New Grower The Hazzle's first grow

Temps at plant level are actually ok. Temp at top of tent are high so that's alright.

Still want it quieter though.
Day 55 F23 watered and upped bloom nutes to 15ml. Plenty of run off. More so than normal since defoliation so will lower water next time

Some of the stems have started turning pink/red is this something to be concerned about?
You can get some red stems with cold temperatures or phosphorus deficiencies. Usually with a phosphorus deficiency you see a lot of other symptoms first especially with your lower leaves. However, you are in flower now and if you're not starting to give some increased Bloom nutrients than maybe that's what you need to do.
Day 58/F 26
Watered them all with 15ml bloom in 10 litres. About 1200ml each.

Day 60 F28
Drank about 2litres each today getting v thirsty. Has been hot though.

Some leaves are sweating/transpiring where they are touching. Trying to get humidity down but not really working.
Just realised my extension lead has an LED on it, will it make a difference to the plants? I know some say they need pitch black and others say they obviously grow in the moonlight so not sure.
I always run my lights 24 hours a day it helps me keep a stable environment. But when I was growing photoperiod strains I used to put a little tape over all the LEDs that were glowing in my grow room. There's no reason taking any real chance. I have had green lights that I work under kind of wear out and start giving off too much regular light and they caused my plants to Foxtail tremendously at least that's what it looks like.
Day 61 F29
Watered 15ml bloom 5ml calmag plenty of run off. Prob over watering when I do water but I'm in coco and perlite and airpots so doubt I can over water really. Seems to get light 2 days later either way.

Smelling good now. Can't smell outside the tent but when you open it up it smells amazing. Got some ONA gel but not sure it will be doing much against these.

Moved the blurple led to the mini tent.

How long do you think I have left?
