Can I just say...bad vibe..insults etc can all be sorted..

I'm the most laid back staff you have...

you can't insult me...after working with Stoners for so long it is like watter off a ducks back...
I don't hold's too short...
and I understand we can all have a Bad day..:pass:..I'm the Queen of second chances..

All totally resolvable..:shrug: ever Bad a day you are having..if you feel like threatening site..just walk away a few days...coz you escalate it right out of my hands.

It is a standard life time second chances...on probably any site on the net.

So please..don't do it..even as a last resort.
Yea im sorry Mossy, I wont go against the actual site anymore.
I wish I wasnt the way I can be sometimes.
I have a history in life of being quick to hit people, not proud of it at all.
Just the way I grew up I suppose.

Sorry again girl! I truly want only the best for everyone in my heart.

imma Gemini lol
Ha ha brilliant
I've just finnished my cornbeff omlete best breakfast ever gotta try this folks

Yeah..........:chef:..he Loves the corned beef omletes...

Last night..bearing in mind we had our big meal through the day..lamb chops...

He came in...demolished 1 1/2 of the corned beef hash...gluten free bread slice with pork dripping egg sani with 3 eggs in....
Then he was up through the night quaffing aloe vera because he got never learns...:biggrin:
but... I have plenty aloe vera...and I can fillet it like a Pro now....:biggrin:

Yea im sorry Mossy, I wont go against the actual site anymore.
I wish I wasnt the way I can be sometimes.
I have a history in life of being quick to hit people, not proud of it at all.
Just the way I grew up I suppose.

Sorry again girl! I truly want only the best for everyone in my heart.

imma Gemini lol

You are Fine with me @Alchemy .. :headbang:..I don't hold grudges.
Yea im sorry Mossy, I wont go against the actual site anymore.
I wish I wasnt the way I can be sometimes.
I have a history in life of being quick to hit people, not proud of it at all.
Just the way I grew up I suppose.

Sorry again girl! I truly want only the best for everyone in my heart.

imma Gemini lol
Good brother!:pass:Get you some edibles and chill:glutton:and btw Mossy is a Lady:kiss: