The AutoDuck Project!


Lots going on; got two stretchy girls and two short girls. Decided to keep the recent female, seems to be behaving. A little supercropping and everything fits for the moment. Pics in a few days.
49 Day Dragon Ducks -- 10 Days Flower!


My male is heavy with pollen and had I given him more light I'm sure he'd have even bigger clusters; started dropping dust already. Gonna have to top him soon and delay his rush. Had to crimp him to fit him in the cab though.


The girl with former issues seems healthy enough now and definitely showing normal pistilate clusters. Just keeping an eye on this one.


Girl [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has a lovely structure and is holding nice leaf webbing and I'm totally loving her. She's in the running for momma of the next generation.


Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] had to get crimped; she bolted to the light and I won't have that in my shoebox. Everything seems okay with this one too.


Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] also has a beautiful structure. Hope it carries through to the next lot. Good webbing and also in the running for next gen beans.


Only ten days into flower and already the wait is killing me. Been watching to see if they revert to normal fans but no sign of any shenanigans, and I don't expect any. Hate the bloody wait!

49 Day Dragon Ducks -- 10 Days Flower!


My male is heavy with pollen and had I given him more light I'm sure he'd have even bigger clusters; started dropping dust already. Gonna have to top him soon and delay his rush. Had to crimp him to fit him in the cab though.
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The girl with former issues seems healthy enough now and definitely showing normal pistilate clusters. Just keeping an eye on this one.
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Girl [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has a lovely structure and is holding nice leaf webbing and I'm totally loving her. She's in the running for momma of the next generation.
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Gal [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] had to get crimped; she bolted to the light and I won't have that in my shoebox. Everything seems okay with this one too.
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Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] also has a beautiful structure. Hope it carries through to the next lot. Good webbing and also in the running for next gen beans.
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View attachment 648110

Only ten days into flower and already the wait is killing me. Been watching to see if they revert to normal fans but no sign of any shenanigans, and I don't expect any. Hate the bloody wait!

Hi South
This project rocks, nice plants, good work.
cu tobe
53 Day Dragon Ducks -- 14 Days Flower!


(Cue tacky seventies porn music) There's alotta love going on in my cab people! I was tempted to set up some plant porn shots but thought better of it since this is a family station, LoL. If ya suffer hayfever ya better switch the channel -- fast! Lotsa dust and stuff blowing everywhere around here; Hefner ain't got nuthin' on my cab, biiaaatches!

The happy male getting spent and tired from all his ejaculating!

Can ya smell the funk people..?! LoL

The one with gender issues has sure made her mind up and is a solid girl and is enjoying the stud's efforts. Still keeping an eye on her though.

Girl [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is my favorite; early and vigorous and just swallowing all the action! (is this update getting too pornographic? LoL)


Girl [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is also very attractive, setting buds well.

Gal [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is kinda late setting bud and I'm not too keen on prissy types for this run; want them early and eager, y'know? (this is definitely getting too pornographic!)


At the two week mark and these Ducks are doing everything I want. If the F3 run retain this morphology and gimme autos I'll be happy as a pig in shit! Everything's well and randy in my cab so I'll just draw the curtains and check on 'em in a few days.

Dutch Passion Auto Duck!

Well I predicted it didn't I?! Above where Monkey Man offered me some of his Duck beans I said he should release them before Dutch Passion does! After all, they just had to auto their Frisianduck -- and they did!

Kinda had me wondering whether I should carry on with this project or just wait till January 2017 when the DP version comes out, but I've decided to try and race them to the release date. If I can get one auto run done or near enough by that date I'll have a smile on my dial. I'ma sure order me some DPs though. Can't wait to see what those guys have done -- and how mine compares.

So, all you people been begging Monkey Man can now sit back and just wait for what was, of course, inevitable!!
hi druid of the drinks !
monkeyman here .
you drank to much of your own sour cider again ?


Hey Monkey Man,

Sure I probably have drunk too much cider, and scotch, and bourbon, and vodka, and gin, and occasionally some rum, and blah blah.....

Still, I told ya DP would get on it; the demand was too great! Yeah, I know, let's not count our chickens before they're hatched, but if they've announced it, they gotta be near enough to stocked up for a release.

I note you never confirmed if the stuff The Herb are selling under the breeder name Will Bibbit is yours, so, is it? Did you actually beat everyone to the punch?

As for me and my Ducks, I'ma finish the project and decide what to do with them when they're auto and stable. I know this though, if my Dragon Ducks end up as potent as the F1s were, they'll stand next to the fanciest strains for punch and yield!

Cheers Monkey Man.
hi south syder
monkman here
good you continue you r duck project .
willy bibbit is a very good friend of mine and we drink a lot of punch indeed m8 !
i hope i get some dragon duck seeds one day .
would like to sow em grow em flower and show em smoke em .
once a ducksman always a ducksman QUACK QUACK QUACK .............QUAAAAAACKKKK.
hi south syder
monkman here
good you continue you r duck project .
willy bibbit is a very good friend of mine and we drink a lot of punch indeed m8 !
i hope i get some dragon duck seeds one day .
would like to sow em grow em flower and show em smoke em .
once a ducksman always a ducksman QUACK QUACK QUACK .............QUAAAAAACKKKK.

Hey Randy Monkey,

Once a Ducksman always a Ducksman for sure! You want mine, I want yours, and everyone wants DP's! Ain't the world a curious place? LoL.
stoned duck.jpg