideally, a cycle could be anything near 30 seconds to 5 minutes i guess...

Finally, quite likely i'm still going to deal with the pollen part but my cross-breeding idea (with purple autos) is now on hold unless i decide to refrigerate that room - which isn't something i'm compelled to try at the moment.

Anyway you can bet i'll be busy enjoying vaporism in my veranda!

Hi bro! Going great! Got to agree this cannatonic I got going now is a bit slow... How was the smoke? I think your the first person on AFN to grow one out... All of cbd curious guys would love to hear your opinion on them... Also though temps will help bring out colors on some varieties some will purple regardless of temp... SO many possible colors going on In. The dragons a few were crazy colorful even at higher temps and less than ideal conditions... Can't wait to see where you take the "next step"
:Sharing One:
Salutations Yodabuds,

...a bit slow... How was the smoke?

Hummm... That was months ago. Well, i vaguely recall at the moment i felt lucky for the somewhat different experience, although i couldn't define what the benefits were precisely.

I think your the first person on AFN to grow one out...

Actually there's just 1 seed left and it started with a pack of 10. Only 1 went through its whole life cycle to my satisfaction, which lasted until it died of old age in mid-January. To be exact i simply removed its flowers (most of them) and left it there on its foot to see what would happen, so i continued to water it because i was curious... I can honestly say the Cannatonic probably was the best deal i could have got relatively to my houseplant style of application, no offense intended. One ~35 g harvest after 7 plants (less than 10 g for the 6th one, unless mistaken!) may not sound good but this doesn't quite tell the whole story (The Borg and more!)... In any case i still wish to have High-CBDs, but from an Auto-Flowering strain if i can help it!! Because i'm never going to grow a "regular" (season-driven photo-sensitive) cannabis plant again if it's not for cross-breeding, ultimately - dry flowers being a bonus if any. At most a session shouldn't last more than 3 months - or nothing! Otherwise i shall begin to consider another hobby!!


A few developments have occured lately, one of those motivates me to abandon permanent CFL sessions in favour of a method closer to greenhouse gardening with artificial light supplement not exceeding 4 to 6 hours per day. That means a time will come when i must decide between switching to another hobby or proceed with the "Docking Station" cabinet plan (take note it evolved since 2011). I'm not actually on the right path for this sort of ambitious action since i don't want temperature to exceed a preset threshold near 21 to 23 degrees Celcius (70 - 73 degrees Fahrenheit) and this will require some crafting skills i suppose. Yet, the reason for such target temperature has to do with being much luckier with a colder environment, so far. In addition, the strains i dream of are northern purple Auto-Flowering cannabis plants, on my window sill so i can enjoy their presence in my rocking chair. E.G. it would be overkill to convert a refrigerator for some mild 4 h/day use (during long cloudy periods).

Focus on the window sill, my prototyping platform is an open structure which works best between Febuary and March, then mid-August to November i'd say... That's unconvenient and i don't even see my plants!! So, harvest is a bonus - but a very significant one, of course. Now if Hydro-Quebec changes my meter for an "intelligent" one then there can no longer be 16 h sessions under a fair amount of CFLs, so i begin to believe that without a suitable cabinet i can't hope to succeed. It may not seem obvious with only ~400 Watts for 4 hours after the sun went down, but i'd expect that such power-consumption regime taking place from sunset to the late evening news would become obvious if their meter readings are sampled often enough...

Someday the time may have come to revise plans.

All of cbd curious guys would love to hear your opinion on them...

The thing is i must point out there's not much i can offer to them. The label under my alias name was revised a few times but the matter is i don't define myself in terms of cultivation alone, because i have goals of my own which are modest that don't appear to be compatible with most of what i observed in forums similar to ours.

Before one can qualify aroma and taste there's a need to differenciate perceptions first, my pipe allowed me to grasp some of the basics but some batches are just dull and then the next is like new, since it's been so long inbetween (for a lack of self-sufficiency), etc. Sorry but i'm as new a vaporist as i am a cannabic hobbyist, although after a while i can tell which toke i liked and which i'd prefer to avoid, but it seems i've abused so much this last year, trying to reclaim all those stolen years (thanks to governmental bigotry!), euh... Well i lost some 25 years to smoking and i didn't quit just for the glamour of it; i didn't even hope to appreciate anything cannabis-related again when i definively quit in 2007. Vaporism changed that.


