New Grower The brewery does it doggystyle

Well, here we are...

day 28:

422ppm,80°,6.0ph on 1st initial test..

water smelled a little funky so we pumped some out, and added fresh in while introducing calmag,and silica to the res with an npk of 2-2-1.

Let it stir up and now get a 450ppm,77° reading, and lowered ph to around 5.5.. admittedly i got lazy about checking daily for a couple days, but it didnt harm anything and shes ok..
I also had a scare through the mail with some beans being confiscated. Nothing happened and I've been told nothing will,but nonetheless I've been chilling out.. As I said before this may be my only journal,but I will try my best to honor and finish it, as well as the competition.

Have a great day everyone
Don't get lazy, it will pay of in the end mate! :d5:
Damn what a scare. I would be on edge even if nothing comes of it, or rather a nervous reck, hope all is well!
Boy what a scare that must have been.
Yea it was a scare, but all has been resolved as of yesterday. I got a call from the federal postal police. I pretty much got some scary scenarios played out for me, and was told basically to knock it off. They said it wasn't worth their time, and they didn't care what I do in the privacy of my own home, but repeatedly said they would come to me if they really wanted, and open an investigation. Long story short I don't see myself ordering anything within the states again, will go through places with stealth shipping from overseas, and I'm glad it's case closed on that shit...
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Don't get lazy, it will pay of in the end mate! :d5:
Damn what a scare. I would be on edge even if nothing comes of it, or rather a nervous reck, hope all is well!
Oh for sure bro. It was just a couple days of being hungover. I notice they get worse with age,lol. She's doing well though as I'll get into on my next update. Thanks for the well wishes and I hope all is well for you too!
onward and forward to..
day 35:

As of last night she is at: 420ppm,5.8ph ,77°F, and taking up about half gallon a day now. We gave her ph'd water the past couple days as her ppm was creeping up a bit, but she is pretty stable again now and loving life. She did have slight N toxicity, but that has also faded away.. She has shown her lady bits but is showing no intention of slowing down at all. The roots look nice and white as well. She seems to be leaning a bit to one side but it doesn't affect her at all. We just keep trying to rotate her often.

Tangie: has officially been removed, chopped, and is curing. She is our personal best at 9.5 oz altogether. And I couldn't be more happy. She was some work but now it has paid off:


Stardawg(the bucket behind chemdoggin): was germed and in the root riot, but my dumb ass accidentally chopped off almost half her tap root. I left her in hopes of her coming back. As of yesterday I took a peek into the root riot, and it looks like she might pull through as I'm seeing signs of growth still, but I have yet to see her show herself to the world.
If she doesn't make it, then for the purpose of this journal, I might either turn my focus on the double grape I have in the front bucket, or on a west coast O.G. I have on deck next. As of this morning, double grape has shown herself to the world but I didn't get a pic yet. I wanted to leave the humidity dome on her all day today and check later.
That's all I got for this week, I hope everyone has a great day [emoji38][/IMG]
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Yea it was a scare, but all has been resolved as of yesterday. I got a call from the federal postal police. I pretty much got some scary scenarios played out for me, and was told basically to knock it off. They said it wasn't worth their time, and they didn't care what I do in the privacy of my own home, but repeatedly said they would come to me if they really wanted, and open an investigation. Long story short I don't see myself ordering anything within the states again, will go through places with stealth shipping from overseas, and I'm glad it's case closed on that shit...

Holy Shit :frowny::frowny::frowny::frowny::frowny::frowny::frowny:....Glad it is behind you

I am so happy to know they feel it is not worth their time. :baby:

I know I would have shit the royal BRICKS. @EvilScotsman @mcpd_refugee @SPZ see what went down. :jawdrop:
Wow let me get this straight, 9.5 oz of one plant and the federal postal police are going to call off the hounds? Is that the 9.5 oz in those eight jars? And you have stardawg, double grape and og on deck?

You should to buy a lottery ticket, cause you are on a good streak, keep up the good work!