New Grower The next step

Evening Egzoset. I joined in 2011 as well. I too lost my original account. Shit happens mate! I` will pass your concerns on if you like. I should point out that being a `Junior AFN Member`, is actually a step up above an `AF Grower`! Imho, being acknowledged as a `member`(whether junior or not!), means you`ve posted a bit and are not a complete unknown entity! I can only imagine that those in charge, think this may be a good indicator for new or inexperienced members as t`who they ask questions/take advice from, if they feel the need t`do so! Have you jumped into the Vape Section yet? It`s a relatively new section and I`ve got a feeling that you could add some insight over there mate "My 2 cents" All the best...:Sharing One:
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egzoset go to your settings you can change junior member to anything you want i think look for custom user title under edit profile i think
Salutations Krug,

Shit happens mate!

My paternal grand'ma used to say do not stirr it or it shall smell.

...a step up above...

If i had come to AFN seeking for fame i'd never have returned after 2011, i hope it doesn't sound like i'm after an image because i've been called names and whatnot lately, and i hate being the main topic of any thread on any forum system to say the least...

On another hand some socialisation is fine as long as the netiquette is respected, etc. After all i wouldn't want to sound like i'd happen to be among those who are used to deprive others of their own humanity just to make a point, once the initial argument is forgotten, etc...

Y'a know, the usual stuff we read too much on forums these days!

So, if that's the purpose of these "steps" then count me out and mark "Do Not Disturb" instead!!

That shall be as good. Or, "Do Not Feed the Troll" as this will please lots of people who have accumulated hateful feelings against me - across the internet. M'yeah, that should do it!

Or just "Vaporist", which i tried to get under my alias and failed. Or "Cannabic Hobbyist", as suggested in my previous private correpondance if i'm not mistaking... Thanks anyway for the support!

...this may be a good indicator for new or inexperienced members...

It's about image again and there's the number of posts/threads/albums to measure "fame" anyway. As a matter of fact i recall being given such an idicator and my reaction was to express my discomfort about it, because i'm not here to play a video game with ranks, alpha-egos and all. Life's just too short and precious to waste over more wasted time... I'm seeking mutually beneficial dialogs, not guru theachings. Because nothing of real value is learned easily anyway.

"My 2 cents"

So, what i'm saying is that i'm not here for the persons themselves but for the experiences they wish to share. I don't necessarily want to adopt anyone's religion, thought school, whatever. That's how i end up not making much friends on forums i'm afraid, so be it: i didn't subscribe for the socialization. I was seeking an information-sharing environement to be exact.

No taste for olympics.

Have you jumped into the Vape Section yet?

Believe me, you don't want to read me there relating my views over the wonderful world of cannabis vaporizers today as it might feel hot and dry...

Well i'm still a 50+ years old "junior" today, that must translate something and possibly even the fact that it doesn't matter. So you're essentially correct.

Salutations Sniper, can change junior member to anything you want... ...i think

In case the reader doesn't realize this already i've requested assistance over that specific matter before and i was ignored. Maybe it's because it occured right after my post on the GLR schedule, or that on CS generation, as i only vaguely recall...

So yes i tried, already. Evidently.

This "Junior AFN Member" setting of yours was nowhere to be found and i searched everywhere i could imagine. I hope the situation is clearer now.

By the way, you're missing all the "fun" on FC...

Here's the request:


"User Status" (2014-Jan-3)

Salutations Red Eyed C,

I've noticed the descriptor under my alias keeps changing. For example, it was saying "AF Grower" previously and now it reads "Junior AFN Member" (...) so perhaps it would be a good idea just to put "Vaporist" in there as this won't change anytime soon.

What do you say?



I searched again, still no sign of such a user-option...
Here's the request:


"User Status" (2014-Jan-3)

Salutations Red Eyed C,

I've noticed the descriptor under my alias keeps changing. For example, it was saying "AF Grower" previously and now it reads "Junior AFN Member" (...) so perhaps it would be a good idea just to put "Vaporist" in there as this won't change anytime soon.

What do you say?



I searched again, still no sign of such a user-option...


The user title I believe is based on your # of posts and possibly your user reputation (don't quote me on that, but I do know the title automatically changes depending on when a certain criteria is met.) It's completely automatic; nobody is purposely changing your stuff on you :hug:

The ability to change your own user title is another permission granted I believe again when you reach a certain amount of posts.

To see if you have the ability to do so, you can go into Settings (at the top upper right hand of the screen,) and on the menu bar on the left hand side titled "My Settings," click on EDIT PROFILE. The second heading down should read something like:

Optional Information - All information will be viewable by other forum members.

And directly under that is an option for Custom User Title and a text box to put it in. If you do not see it; you may not have enough posts under your belt to have that privilege yet.

I will see if something can be done to get your user title changed; but you may just have to play ball like everyone else with the criteria to be able to change it. Hang in there bro; we'll get it figured out. From one vapor enthusiast to another! :peace:
do you really think any of us pay a whole lot of attention to that? most of us are smart enough to read the post and judge by that. The rating just tells us if your active or mostly a lurker.
Egzozet...Evening mate :tiphat: I believe you have a lot t`offer the Vape section. I`m not really bothered about `hot and dry` aspect. If we all thought and acted the same, then, there`d be no reason for forums/discussions/arguements...
As far as Red eye c not getting back t`ya...Well, He is a mate of mine and I`ve not heard from him in a while either! Perhaps, he`s busy...I dont know mate. I do know that you get more `options`(as far as playing with your profile etc), when you`ve been an active member(as it should be!) imho. You could be Jorge Cevantes, but you`d still have t`build your rep and adhere to the principle of contribution/paying it forward mate...All the best fella! :peace: :Sharing One:(I`d have passed a vape, but, I don`t think there is one yet! :grin: )