The AutoDuck Project!

18 Day Dragon Duck F2s!


Well, I gotta tell ya, it feels mighty nice to be at this juncture in this project. Got five Dragon Ducks! No mistake, the rest are beautiful things too, but I only got eyes for them little webbed beauties. I'll sex the rest but only to keep an auto male or female, just in case.

Okay, an almost impartial report:

Group shot.

Individual rows (try and spot the Ducks).




And now for my Ducklings! Curiously, these hate me most from the neglect of last weekend, and I suspect, just like Momma Duck and all her sisters, they're nute hogs! I overdid it and forgot to flush so they singed, then backed off and flushed three days and they're bloody hungry!

Developing nice webbed fans and two only show single fans so far but the webs are coming, I got an eye for it by now.


I'll tell ya, this sorta luck has really amped my resolve to push this project along. Gonna be a fine juggling act between webs and auto so I sure hope my luck holds out.

keep up the good work bro .
don t forget the soup will not be eaten as hot as it has been served .
and growing , breeding and smoking duckfoots or automatic duckfoots is always loads a of fun .
to get them 100 % stabile and automatic will take many generations .


this is autoduck x powerkush f 4
50 cm in height .
80 % automatic webbed phenoos rest is automatic but normal leaveshapes .
this one has no webbed leaves at the top .
it will take 2 more generations to get it 100 % automatic and webbed .


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keep up the good work bro .

Thanks bud, I'ma try.

don t forget the soup will not be eaten as hot as it has been served .

Um, does that mean: 'cool ya jets, cowboy?' or 'you got a long way yet pal!'...I ain't sure.

and growing , breeding and smoking duckfoots or automatic duckfoots is always loads a of fun .

You're telling me buster!

to get them 100 % stabile and automatic will take many generations .

That I kinda figured, but I don't reckon much more than F9 or F10, if my luck keeps up. I got serious faith in Momma Duck's breeding, I've grown five so far and phenos were near identical -- a sign someone put some good work into 'em!

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this is autoduck x powerkush f 4
50 cm in height .
80 % automatic webbed phenoos rest is automatic but normal leaveshapes .
this one has no webbed leaves at the top .
it will take 2 more generations to get it 100 % automatic and webbed .

Ya sure like teasin' don't ya Monkey Man? She looks good, can't wait to see the finished product. Speaking of finished product -- The Herb has your autoduck listed and credits Will Bibbitt...that's yours, right?


Cheers Monkey Man, I'm still chasing ya!
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Okay, I'm making some very broad assumptions:

Far as I can figure the Webbing trait is recessive, as, I'm led to believe, is the auto trait. So, both Momma Duck and the Poppa Dragon have dominant/recessive traits. Momma Duck photo dominant webbing recessive, Poppa Dragon no webbing dominant auto recessive. A dihybrid cross.

Sure, my population samples are stupid limited and I know a fair amount of luck is in play, but, going just from my results so far (F1 4/10 auto, F2 5/12 webbed, forty-ish percent the recessive of both traits expressed) -- no way I could've gotten both recessives potentially expressing in F2 unless Momma Duck had the recessive auto allele.

What I really need now is at least a male and female webbed F2, auto or not, to really get rolling in this genetic cleanup.

Holding my breath here! :stir: :pop:

yupp two webbed plants mom and dad get 100 % webbed kids .
but how many will be autoflowering ?
are you able to reverse plants ?
you can make a selfie of a webbed plant .
or femseeds of two webbed plants .
finding a male is better but if not two fems can be done .
i smoked to much jonko i don t even know what i self mean lol :cooldance:
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yupp two webbed plants mom and dad get 100 % webbed kids .

Hey Monkey Man, going by that, the webbed trait is recessive then.

but how many will be autoflowering ?

In this run it doesn't matter how many, if any, are auto; all I really need is a male and female and isolating both recessive alleles can be done in the F3 run.

are you able to reverse plants ?

Yup, I can, but don't like doing that because fem seeds are a pain-in-the-ass to work with.

you can make a selfie of a webbed plant .
or femseeds of two webbed plants .

Sure, but I'm really holding my breath not to. If I have to use a normal non-webbed but auto to breed to in this run it'll take me to F4 to get to where a male and female webbed in this batch would place me.

finding a male is better but if not two fems can be done .

Finding a male sure is better!

i smoked to much jonko i don t even know what i self mean lol

Jonko? Is that one of your autoduck types? Enjoy the high Monkey Man. Me, I'm still going through my F1#3 gal -- serious hard hitter. Hope the Ducklings keep that potency!
21 Day Auto Ducks!


It's a trip watching these things. Takes me back to the five Duckfoot photos I've already grown; same gorgeous leaves, same vigor. I'm keeping the regular seedlings in case I need 'em but so far the Ducks have by far the most vigor and beauty -- I'm in love. Not gonna try and catalogue them till I have sex expression; till then, here's the bunch:

Group shot.








Just waiting for sex expression. Hoping for a boy and gal...hoping real hard!

23 Day Dragon Ducks!


All F2 plants are chugging along well but the Ducks are significantly more vigorous for some reason. Still waiting for sex expression and I'm on tenderhooks for one of each in the Ducks. Another week and I'll know, I think.











Dunno, but that looks like definite and consistent webbing to me; wondering if Monkey Man is right and they'll revert to regular fans, but from their morphology so far, I doubt it.
