Live Stoners The Cabin...


Medical Section Advisor
Dec 13, 2012
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Root & Eek's Cabin...

Hello All, with the last of summer coming to a head, and with Fall picking up steam, I thought I would need a place for our meanderings and projects we are working on.
This should break up the monotony of winter.

I have decided, with the Powdery Mildew incidents of last winter, that I would not be doing a grow during the dark months.

So instead we will concentrate on other things.


This is intended to be an interactive thread for all of you to participate.

Especially new comers.

I thought I could relay to EVERYONE how it is to live in a town, where the main commerce is MMJ. With a pop. of under 1000, it is an intersting place to say the least.

Yesterday, a lady root knows gave her about a half lb. of buds (untrimmed) because she said it was infested with bugs. But she said she saw them all jumping around when she went to pick them up. Well being a bit suspiscious of bugs on plants being seen with the naked eye, we took the stuff and inspected it with a microscope, and guess what?

Yup, NO pests, None whatsoever.

She might of had some bugs ON the plants, cuz she just left them to dry outside on a tarp or something on the ground.

we are gonna weigh it today.

That is one example, more to come on this soon...

So if you want to share a story or a rant, go ahead, plop down by the fire and start flapping yer jaws, we will listen.


bye for now

Eek N Root66


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Here are some snippets of things we can discuss.

2014-08-05 001 023.jpg2014-08-05 001 066.jpgbefore1013d (800x600).jpg100_5109.jpg100_4763.jpg2008-03-26 001 010.jpg2008-03-13 001 020 (640x425) (640x425).jpg2008-02-05 001 007 (640x425).jpgfarmacy seeds.gif

:niceshot:Hop digity"b0b's biker"
Sounds like my kind of town Eek! If I ever move back to California I'll have to look you up :dance2:

Lovely idea for a thread btw. I love a nice fire.
Not got a story right now, but do have a picture of a really nice log cabin.

Sounds like my kind of town Eek! If I ever move back to California I'll have to look you up :dance2:

Lovely idea for a thread btw. I love a nice fire.

Thanks O,

But not so fast, might wanna rethink the Geolographical Change, we got ripped (a tiny bit) the other night.

So I will talk more about it below.

Not got a story right now, but do have a picture of a really nice log cabin.


That's a hell of a snack bar, lol.

Okay like I said above. in the night two nights ago, someone entered my greenhouse and tore off about three colas of my Sour Orange Kush X Lemon Thai plants (2). didn't Touch the OG's or the Carmeliscious. Also the small plants were left along. They just broke the branches off, and a couple of them were broke but still attached. So the person did not excpect the plants to be so strong.

Ameteurs, they will not enter again, will shore up the GH wth inside attached fencing, and lots and lots of bailing wire.

We are gonna harvest the OG's. and the clone.

we will be overhauling the op for spring, having two more GH's 15 X7X7 foot greenhouses next year.

I hope to be on another property by then.

We feel violated.


What I wanted to talk about was my visit to a friend's garden. But I will wait for next time.

Ah Eek I'm sorry brother. I know the feeling. Violated is right. Hope you and Root aren't too shaken up. Sending loving vibes your guys' way.

:peace: :peace: :vibes: :karma Cloud: :vibes: :karma Cloud: :vibes: :peace: :peace:
The Dubs send our love to both of you my brother :hug::hug::hug::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud:
:hug::karma Cloud::Sharing One: Eek and Root-- I like the new Visitor Center here-- fine idea! :Cool bud: ....Yeah, I remember that pm war! Small blame for not wanting to go through that again,... :slaps:
I thought I could relay to EVERYONE how it is to live in a town, where the main commerce is MMJ. With a pop. of under 1000, it is an intersting place to say the least.
....Ahhh, I can only dream,....:grin: My CA town/general area is a highly butt-puckered conservative-run one, alas.... only delivery services, no walk-in dispensaries here! Some jack-ass tried several years ago, illegally, looking for permission after the fact, and managed to piss the whole political machine here off big-time, and thereby f*cking it up for everybody else now!! :pimphand:...
... Those bugs sound like springtails-- harmless indeed! Too bad they chose to dry that stuff with such indifference.... I hope it's still good stuff! At least untrimmed it had some protection...:thumbs:

>> O', Arty :Cheers: cheers mates! ....LOL! Nice mini-man cave... :smoke:...or love shack! (now we're giving eek naughty ideas,..."Bailers Booya"-LMAO!!)

