Outdoor The 55th North Parellel

Sometimes, no matter how well you plan, or how much prep you do, the universe conspires against you eh? Great response though, sounds like just a few bumps in the road in your rear view mirror now, hopefully the new equipment will do the job and it will just be the horrendous weather, thieves, grasses and old bill you'll have to worry about:biggrin:
Cabinet Upgrades

I upgraded the cabinet this week – the 2 Mars Hydro 300s are brilliant – not just as well built lighting units but because you really do get blinded by the buggers if you look into them. I also added a new circulation fan so between the two I've managed to drag the temps down to a more comfortable 27-29C range. Once I add in properly ducted extraction (I'm just using a PC fan at the moment) this should come down a bit further. So the girls are back from the windowsill where they were starting to stretch and bend looking for light. There's also more room to do things in the cabinet since the LEDs are now up the top and not hovering over the tops of the plants.

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The replacement Super Stinky and White Widow beans both germed and have been potted up. The Duurty Magic germed and went into the Jiffy but still no sign of her even tho I planted her very shallow - so hmmm maybe the small seed size just didn't give them enough internal energy to break out.
The cab's looking great with the LEDs and extra headroom is always a plus. Proper extraction will make a big difference to the temps. I haven't got a clue when it comes to LEDs so I'll watch and learn. Looking very organized in there:thumbsup:
There be Dragons

Well one Dragon – but I believe she had good parents :D

The 2nd Duurty Magic (Duurty Dragon x Magic Dragon) seed has finally poked her head above ground to breath. I must admit I'm impressed, she was ½ the size of a regular bean (so that's about ¼ of the volume within the seed). It's taken her 11 days to get from soaked-n-cracked to get her head up – and she was given a very shallow planting in her Jiffy Plug. Now I don't normally name my plants but I'm gong to call her Little Puff – after Puff the Magic Dragon of course (which I saw as a kid – the 70's animated version) – jeez I feel old lol.

I had intended to put the Duurty Magic in my outside grow but I'm feeling sorry for her so she's now going to get a space in my cabinet grow, tho it might get a bit cramped in there with the two Mephisto's but she'll be in good company.


I investigated the first seed again and as I suspected it perished in the Jiffy Plug without any further growth from it's cracked state.
Forgot to post these :

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The Garden Grow Site

Because the weather was dry last weekend I decided to get cracking with some hole digging and site prep. There was also the fact that I had an operation scheduled this week and since this involved zipping open my abdomen I'm not supposed to do anything like digging for the next 6 weeks. This alas means I've had to abandon my 2 guerilla grow sites as I'm not going to be fit enuff to prepare them in time – well we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks anyway.

In the Garden Grow the less attention I have to give the plants the less suspicion I draw to them. They are after all going into what is technically a communal shared space, but I am the only gardener and everyone else who uses the space for hanging up washing etc knows what I do – but this isn't a place for the faint hearted if you are inclined to paranoia or the fear of getting busted. Since I grow largely for my own medicinal use to supplement my prescribed opiates I honestly don't give a toss and will gladly argue my case (and loose) in court if caught.

Even within our garden conditions range from a woodland area where soil is slow draining and quite acidic to flowerbeds where the soil is free draining and quite suitable for growing Mediterranean plants (without of course the glorious sunshine that comes with such a climate).

My Outdoor Soil Mix :

1/4 Soil from the garden - taken from some of the holes where the plants will go.
1/4 Enriched Compost - I'm using a compost designed for growing tomatoes which require a lot of nutrients but any good quality compost would do the job. I'm just ripping open a tomato grow bag for convenience.
1/2 Well rotted Garden Compost

If you have a garden you should be creating your own compost anyway – it's much cheaper than having to buy soil improver’s and conditioners and is a good way of recycling organic food waste as well – hell I paid for those potato peelings and coffee grinds so why bin them when I can compost them and get some benefit in the future. Made from a mixture of source materials: garden weeds, autumn leaves, shrub and bush trimmings, and ash from any charcoal BBQs or bonfires. From the house gets added: fruit and vegetable peelings/waste and crushed eggshells. This is all layered and rotted down over the summer before being turned over into a second bin to finish composting. This mix is then stored in a large black bin for a further year before being used (this extra year helps eliminate any annual weed seeds that may have survived composting but if you don't have lots of weeds to start with you could eliminate this stage. So generally the compost takes two years to make but once you start it's a continuous cycle that can provide quality compost for all your needs.

