Indoor The Giant Dr. Feelgood Project

hi there ! how are the feelgood doing kush ! ?

agreed kush with some light off periods liest a few hours kip for plants helps them ide say ! maybe its abit like a rest or a recharge getting ready for the next day !
the leccy part was on my mind also, so i made as eco friendly as i could an ive got my area running under 400w the lot , same as maybe a 40-50 inch plasma tv would pull from the wall ! i have one of the leds in veg mode .
light off time saves leccy
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They seem to be doing pretty well (day 25)......



Or at least it looks OK above ground!

Below ground it looks like the aeroponics bit is fine but the reality of it appears to be that you've only got between the pot and the base of the chamber before the roots end up clumping together on the floor and that is only a few inches in height. Round the edges of the chamber floor bunches of roots all run together down the channels the water run in - I think it would work better if I put NFT matting on the base so that the roots spread out when they hit it rather than just getting washed down towards the plug hole.

I think it would work even better is the aeroponics chamber was several times taller though......something I'll want to do something about before trying fogponics if I want to get the benefit of it.

Day 25 ? I am now officially getting apprehensive. :thumbsup:

I think you'll do fine with whatever strain we grow.........did you see how quickly the tap root grew? Hopefully that's typical with these and you'll have them cooking on bubbles in no time.

The Auto Gorilla OG I'm growing in the current test thread is a bigger strain and might be a better indication of what we'll be doing battle with - Dr Feelgood is a dwarf auto and I think we'll be growing a mid-size......and then some:smoking::d5:
Day 29:

Note the temp......if I could count on weather like this I could run more or bigger lights but in order to get away with that on less windy days I'd need more extraction to outside. One thing I have been wanting to do is to get a 2nd carbon filter and temp controlled extractor to use as a scrubber and to take heat to the cold side of the attic before the outside extractor kicks in at a higher temp as my grow room isn't well sealed and the colder plants seem to be smaller.

they have grown quick them I must say ! theyre filled out the aero in no time havnt they ! nice growing kush
nice temps aswell , that's like a summers day :cool1: