Photoperiod The Incredible Bulk Adventure

Day 21: Time for the weekly update. The girls are doing well. LST to start later today or tomorrow. Watering every other day now using the "Heft" method to determine the need.

jesus mate your not messin about anyway. some set up you got there man. im not even entirely sure what it all is lol. are you gonna build a scrogg as you go along? im subbin up for this like, looks awesome! cant wait to see what you get up to in there.
jesus mate your not messin about anyway. some set up you got there man. im not even entirely sure what it all is lol. are you gonna build a scrogg as you go along? im subbin up for this like, looks awesome! cant wait to see what you get up to in there.

Welcome Scotsman:
If you read this thread from the beginning you will know what I know since this is the first time for me in rockwool!

Yes, I have a scrog screen to install. I was going to LST them first but they seem fairly compact and may not benefit from that. I should know more in a week or so.
sweet dude : ) . what exactly is that system your using? i did read but dont fully understand it. ive never seen one like that before. is that like a big, fast flow wilma type with massive rockwool cubes in it? light looks sick aswell man. looks like something out a terminator movie. half expecting it to start kickin off and shootin up your grow room lol.
Awesome setup and the plants are looking pristine!!Nice work!
When i truly learned to grow it was in excellent medium!! I just had a simple ebb n flow DOY flood table though..SOG
sweet dude : ) . what exactly is that system your using? i did read but dont fully understand it. ive never seen one like that before. is that like a big, fast flow wilma type with massive rockwool cubes in it? light looks sick aswell man. looks like something out a terminator movie. half expecting it to start kickin off and shootin up your grow room lol.

No, this is a very slow and precise drip system - only 3.6 oz per plant per 5 minute water cycle done 8 times per day in the daylight hours as described before. I have 65 inches of growth height but don't plan to use all of it.

"I'll be back"
Day 28: Time for the weekly update.

Water/nutes are running every day and the nutrient mix has been moved up to 80% of week 4 on the H&G calculator. These are the amounts for 6.1 gallons of water PH 5.7 950 PPM - 125 starting water for 825 PPMs:


The girls are doing well as you can see:
