quoting karma here:
'[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Karma's OG
Kind of says it all, this my persenol baby bred without being influenced by outside opinions.
I will try and explain the whole breeding on the line here .
First starting with the base building blocks.
OG#17 (female)(extinct) is a cut that i got from a close friend called Bear. he selected it from seeds, it made thicker orange type hairs, and was on the more sour side in smell and flavour. Light green, some people smoked this at some 420 cup when the volcane boombed.
HA-OG (female) A older OG cut i got from US in 2009. Orange county region in cali.
SFV OG Kush BX2 (male)(extinct) This male came from a first release of cali conection in there start up. It was a very nice male which made many good hybrids,
Step 1
HA-OG X SFV OG Kush BX2 = Lucifer OG (f1)
Step 2
male selection on Lucifer OG
Step 3
HA-OG X Lucifer OG = Biker Kush V1.0 (aka HA-OG BX1)
Male selection on Biker Kush v1.0 (this the a male i still use for many hybrids he a special stud)
Step 5
OG#17 X Biker Kush V1.0 = Bear OG (f1)
Step 6/7/8/9/10/11
From the Bear OG i have been doing selections for 2 years and been inbreeding it to a F4 at the moment.
Which was done with Mutiple selected Females and Males every round. (I did listed to the Old farts on this one)
That what is called Karma's OG (BearOGf4)'