I love experiments! I had to go back to the first page and read about it a little. Good luck.
Ok I'm gonna sub to this because I think your experiments sound fun. Also as evol did say a true fem is ethylene blocked plant pollen x female. And yes your conditions are a great deal responsible for a plant to hermie. I've done a ton of stress tests on the breeding projects i do and on the mother / fathers i choose to breed with. And this may be a false statement and correct me if I'm wrong but from research I've done especially autos. If your conditions aren't really horrible then the plant that may have hermies is a bad gene. And as you progress practice hands on. You will want to find a true male and a true female or a true female to reverse. To try and eliminate that gene, or at least make it a dormant trait. Just an opinion to help out. Again this looks like a fun learning experience. Also keep up the good work and here at AFN it's more of a relaxed place so if some one sounds rude try and look at there words from a different perspective. As I as well have said things wrong in the past. And have been miss understood. Also we are all here to help with any questions you may have my friend. :stylez rasta smoke:
Thanks for stopping by!
I think your getting my point exactly. Call this breeding for rookies lol.
Mainly my issue was throwing away hundreds of free seeds when I spent so much and went through such a hassle to get the originals shipped here from Europe.
In the future if I was serious about breeding I would most definitely be using true male/females plants.
And I hold no hard feelings. I work in a very politically hostile work environment so I know how to not take things personally. I know I come across as an ass sometimes but that's not my intention. I'm just a very blunt person. No pun intended![]()
Take those free beans and throw em outside. That's what i do in the spring. I take all the freebies and put them out for the sun to make sweet love to them![]()
Check it out. I always start my autos that are going outside the second week in May where I live. By the time June rolls around and there old enough and big enough to go outside there out there and your looking at a harvest and curing before August! Planes don't fly til almost September. They can't tell marijuana from other plants like they say they can! They have to wait til the get heavy flower on top so they stand out. Never grow in a line. Stagger that shit everywhere. Stagger them so that if they ever did find them they would think your ass was drunk when ya did it! And never grow outside on your property unless you live in a medical marijuana state! I have a buddy that's ex DEA! He taught me everything I know! Just like the heat scans on house! Can't see shit unless your venting it outside! Exhaust under house or through clothes dryer vent port!
Yeah I'm pretty much a hoarder as well I'd do the same. Only I'd weed through and self the females. Also if ya need any help or need some good advice. We are all here to help. Also hope all goes well and you have some awesome good fun... I love genetics to the point that I wish I could seal every strain by the thousand in a vault and leave it. I case we can't get any originals anymore.