Yesterday me cooked some chicken fricassee...
The little glisten of goodness floating on the surface is exactly what I value in the rib soup...

Cough...cough 1.000.000 scoville meal:smoking:i can sent you a bottle, but be aware and have a fire extinguesher nearby....
I have a Trinidad Scorpion that is similar...

.but you better not...I'd be tempted to rub it around the toilet seat when hubby was working his ticket....or soak his toothbrush in it....

Got me Evil head on today...

Must admit..Scotch Bonnet is my Favourite...Clean fresh burst of heat..then gone..
The Scorpion has a 20 minute after burn...
Mossy , that is wrong . I would die to have that now .

Ps I need your recipe .
So Simple
@hecno rely on the ribs for a lovely delicate stock...and anything you throw in is small quantities so it doesn't disturb it too much.
Ribs..with bones..pressure cooker 20 minutes to get the marrow goodness out of the bones.
3 or 4 bay leaves.
Finely diced peppers..I had green yellow and red..coz I had fresh..fine dice coz you don't need to skin them..

Half a chilli pepper to taste..
half an inch chopped ginger...
(I Like big slices of ginger..but I have to Hide it from hubby...

..fine dice..)
Pressure cooker 10 minutes...
Salt to taste..and a handful of any rice noodles you have...couldn't be simpler...

..wakes your tastebuds up and gets the circulation going...
The other good alternate..simply leek and ginger...
