The AutoDuck Project!


The burnt leaves at the top are from hot-spots under the lights. I only got a tiny space and can't avoid some burning after they get a certain size. As for nutes, they're at 2.2EC pH 6.1 and could take more if I was game to give it.

gotcha, just checkin :)
77 Day Dragon Ducks -- 35 Days Flower.


Dunno what's going on in my tent. Got symptoms of either bleaching under the LEDs or a nute toxicity, probably P, and if that's the case these gals don't all have the same appetites. Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] could easily take more, though Gals [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2 may have had enough already. Or, these new lights are too much for my dimensions. Using 5W chips in these as opposed to 3W on my last set, and this is my first run with them.

Check the hot spots on the tent reflection and see what you think...? The pattern matches the bleached areas perfectly:

I've taken action on both fronts; turned lights down to veg mode only, and flushed the coco well about two days ago -- and they already shot new pistils! From the tip burn (which I get from hotspots too) I suspect there could be slight nute toxicity, so a refresh won't hurt; I'll see how they feel about it over the next week.

The recent gal, singed, tired, waiting to get it over with...


Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], suffering more than I'd like, though she's greener under the shade leaves and that suggests bleaching... Strong new rush since I flushed her and I'm happy with that.


Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is certainly less affected and whatever this thing is, or combination of things it may be, I hope to spare her any more grief. Both she and her sister are too damned important!


Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], and for this nute pig the other too may be suffering (for, of course, I didn't think to dilute their feed). She's still pushing buds, despite the heavy autumn colors! This thing is typical sati-dom hungry and hardy.


My pick is still Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and when taking them to the sink for the flush the bouquet coming off her was a spectacular burst of fruit and citrus and kush! Lingered in my nostrils for a quarter hour at least.

See you all in a week, when these gals are a little happier.

So I got the posse around,

And we're scratching heads and furrowing brows and pulling faces a chimp would envy, and muttering our singular brand of gibberish passed around a big one stuffed with Exodus Cheese.

Now, among these rock-apes and I, you're talking near a century of experience, so situation sorted, right?
'Looks cooked,' one says, thumbing burnt tips on bleached tops.
'Nah, Dickhead, the big fans'd show it too,' his brother says, and pulls on the Cheese.
'They should be in bigger pots,' the apprentice remarks, eyeing the Cheese.
Our Yoda runs his finger along the yellowing tops. 'Don't think it's off the lights. Looks apical, some kinda def,' he mutters.

And so we bullshit on, sometimes about the problem, mostly about who-the-hell-knows? till my always-baked wingman actually passes his turn at the Cheese and wanders to my instruments. He checks the leftover nutes and scratches his stubble. I've forgotten about the Cheese about now -- and as he starts rummaging his pack it hits me! He grabs his fancy Hanna TDS pen and checks the nutes and I wanna puke. Now the apes have quit yakking too and we all clap eyes on a blinking Er code. I diluted with equal parts water before we got a read of 1570ppm, around 3.2 EC!

So, I spent the next half hour getting told I'm a cheap asshole, won't buy proper pens, too lazy to calibrate my junk, that I gotta be the biggest swinging dick with my fancy LEDs, and ya ain't seen this shit with no sodium! So I should, 'pull your fecking head in, mate -- it ain't a bloody race!'
'I was just trying ta keep up with that bitch [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG],' I says.
Their conclusion: I'm a rookie dickhead [even though I taught all of 'em but one], and just let 'em finish nice and easy on water.

I say, a pox on all their houses!

Still, I am on water and will stay on it. Can't dispute much of their shit 'cause even though they're just slingin' it from their HID bias, I don't know enough about symptoms of this type with LEDs to say much, except, they're flippin' right -- ain't never seen this shit with sodiums...! Okay, EC was friggin' near toxic, and because both Momma Duck and Poppa Dragon were strong feeders, I'm not convinced it was really too much for all but that [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] plant, who's still just chugging along!

Can't really say what the stuff is going on for sure, and I'd appreciate it if anyone out there that's seen this could. I'll post pics tomorrow when the beating I got off those ass-picking butt-sniffing weed-rats wears off.

...Whatever, y'know?


We've studied the problem. It's the lights. It's become obvious to us all that now, in the my poor Ducks sorry bleached condition, that the affected areas perfectly conform to the hotspots under the lights. Tops away from the worst of it are perfectly fine so the conclusion is inescapable. This conclusion has been confirmed by experienced LED guys, elsewhere. The conclusive factor is that they've not responded to plain water flushing, and they should well have by now were that the problem. Instead, even on veg setting, the problem has only advanced on all surfaces not shielded by large fans; tops under large fans are fine.

I'm disgusted! I've used this popular brand with good results in the past so thought nothing of their 'upgrading' to 5W chips. These units are brand new and absolutely worthless! I'll not mention the brand, but will be watching for others who'll suffer this bullsh-t, eventually.

As it is, my Ducks are suffering and I'ma go confiscate my GrowSuns from my wingman. They're not ideal because I loose four precious inches of height, but it beats these turkeys roasting my Ducks! To be honest, don't know if I'll manage to stretch them much further before the chop -- and again I'm stressing over seed viability!

No, I'm not putting up pics, it's too tragic a sight! I'm seriously steamed!
85 Day Dragon Ducks -- 43 Days Flower.

F-ck the usual greeting!

I'm bloody steamed and wanna hop a jet to China and kick some asshole's butt back to Mars! Scrapped that LED junk and literally took a hammer to it! Most fun I've had in ages.

