The AutoDuck Project!

Been fun watching your duck project, your dragon cross may end up more potent than the Frisian anyways, but cheers to you for having the perseverence to see it through. Max rep

Thanx man, been a journey for sure. And, yup, I've no doubt the Dragon Duck will be more potent than the newcomer.

56 Day Dragon Ducks -- 17 Days Flower!


I'm in black ladies and gents, but it had to be done. The male, as so many before him, spent himself for the cause. As the girls were rushing buds I didn't bother prolonging his agony; they're well seeded. He now sleeps with the fishes! :salute: :angel:

The ladies are all content. I like at this stage to gauge potential moms by how much more bud they throw after a good early pollination. This bunch seem very vigorous.

The recent Gal. I don't think I'll use beans from this one at all, but I'll store them, as I always do, 'cause ya just never know what you may need 'em for.


Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. This one's the frontrunner for the next round. I love her look, her early budset, her size (though with any decent size pot I think she'd easily have made like her Momma Duck and doubled in size).


Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is also in the running and is very similar to her sister though just slightly behind. She may catch up yet. Her size is also very nice.


Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is only now pushing good buds and is not as seeded as the rest so she should yield me some good bud in the end. Easily the biggest of the four plants, she seems a sati-dom lover's type. Not in the running for next gen donor...unless she does something outstanding.


This project is in a nice place. Three more generations till It's sorted by my reckoning, around F5, because I've made some assumptions and hoping for luck. They're educated assumptions because I've grown both strains of the parent plants and I know both well. They're as pure to type as could be so the majority of these hybrids are very uniform (even the non-webbed ones). The Dragon Ducks have thoroughbred genetics! and a kick like Seabiscuit!

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Is there much difference in smell between them when you ruffle the tops?

I really liked the structure of [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] if she weren't a little slower--maybe she'll catch up or make up for it later..?
Is there much difference in smell between them when you ruffle the tops?

I really liked the structure of [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] if she weren't a little slower--maybe she'll catch up or make up for it later..?

Hey man,

Curiously, they all smell of mint and pine so far, as did the F1s early on, then all sorts of hashy stuff comes out around mid-flower. Here's hoping. Yeah, [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is a nice big gal, and may catch up yet...
60 Day Dragon Ducks -- 18 Days Flower!


We're rock'n rolling now! Gals [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2 are neck and neck for mommas of the next seed run, though I'm leaning toward gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]! I like to gauge potential winners by how much bud and weight they put on after a solid early pollination, like this one, and gals [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2 are pushing new pistils. They're winners these Dragon Ducks! Premium genetics! I know I got webbed autos in the next F#3 run!

The recent gal, solidly seeded, no mischief here, though her beans are just for storing.


Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], the one most likely to carry on this line to the final result.


Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], also beautiful and deserves a shot at next gen, and if I had bigger facilities, she'd sure get it, but....


Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], late bloomer, not so heavily seeded, but starting to rush some buds and will end up a beauty, I'm sure!


Project is peaking now; reached that most important juncture. Gotta take a few breaths and get my bearings.

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60 Day Dragon Ducks -- 18 Days Flower!


We're rock'n rolling now! Gals [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2 are neck and neck for mommas of the next seed run, though I'm leaning toward gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]! I like to gauge potential winners by how much bud and weight they put on after a solid early pollination, like this one, and gals [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2 are pushing new pistils. They're winners these Dragon Ducks! Premium genetics! I know I got webbed autos in the next F#3 run!

The recent gal, solidly seeded, no mischief here, though her beans are just for storing.
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Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], the one most likely to carry on this line to the final result.
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Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], also beautiful and deserves a shot at next gen, and if I had bigger facilities, she'd sure get, but....
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Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], late bloomer, not so heavily seeded, but starting to rush some buds and will end up a beauty, I'm sure!
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View attachment 652458

Project is peaking now; reached that most important juncture. Gotta take a few breaths and get my bearings.

Looking nice your ducks, cant wait to see them as a auto dragon duck.
cu tobe
64 Day Dragon Ducks -- 22 Days Flower!


The Dragon Ducks are in high gear and very well seeded. All but the recent female are pushing new pistils. About another five weeks I think. Boosting nutes since last week and they're still bloody hungry.

The recent female, heavily seeded, just putting her energy into finishing them, and considering the ludicrously tiny pot, she sure managed a decent size. Again, her beans are just for storing.

Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is very impressive and still in the lead to my mind. She's managing a strong new flush and is already pushing resin like a champion. She retains webbing to the very tips of her buds and I'm loving the ride.

64 days.JPG

Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is breathing down her sister's neck and, I'll tell ya, if she were pushing resin like the first she probably would be first. Great color and structure. A new rush of pistils all over her.


Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is hungrier than her sisters and pushing the most new buds. I've pumped nutes to 1.8 EC and she's still a little chloritic, ridiculous, just ridiculous. Everything's well enough with her for now.


The wait, people, hate the blasted wait...!


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64 Day Dragon Ducks -- 22 Days Flower!


The Dragon Ducks are in high gear and very well seeded. All but the recent female are pushing new pistils. About another five weeks I think. Boosting nutes since last week and they're still bloody hungry.

The recent female, heavily seeded, just putting her energy into finishing them, and considering the ludicrously tiny pot, she sure managed a decent size. Again, her beans are just for storing.
View attachment 654040View attachment 654041

Gal [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is very impressive and still in the lead to my mind. She's managing a strong new flush and is already pushing resin like a champion. She retains webbing to the very tips of her buds and I'm loving the ride.
View attachment 654044
View attachment 654046

Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is breathing down her sister's neck and, I'll tell ya, if she were pushing resin like the first she probably would be first. Great color and structure. A new rush of pistils all over her.
View attachment 654047
View attachment 654048

Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is hungrier than her sisters and pushing the most new buds. I've pumped nutes to 1.8 EC and she's still a little chloritic, ridiculous, just ridiculous. Everything's well enough with her for now.
View attachment 654053
View attachment 654054

The wait, people, hate the blasted wait...!


Hi south
Your plants looking great. A small tip don't feed to much till your plants developed seeds. The seeds don't lick too much less is more in this stage.
cu tobe