Did someone mention the new Rule @Vapo69 .....?..................:what?:...If the members outgrow the Staff Team....we are swapping places end of 2019....:yoinks:...Yup.......:smoker:....I Think it is only Fair......

Think on that when you members are adding your ferts........:watering:...it Could be a Trap..............

Yay [HASHTAG]#staffteam[/HASHTAG] :amazon:

@TheMongol ....ssshhhhhhhh..lean in closer..
..closer...put your hand 'round your screen..so the rest can't read it..........

What have we done for the last months solid..........?...we've worked our bits off negotiating loads of kit for the members to Battle with....it has been some hard slog...:pass:..so it seems only Fair they do the same for us in 2020 and we get to sit back..smoke dope..and Battle....while they do the same for us....huh..?..huh..?...huh..?


Seriously though @E Grower ..we will be Recruiting Staff specific for Battle Duties..no other site duties....
if you wanna try..stick around and Look helpful..you will be press-ganged..I mean..recruited........:headbang:


Well then I am buying some milk. Probably extra fortified super duper milk that builds muscle.
"Game on Warriors" I am coming for your Titles. :pighug:
What's up peeps just wanted to let everyone know things in Dabberville are looking better, sorry for my delay in getting things started but I'm in the game now and just a little smack talk to let the [HASHTAG]#afngladiators[/HASHTAG] I'm in it to win it :funny:
:salute: You dreaming Aunty:pass:

Praying @TheMongol ..:pass:..praying...

Feeder roots begin near the surface, not in the depths. The first 4 -6" of the rootzone are the most important, and what everyone calls the tap root is seeking water not O2 and nutrients.

Here's a quote from Dutch Passion's blog

Q. What is the cannabis tap root and why is it so important

  1. The tap root is the strong main root which emerges from a germinated cannabis seed. Experienced growers know it is important not to damage the tap root, doing so will slow down plant growth. But contrary to popular opinion the tap root is not essential to cannabis growth, plants grown from cuttings don’t have a traditional tap root yet they still produce large plants which are genetically identical to the mother plant.
My point is I don't see where the length of the tap root has any bearing on plant size. I find no science to support your conjecture. I want to see a comparative grow of seedlings allowed to stretch this much VS normally grown plants. And one of each is not a valid test.

i never made any inference to it being hard to do, i question the validity of doing so.

And a myth is is a story told to you by anyone else that has no supporting evidence. And I didn't say you started a myth, but that you may be spreading one. If we were to believe every old tale told by old time cannabis growers, we'd all be planting according to the signs of the Zodiac and pissing on our plants while chanting and dancing backwards.....

back up your words with evidence, not hostility. What I post isn't put out there to annoy you, i don't know you and have no reason to. I post replies to stimulate a discussion that may or may not bring out facts to support or deny a statement. If that offends you, it wasn't meant to. i'll not however apologize for stating an opinion, injecting factual information, or questioning anyone's assertions regarding how plants function.

Again. And again. Im not here telling anyone grow like me. If u choose to thats fine. I know what works for me and i haven't grown a plant under 100 gs in years. Besides my couple 1 gallons. And fine roots form off a tap root. So after a month or so once plant is stable in my opinion if you fill ur pot up more with soil yull create more root hairs thus creating more roots = bigger plant. My opinion people. Dont copy me please. How i supposed be grower of year if everyone copy. Huh the longer tap root mors root hairs can grow off. Why do outdoor plants in ground no pots so big. Long ass tap root

Proof is in the end photos/results...:shrug:..simple as that for me.

SHOW me at the end of the Battle..:watering:
@archie gemmill General battle

Week 3 update

Quantum Boards Samsung LM301B rocking the show 1 of the first LED'S beating 200lm/w tuned to 358ųmol through Meanwell driver the Superskunkys to Big Babys at week 2 day 6 old, fastest and lushest ever had, temps and rh stable, as for supersoil [HASHTAG]#flo[/HASHTAG] it's a only [HASHTAG]#wateringsystem[/HASHTAG] group shot...
View attachment 1015974

twin shot...
View attachment 1015975

even Pepe is catching up...
View attachment 1015978

and Penelope doing that much better...
View attachment 1015983

and the outstanding light...
View attachment 1015985
View attachment 1015986
View attachment 1015987

Happy Growing AFN

Lush growth @TheMongol ..:headbang:
Sorry..we needed a second opinion Battle Manager :pighug: Hobbsey in Da House now...:headbang:..but coz you Team are the Battle Managers..you Qualify...:biggrin:

Evening @iampepe :bighug:
Good day Mossy :pass: Just lit my first for the day, procrastinating going out in the cold and snow to mix some soil.
How in the world you think that is a insult
@Mossy idk?