The guy may be old but he's not as good as Gandalf on a cinema screen, i'm refering to me here. Vaporism was a discovery made by accident as i was looking for an e-Cig to offer as a gift - since e-Cigs and vaporizers mix well on web sites, euh... Boom! The revelation came after 10 days of intense initiation using an HervalAire v2.1, and voila! But the electric machine caused me dryness issues which only Fog Conditioning solved to my satisfaction, after months making circles around the device. I later found out a butane-operated pipe such as the VaporGenie happens to be self-moisturizing, starting from there coughing seemed a relatively trivial issue but the additional comfort came with it's own price as i suspect it contributed to rendering me sensitive to something in dry cannabis which makes me sneeze, etc. Was the pipe too efficient at exposing me to aroma and taste??? If it were then it could mean i've lost my sense of smell, or the batch was awfully devoid of such features (it happens)... In all likeliness i'd seek the truth somewhere inbetween.

My opinion on the Cannatonic and/or High-CBDs?

I want more, certainly. But i don't know where to go for seeds anymore, so i'll have to stick to Cannatonics and some Purple Ryder #2 (which i yet have to germinate but i dropped the May session idea anyway). Finally, the benefit of CBDs is something i still need to explore myself but i'm confident it's the way to go.

Then there's the matter of a probable intolerance if not allergy. Perhaps a different vaporizer would fix that, que sera sera!

Can't wait to see where you take the "next step"

That's what i wondered about as well when i started this thread. After a while the echoes died and life took me somewhere else. If the hobby can't survive on a window sill then it will be threatened, this translates as a requirement for wheels and doors, some air conditioning, a humidifier, ozonator, multiple timers. Etc., etc. I'm not even convinced i can/must build this hybrid cabinet at all. There's a stack of photographs waiting, plenty of them should be processed/edited and yet i've put that on hold. Mplate is full.

Right now the younger Cannatonic ain't been doing too well. I've flushed it, the large base yellow leaves will fall once i moved it to the window, when it starts stretching and reconfigure. I still haven't found the electric cord for my LapTop, maybe the calculator's IR port will do if i find an AC remote control box at Walmart, Canadian Tire or Rona. Whatever... I hope i've got some solder left somewhere!


So. This post starts sounding like a journal and the sun calls me in the veranda right now, time to leave!!

Enjoy the summer everyone...

Excellent read! Sounds like very similar experience to mine with the smell sensations all messed up, so hard to explain to others the smells as you say it's all perception.... 35g off a windowsill plant with cfl's? That's incredible! Great job!
Hi again Yodabuds, you say it's all perception...

Well, perhaps i could have re-worked my text to express myself in fewer words actually... :tiphat:

Anyway, as a hashish smoker i couldn't care less about aroma and taste, consequently this was a totally new dimension which suddently became accessible to me once i discovered vaporism late in my life. Since i faced an evident lack of cannabic "vocabulary" (in terms of gustative impressions yet to be sorted and remembered) this phase had to come 1st and so far i may have identified a few words only, one of them being "Commet" (as in "Spic and Span"), or "Watermelon"... Hard to explain indeed, but that's the type of "images" evoqued by recent batches with few other features. At least that's what it tasted at some given moment, but one day i clearly feel it while it's out of reach the next week. In fact there are tools to address this but i'll be lucky if i can assimilate this at least in part.

Also, a pipe already being intrinsically variable in nature this can worsen my blurred senses more than it helps - but when it works it works great. Too great maybe.

...35g off a windowsill plant with cfl's?

Hummm... It was a complicated case, lets see if i can recall the missing bits of this history more clearly.

The Cannatonic was started under CFLs but i moved it to a window sill for the summer (where it eventually engaged The Borg), i guess this must be close to when i decided to take it back under CFLs in a cold room (to fight a Spider Mite infestation, successfully!), until harvest. After that i moved the old plant to a window sill again where it seemed relatively alive until mid-January.

