Day 16... BlackBerry auto
Topped at the third to start my trunk line..she's a beast...

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Whoaa...I havent seen that, since the last time i seen that!!! A mainlined auto..hmm ,you going for the 8 colas or 16??
Mmm an Outdoor grower I have always said..spring grown bud is much sweeter..
I Thought it was more about the terp dissipation with the intense you have me wondering if it is the Light spectrum.

Go [HASHTAG]#autowarriorsteam [/HASHTAG] :vibe:

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Anybody competing still need their [HASHTAG]#Gladiator[/HASHTAG] badge..?..just Tag me In..:headbang:

@Mossy I don't have mine. What are the badges for?
Yes that's what I said...I left out that you guys need to put your seat belts on cause I'm about to blow your doors off...

Neither one....
Stay tuned...the plot will thicken

Did you say a pot with chicken?? Damn i better go get some breakfast


My dog is Thinking the or the chicken..either is fair game for breakfast..if they come on this side of the fence...:headbang:

@Mossy I don't have mine. What are the badges for?

Grow Battle Competitors..:headbang:..

They will show up shortly..but if you already have 9 badges on show you may have to rotate them in on your profile.
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[HASHTAG]#autowarriors[/HASHTAG] take on all comers in the [HASHTAG]#fast[/HASHTAG] buds Grow Battle Grower of the Year 2017.


Entrants will have two staged battles to qualify in.

The First Grow Battle starts on 1-7th February 2017.
Ends no later than 30th April 2017

The Second Grow Battle starts 1st-7th May
Ends no later than July 30th.

These are the two Entry Level stages.

The Top 5 entries on both legs..judged by member poll..will then be Invited to participate in a Battle of Champions.
Top 10 Grow Battle Winners pitted against each other to decide the [HASHTAG]#fastbuds[/HASHTAG] Grower of 2017.

The Battle of Champions run date will be September through to December 2017.
Exact date to be arranged.

On the First leg due to start shortly the [HASHTAG]#autowarriors[/HASHTAG] Team will take on All Comers.

To qualify you simply have to come join the Grow Battle with any [HASHTAG]#fastbud[/HASHTAG] seed you have and start your germ in the [HASHTAG]#fastbuds[/HASHTAG] Grow Battle thread.

[HASHTAG]#BeThereifyoudare[/HASHTAG] the [HASHTAG]#autowarriors[/HASHTAG] are out to fill the [HASHTAG]#autoworriorssilver[/HASHTAG] cabinet for 2017.
@FastBuds , I would really Like to enter
The Second Grow Battle starts 1st-7th May
Ends no later than July 30th. I Would Really Like to Get A Chance