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I also add into each hole :

Sharp Horticultural Sand – a couple of handfuls (just to help drainage).
Lime – a handful (my compost mix is a little acidic so a handful of this helps balance things)
Bonemeal – a handful (high in phosphorus this helps promote rooting)
Sulphate of Potash – a handful (high in potassium this helps promote flowering)
Volcanic Rockdust – a handful (good for a host of micro-nutrients or so say the marketing team).

You will notice that for additional drainage I'm only adding some sharp sand and not Perlite, quite simply I don't think its required on this site and if it were any more free draining I'd have to water frequently if it didn't rain every few days (an unlikely event but one that requires me to give the plants more attention than I'd really like – or rope in my daughter when I bugger of to Spain for several weeks in July).

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The bits of netting are just to stop the cats from thinking I've created several places for them to crap and the stakes remind me where I've dug the compost mix in. So that's it – all prepared and ready to go. All we need now is a good summer….
What a difference a few days make...

I ignored the girls for a few days while recovering from surgery .. WOW

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And as for the Mephiso's destined for the Indoor Grow - the Toof Decay is already going pre-flower and the smell is yummy :D

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Plants looking great, and so is the weather for a while at least. Hope your recovery is going well :thumbsup:
Going to have to give you one of these :slap: for making proper compost (looks great btw as does the soil) and your zero fucks given attitude to getting your own meds. I hope your courage is rewarded and you get a nice harvest to keep you in good supply.
Mr Spliffscot! It's that time of year again. The seeds have arrived. The soil has been prepped. Now what do I do again......

Have to say that your set up looks brilliant. Am very envious. How did you end up convincing Mrs Spliffscot to let you get away with those two mars hydros?

I too have spent the winter contemplating getting an indoor set up. we've got the space for it and i've certainly got the attitude for it BUT we've got builders coming in to do some work over the summer so it's a current no go - which brings me to this years outdoor grow. Picked up some DP Think Different and Auto Brooklyn Sunrise. Got the TD's sitting in some kitchen roll in a sealed box in a warmish place and waiting for those little bandits to pop. will start a journal I think.

Mate, hope your surgery went well - it knocks it out of you doesn't it. I had a thing a couple of years ago and i remember the anaesthetic took me out of the game for a couple of weeks. heavy stuff but the best of luck in your recovery.

Finally, your plants look amazing. am following you all the way.
Thanks for the well wishes et al, I got a bit of an infection so had to spend another day in hospital (wire brush n Detol job but done very hi-tech) - hey ho that's life.

@pathway Yer the compost works out pretty well in those bins, but it took me a while to work out how to get them working properly (it's almost an anaerobic process), so composting in them isn't as easy as it is in the larger open bins we use at the allotment. There you can really get a decent temperature going to kill off the weeds. With these I still feel like I'm not killing enough so using it like a top dressing/mulch is like sowing weeds (sounds good but turns out a pain when everything germinates). Hence I cook em in a black bin for a further year.

@knocker powell Good to see you back doing another outdoors, the TDs and that BS both look quite dense buds - will be interesting to see how they cope with the dreaded rot. I'm planning on adopting a not so organic approach this year and will be spraying the outdoor girls for rot as they get into bud formation (I haven't decided exactly what with yet but it won't be too toxic for sure - but at the same time it won't be a namby pamby concoction. And the trick with Mrs Spliff.... shhhh don't tell her... she went to visit relatives for a week and came back to a fully running cabinet (cough).... only mild disagreement ensued and the least I talk about it the better. Getting a good filter in is a definite if you want to do a full indoor tho, as soon as mine hit preflower it was already getting a bit whiffy round the house. If it was just to be run as a starter cabinet it wouldn't need the filter and I reckon you could run it for 4 weeks without too much smell. I leave a stock of Gin on hand for her (I don't drink alcohol anymore) just to placate her for when full flowering starts and opening the cabinet makes the house smell a bit too dank.

Is the cabinet worth it? - hell yes see the results for yourselves. I tried this as an experiment to justify (to myself) the expense of putting it all together - but I didn't advertise it as part of this grow just in case the results didn't stack up. Two Dark Devils germed at the same time one under CFLs and then the LEDs, the other on the south facing windowsill only.


Since with auto's the veg period is so short I reckon that to get the best possible chance of something cropable in this climate the first few weeks are going to be crucial.