Experimentation allowed me to re-evaluate my initial project somewhat, so i've come to the conclusion that the Greenhouse + CFLs method aims at the right direction to go in my particular situation. I'm convinced it's possible to enjoy a simple hobby while producing my own "bio", but this would imply having a seasonal activity only, because a window sill ain't no good place where to start a session from September to May - hence the idea that my customized cabinet should meet different but compatible requirements:

Low-Energy Signature "Docking Station" to complement stealthy window sill sessions 4 to 6 hours a day
Main cannabis cultivation environment, if 20/4 is suitable/desirable (as explained in my previous message)

With 10 hours at best during summer this means no more than 16 hours of light daily, so as a consequence i'd be wasting 4 hours every day if we agree that a 20 hours schedule should be the norm for "autos". Now, if i choose to target a total of 14 hours per day instead then it represents a 10 hours deficit for each single day that has passed! Obviously there are trade-offs to be made so i had to know what i can hope from a Cannatonic shaped on a window sill once its trunk and roots grown healty, though finished under CFLs.

Those ~35 g were produced under a 14 h/d regime if i'm not mistaking, so it could mean it's not going to plummet by much in some adapted Greenhouse + CFLs session - but i wouldn't expect any more than this. So my answer is that i'll probably need to assume 20 ~ 25 g per plant is a more realistic (average) goal for my project.

All it takes is sufficient sun exposure and relatively large windows; the need for wheels is because my plants must be displaced from one window to the next 3 times a day to obtain 10 hours of sunlight, when it's not cloudy outside - hence the need for a docking station. So, if there are wheels then the cabinet can't have a base or the plants won't get in. Add a refrigeration system, humidifier, ozonator (for a "bomb" cleanse on occasions), etc... With 2 mobile plants covering about 22 inches (dia.) each (and measuring less than 32 inches tall), vegetation which i must take in or out often, depending on its needs... The good side of it is that i'd enjoy this hobby more, because of frequent manipulations near my ladies. The bad side being that the cabinet's corner is only 32" x 24" (48" x 24" with significant consequences) and i planned to fit an electric appliance on top, so it looks even more stealthy in a kitchen. Probably an Oreck air purifier (to neutralize cannabic odors), or a micro-wave oven, a toaster, etc...

No need for lamps in that room as a bonus!


Of course i thought of going the usual way by using kits with a tent, cooltube, carbon filter and whatnot. Most unfortunately these things just don't appeal to me, because it's all about production instead.

Oh, and to complete my answer about the benefits of CBDs in the Cannatonic, euh... I recall, ahummm... Well, dame Cannabis made the body feel happier, according to Woody the Pecker who's an acquaintance of dame Jeane... So, i figure if it's happy then this has got to be a good thing, right?!

So. M'yeah, lets simply say the Cannatonic made me feel nice. There's always other strains to fill the gap in any case.

Never enough time, always so many to try! Can i go back to the '80s now?


Relatively to the CS generator my software-based solution using an old PC in control of a 56K modem finally appears ready to switch a current loop with easily adjustable delays, starting from a couple seconds and up (30 seconds tested just fine). If less versatility and a delay of about 8 seconds are still acceptable then i could prefer to configure my timer's photo-sensible sensor to trigger itself into an infinite loop by powering up a small lamp nearby (loose coupling) in addition to the power transformer feeding my polarity-reversal relay. This timer's exact brand/model are UPM ET525c, it's the one on my pictures. Light levels of 0 or 1 are best, a "2, D, On" setting required its feedback lamp and sensor to be closer... No need for the complicated stuff with this scenario.

So, with that problem now solved all that remains is assembly work. Since i'll need those CS sprays soon i was getting worried lately, but not anymore.

For administrative consideration:

Last December is was labelled as an "AF Grower" and now i'm a "Junior AFN Member".

Please ignore this and just remember i'm a VAPORIST and a CANNABIC HOBBYIST.
Egzoset my man, no worries the little sayings underneath your name are just an automated function of the forum thread... As your post number increase the saying will change periodically at different milestone (ie 200 post ) hope that helps a little.
:Sharing One:
Hi again YodaBuds, worries the little sayings underneath your name are just an automated function of the forum thread... As your post number increase...

Not exactly worries on my side, but anyway i didn't expect it to play yo-yo (up and down). So in the matter of administrative concerns lets just imagine it defines me as a vaporist and a cannabic hobbyist; e.g. in doubt they should just write "Vaporist" and leave it there, no need to retrograde me to a lower state than when i was given vibe awards, like i didn't subscribe in 2011 and lost that account before!...

I don't know that that's supposed to mean, i'm simplying observing.

"My 2 cents"

As for the reader, i don't want to leave the impression that i may be something i'm not. Also i'd equally like the label to reflect what i am or at least remain coheren throught time, in respect with the intended system.
