Photoperiod The Incredible Bulk Adventure

Day 35: time for the weekly update. Flipped the girls to 12/12 today. Nutrients are mixed to 80% of the pictured chart. They showed signs of nutrient burn at 90% so I baked off back to 80%. As soon as the smaller plants fill the holes I will do the first Defoliation. I think the smaller plants are stretching a little less because there is more light at that end of the garden. One of the LED drivers does not dim so it is running 4 of the cobs higher than all of the others. So far so good on this "Adventure".



Day 42: Flower Day 7: Time for the weekly update.

Can you say stretch? Wow the girls are reaching for the sky. I have verified they are all girls. I need to move my fan so I can raise the lights more. I have an extra mounting bracket coming. I am upping the nutrients to 100% of the chart amounts. I have cleaned the drain pan and defoliated below the net.





All is on track. I turned on the Roleadros so I have a total of ~800watts of LEDs running right now.
So the PPMs of the runoff went over 2000 yesterday; that inspired me to do a 1 day flush with plain PHed water. The runoff from the flush came down to 1400 PPMs. If you can average the top of the block @ 0 and the bottom of the block @ 1400 then the average would be about 700 PPMs. I don't know if that logic is valid? I think that the larger plants are using more water and leaving the nutrients behind concentrating them in the block/runoff. If this is true then I need to back off on the nutrients as this action will concentrate them to the higher levels I want in the block.

I have been wanting to do a Flower Flush anyway so it did not take much to convince me to go ahead with it. I like to clean out my reservoir and start with fresh nutes so you know that they are in balance. I decided to go with 80% of the Flower Week 2 chart. the actual amounts used in 6.1 gallons of water are on this chart:

Wow. The first picture and the fallowing text got me glued. I have been looking for your adventure but i couldnt find it. But now im here and... Wow. You are describing everything so good, but its still a haze for an "noob" like me. What an setup, and the way the girls look you are doing "awesomeness" things to them.
I have allready put my sofa with food and drinks for 2 months just in front of your grow-room. Rock on!
Thanks @RamboGarden

I want to share my learning experiences with all who are interested. I have been growing organic fruit, vegetables and flowers outdoors in the San Joaquin Valley of California USA for well over 40 years, long before "organic" was a thing. Small exposures to pesticides have always made me feel poorly - maybe I was a bug in a previous life - LOL. I have had some colossal failures as well as noteworthy crops. With my bad back and problems with nsaids I have come full circle back to cannabis first to party with the "Hippies in the 60s" and now to relieve pain.

I love learning new stuff and the Hugo grow blocks and rosin are my latest adventures.
Growing cannabis suits you like a hand in a glove. What an journey. You started your life having fun and smoking weed, you worked as a "green tumb" for many years and now you got pain in your back, so you need medicine. The most time of your life have been a "school" to make medicine for yourself. I bet you are pretty pleased with the knowledge you have. Could not have chose a better way to get the experience. This is a beautiful story of your life.
Day 49 flower Day 14: Time for the weekly update.

I put the second net in because I think the colas will need support down the road. I super cropped a couple of the tallest colas by accident which is no biggie since I have had to use that method to control height in the past. The runoff is coming in too high at over 2400 PPMs so I am letting the reservoir drop to 700 PPMs today then I will drop to 50% of week 3 strength. My goal is to have the blocks ~1200 PPMs. They make cool tools for measuring this in the block but I cannot afford one. So I just watch my plants and the runoff.

Plants are 30" to 36" tall.

Flowering is progressing well.



