Hehehehhe sour stumped grape, looks so colory and prettySign me up for the sour crack x grape stomper og.
Sign me up for the sour crack x grape stomper og.
Sign me up for the sour crack x grape stomper og.
Hehehehhe sour stumped grape, looks so colory and pretty
Yeah, me too. I like those dark leaves.
Geez, how'd I miss this update!? Just gorgeous!!! They're all mouth watering, but who doesn't love some fat purple fan leaves? Fine, in 2020 you can go on vacation. We'll give you that, but no sooner! Keep up the great work!
"AFN smoke out"
Man, oh man...I haven't even gotten my first run of Mephisto seeds, and already I'm wanting more and more just from browsing here!
Everyone has great suggestions about what seeds to try out there, but with all the amazing work you put into your strains, it feels like I'll never get to them because there's always another jaw-dropping, mind-blowing Mephisto strain on the horizon to snatch my attention instead! Keep up the amazing work, Mitch. I know I'll be ordering direct from you for a long time to help support the farm.
Oh yeah! Gimme sum dat sour stomp! Drooling over that frosty grape color! Ganjaliscious!!! :stylez rasta smoke:
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