.... :woohoo: :d5: Go Giants, baby!! I can hardly believe it Eek,... they're back again!! ....we'll see tonight if they travel back to 'Lois with their proverbial boot on the Cards' rear-ends...! It's almost too much, really,... not!! :grin:

.... :firedevil:Gaaahhh!! I'm sorry and furious to hear about the stinking asshole violators you guys! This time of year, there's a lot of heart break going around-- witness poor eP,...crushed! Thankfully in your case, it sounds like a couple punk-ass opportunistic rippers, but still, word is out now about your spot,... :goodluck::karma Cloud::goodluck: for finding a better, safer spot my friends! :dance2:..for those two new shweeeet GH's! ... and for continued success with you business ventures-- may have to do some shopping soon! I'll ask specifics a bit later,...
Eek, Root, so sorry to hear about the rippers. :hug:Was the gifted bud decent enough to offset this loss?

Great idea for a thread. Looking forward to following along. "AFN smoke out"
Ah Eek I'm sorry brother. I know the feeling. Violated is right. Hope you and Root aren't too shaken up. Sending loving vibes your guys' way.

:peace: :peace: :vibes: :karma Cloud: :vibes: :karma Cloud: :vibes: :peace: :peace:

Hey Officinalis,

Thanks for the Karma and Vibes, we appreiciate it.

The Dubs send our love to both of you my brother :hug::hug::hug::karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud:

We feel it from you and the Mrs. And Everyone here, we are blessed.

:hug::karma Cloud::Sharing One: Eek and Root-- I like the new Visitor Center here-- fine idea! :Cool bud: ....Yeah, I remember that pm war! Small blame for not wanting to go through that again,... :slaps:
....Ahhh, I can only dream,....:grin: My CA town/general area is a highly butt-puckered conservative-run one, alas.... only delivery services, no walk-in dispensaries here! Some jack-ass tried several years ago, illegally, looking for permission after the fact, and managed to piss the whole political machine here off big-time, and thereby f*cking it up for everybody else now!! :pimphand:...
... Those bugs sound like springtails-- harmless indeed! Too bad they chose to dry that stuff with such indifference.... I hope it's still good stuff! At least untrimmed it had some protection...:thumbs:

>> O', Arty :Cheers: cheers mates! ....LOL! Nice mini-man cave... :smoke:...or love shack! (now we're giving eek naughty ideas,..."Bailers Booya"-LMAO!!)

.... :woohoo: :d5: Go Giants, baby!! I can hardly believe it Eek,... they're back again!! ....we'll see tonight if they travel back to 'Lois with their proverbial boot on the Cards' rear-ends...! It's almost too much, really,... not!! :grin:

.... :firedevil:Gaaahhh!! I'm sorry and furious to hear about the stinking asshole violators you guys! This time of year, there's a lot of heart break going around-- witness poor eP,...crushed! Thankfully in your case, it sounds like a couple punk-ass opportunistic rippers, but still, word is out now about your spot,... :goodluck::karma Cloud::goodluck: for finding a better, safer spot my friends! :dance2:..for those two new shweeeet GH's! ... and for continued success with you business ventures-- may have to do some shopping soon! I'll ask specifics a bit later,...

We are good, and not shaken. But them G-Men, gonna make me happy as all hell maybe.

Thanks for the thoughts and Karma.

Thanks W,

Eek, Root, so sorry to hear about the rippers. :hug:Was the gifted bud decent enough to offset this loss?

Great idea for a thread. Looking forward to following along. "AFN smoke out"

Welcome AB,

Glad you came over. The rippers will be taken care of in thier own life's fabric. Just a stitch in my own.

Best wishes to you and your's

Eek n Root