Thats simply letting him grab a understanding of the differences in our ways of thinking.

And youll get stomped barking up my tree, if you ever think you'll scare me into not speaking freely. Especially when ive been nothing but str8 respectful to everyone..

Ban me for no reason, and itll be a loss of your staff membership and ill Make sure of it.(discrimination) banning people bc of their personality.

Show the main site moderator/owner what you quoted as a insult and see if they think thats grounds for a ban. Lol

Ill say it to.you.as well mossy, "you quote others, and I create quotes" oh hell thats a insult I suppose.... not im my country hunny.

What you.said to me, was far more of a insult and a biased, discriminatory way of thinking.

If im calling people racial slurs thats grounds for ban.

You should prolly only be a site member IMO from your last comment, using staff power to attempt to control people from saying very simple sayings, lol wow.

Your are not a member of government, and should only intervene when needed, your just being a troublemaker it seems.
Any1 can see I was being real cool with pop22

I'm a site owner; if it's less intimidating for you to talk to a man instead of a woman, I understand (Mossy is a site owner as well though, just to clarify who you just insulted and called "hunny.")

In efforts to understand what went down, I went through the exchanges here and am baffled how this needed to escalate with threats? When we strip the forum down to the minimum, it's grown adults (and you are all adults) that are passionate about things they love doing, love talking about, and love sharing in those experiences. You had a disagreement with a member (they had a disagreement with you,) and that's fine, that's the internet. That's a forum. That's a cannabis forum, if we want to specific lol. But when that conversation and communication breaks down and degenerates and turns into a public show, then it's no longer fun for anyone. It's not fun for members to read condescending comments (and now threats) like you've made. Our staff have to make difficult decisions on how to moderate the forum to help keep the peace and vibe and those decisions are not always easy to make, nor are they always favorable or taken as favorable by some. Sometimes decisions are made that afterwards we go "shit, maybe we could have handled that different." But they do the best they can with what they're provided and we can't ask much more than that from volunteers. If one of our staff (in this instance an admin and site owner) asks you to keep it civil, you likely crossed a boundary. There was a real simple response/solution to that to (for future reference, the words "sorry, won't happen again" quells about 95% of the staff/member disputes around here) but instead a different path was chosen, a self-righteous path. All members are guests of this site (and expected to follow our rules, including but not limited to civility.)

I dont tread carefully for any1 bro when im in the right...
And I truly know hackers on the dark web that can crash this whole site.for months to come and If I get banned un justly, Ill pay one to.do just that. I promise.

This site wld be cake, talking about guys who pull bit coin heist. Ive done zero wrong keep that on mind, go back re read all my posts, ive been respectful.

We don't take threats to the site or member security very lightly at all. We'll do our due diligence and whatever is necessary to protect the site, so keep that in mind when making comments like this. I'm baffled how a simple exchange this morning has made you want to burn this place to the ground and threaten everyone's security (and you are threatening everyone with your comment, so you're clear on how it was perceived and taken.) You have some threads about wanting to start your own genetics line (Seed Bandit, right?) Just food for thought on public perception, how is that going to come across when people see you threatening everyone over a simple exchange of words? You going to threaten to release addresses of your potential customers if they give you a bad review or have germ problems?

I think some time off the site would be best for you in this situation. If after 7 days you want to come back and can control yourself; we're down to give you a second chance (shit happens, we all have shitty mornings and say things in haste sometimes, I even talked to some staff members that you chat with and they told me you had some health issues going on this morning) but apologies are nice and threats are shitty, so bear that in mind. I'm sorry this morning has you so weighted down but we have some standards for civility and expectations on the site too, so take a few days off and get balanced. If you're serious about being a member here, let's chat in a week. If not, move on. I don't think I can make a more fair offer than that (in the face of someone who just threatened the site.)

We'll be cleaning up some of the comments here shortly and will reopen the thread for business as usual!
Can I just say...bad vibe..insults etc can all be sorted..

I'm the most laid back staff you have...

you can't insult me...after working with Stoners for so long it is like watter off a ducks back...
I don't hold grudges..life's too short...
and I understand we can all have a Bad day..:pass:..I'm the Queen of second chances..

All totally resolvable..:shrug:

But..how ever Bad a day you are having..if you feel like threatening site..just walk away a few days...coz you escalate it right out of my hands.

It is a standard life time Ban..no second chances...on probably any site on the net.

So please..don't do it..even as a last resort.