Sounds like a Life Mantra to me...

...what are ya doing..@
just laying about getting fat and stoned senseless....
hmmm...I could do that...[emoji3]

..damn Munchies......I Wish I'd had breakfast...but we are eating mid day today... sky no breeze..almost tempted to BBQ..but it seems a waste to crank it up for 4 chops...
Me too...

..and I posted half of it....wake n bake has a lot to answer for..
Batter mix
@Growtogrow ...texture like a savoury choux pastry...
Without the sausage..can be eaten savory with gravy...or filled with jam for a sweet treat...
or if you are my husband with the sweet munchies can be eaten with sausage and jam....[emoji3]
He was sitting debating sweet savory with himself...sarcasm overcame me and I said why not do both..?
Cover that pizza you left before in jam.......and..he did.....[emoji3]...animal..
@St. Tom [emoji3]...I Hope she makes one for you...

You would be Welcome
@BCBudlady ...
English tradition..make the yorkies big enough to fit the whole meal in...
sweet or savory....