Wasn't gonna post pics horrible as these but for the sake of others who are bound to encounter this issue as these bullshit lights spread in the marketplace I figured I'd curb my ego and try get my temper under control and just show everyone what LED bleaching actually looks like -- those f-cking 5W IR chips are too much!

Took my GrowSuns back and found a new way to mount them and not sacrifice the height (amazing what you can do when you're pissed enough!), and I'ma try save my Dragon Ducks. Dunno if I can, but I'll sure try, as these lights are absolutely premium -- and wasn't nothing cheap about them! I've got my Ducks on soft veg setting and mild nutes again and seriously hoping for the best (and, yes, I recalibrated my bloody instruments!).

The recent gal, tired, scorched, bleached and just hanging on...


My Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], totally suffering -- and I've not felt this homicidal since I worked the f-cking door back in Brooklyn!


And if any of you are in doubt about these crap lights, here's what the buds look like under the fan leaves where they ain't getting nuked! To the right bleached to hell, to the left, under the big fan, nice and green!

Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and I'm most angry about her. I'll try hard to save her.


Bitch [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] and despite all her nute starvation she's borne up under all the abuse quite well; don't think anything can kill this thing! Still, realized when I was ripping that cheap Chinese shit down that this one and the recent gal have only been on veg setting so I can see why this one ain't too bad -- that and its natural resilience.


Okay, I'ma sign off now before I say shit that'll get me in trouble around here. See you all when and if these things recover, or at least start to...

85 Day Dragon Ducks -- 43 Days Flower.

F-ck the usual greeting!

I'm bloody steamed and wanna hop a jet to China and kick some asshole's butt back to Mars! Scrapped that LED junk and literally took a hammer to it! Most fun I've had in ages.

Wasn't gonna post pics horrible as these but for the sake of others who are bound to encounter this issue as these bullshit lights spread in the marketplace I figured I'd curb my ego and try get my temper under control and just show everyone what LED bleaching actually looks like -- those f-cking 5W IR chips are too much!

Took my GrowSuns back and found a new way to mount them and not sacrifice the height (amazing what you can do when you're pissed enough!), and I'ma try save my Dragon Ducks. Dunno if I can, but I'll sure try, as these lights are absolutely premium -- and wasn't nothing cheap about them! I've got my Ducks on soft veg setting and mild nutes again and seriously hoping for the best (and, yes, I recalibrated my bloody instruments!).

The recent gal, tired, scorched, bleached and just hanging on...
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View attachment 662875

My Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], totally suffering -- and I've not felt this homicidal since I worked the f-cking door back in Brooklyn!
View attachment 662878
View attachment 662880
And if any of you are in doubt about these crap lights, here's what the buds look like under the fan leaves where they ain't getting nuked! To the right bleached to hell, to the left, under the big fan, nice and green!
View attachment 662882

Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and I'm most angry about her. I'll try hard to save her.
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View attachment 662885

Bitch [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] and despite all her nute starvation she's borne up under all the abuse quite well; don't think anything can kill this thing! Still, realized when I was ripping that cheap Chinese shit down that this one and the recent gal have only been on veg setting so I can see why this one ain't too bad -- that and its natural resilience.
View attachment 662886
View attachment 662887

Okay, I'ma sign off now before I say shit that'll get me in trouble around here. See you all when and if these things recover, or at least start to...

Ive seen worse ;)

I appreciate the openness and transparency with your project despite the issues. :D Good Shit!! hope they can pull through and finish up some nice strong seeds for next gen.
Yeah, it's tense around here.

I can see the Ducks literally sighing with relief as they bask in the soft GrowSun glow. I'm feeding at 1.0EC and pH at 6.1 and watching for any new shoots where the buds are still green, as there's no way that bleached tissue can recover. Good thing I've got a stash of Exodus Cheese for blasted wait! Cain't nobody say these genetics ain't been tested!

Those of you out there who have kids will know how it feels around here, you know, after they've been sick and whatever they want they get? Like a nursery around here: got my GrowSuns on 30% veg mode and easy nutes and keeping things steady and quiet....


Bitch [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], and the other one...

As you can see, nice and easy and quiet around here.

Love these GrowSuns though, grown some crazy gear with these -- and my wingman, who's seriously pissed at me and about to shell out for LEDs, has done even better with them. Hoping it's not too little too late...

Those of you out there who have kids will know how it feels around here, you know, after they've been sick and whatever they want they get? Like a nursery around here: got my GrowSuns on 30% veg mode and easy nutes and keeping things steady and quiet....

View attachment 663725

Bitch [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], and the other one...
View attachment 663726

As you can see, nice and easy and quiet around here.

Love these GrowSuns though, grown some crazy gear with these -- and my wingman, who's seriously pissed at me and about to shell out for LEDs, has done even better with them. Hoping it's not too little too late...
Hi south
I know the feeling of sick kids, i also know if a project failed. I got it with a cross i do so i love it to see breeding projects goes in the right way.
you do a good job. Cross my fingers for a big batch of good viable seeds.
cu tobe
Cheers tobe, I reckon they'll be right...

Fourth day since I pitched them crappy microwaves and no new damage apparent on the Ducks. The affected areas are slowly surrendering but I have new leaves sprouting from the green centers! This means the problem has been arrested. I'm hoping for enough vigor left in these gals to properly finish their seeds, if not some kind of recovery.:cooldance::pop::yoinks:

Still pissed about this bullshit setback!:deadhorse::wall: