Outdoor The 55th North Parellel

Sorry brock1 alas (for the moment) I have hung up my outdoors - I ripped two tendons on one knee so no digging this year - it's all swimming and physio - my consultant then said summit about a gym pass<< eek (i'm not a gym Hippy lol). We also have new housing that overlooks my garden ^^insert expletives here!!! After years of getting all the neighbours on-board so that I could do a garden grow without anybody freaking out..... (hard in a shared communal garden).

I never did complete the logs for either indoor or outdoor grows last year (I should remove those tags)(too much real life going on and also a bout of 'paranoia' << should I really be leaving a log of every grow...etc etc...documented and photographed in-situ.) but I will say that the Super Stinky (Super Auto) << aka semi-photo so it will go late before flower, and White Widow Auto's both went very well (even unattended outdoors)...

Re: creating threads... I think (since it's illegal in the UK) you have to either take on the attitude of FUCK IT and post anyway. That was my initial attitude (and remains my general attitude). HOWEVER it suddenly occurred to me that every journal and 'oh I got xx grams from' was really a gravy-train of evidence that could be potentially used against me in a Court of Law (if only as hearsay) - so while I now comment I rarely tell folks what's going on here << lets just say between Mephisto and my small indoors I'm managing self-sufficiency

If I were to start posting Journals here at the moment I would want to be using a disposable email for the account and a VPN for posting and site access.

Personally I stopped posting all the pretty pics and just try to help where I can :D

And I dont use a VPN to hide << cause I'm that over 50 rudeboy ... but do consider what you want to post and how/why...

Somebody on Staff should open a thread on AFN Security BtW
Great reason I can totally respect your for it. I live in the Durham area mate. A while back they made a statement public saying that they cont prosecute people who grow fpr personal use. If they did without publicly withdrawing the statement its public entrapment and no charge can be made for growing small amounts. That doesn't mean they won't kick your door in, destroy your house, have your kid petrified, confiscate weed and equipment and any money you have. That is law of the country still without exception. Your still their bitch
I recently move also. Thought great new house clpser to school and park for the .kids ect. Only I didn't know the old ladies son next door is a do gooder police officer. Now i cant fart in the house without the nosey cow knowing. :gassy::gassy1::wall:
I Only grow guerrilla style now.
It's so hard to know what to comment... in my garden grows I explained to neighbours why I was doing it (Canna v Prescribed Opiates)(firstly it was just playing about with these new autos the early Ryders - so very small), trying out new crosses - but last year new neighbours had to be introduced, you'd be surprised how many don't realise that 4' bush at the back of the flowerbed (Super Stinky) is illegal. I'm 50+ and I was relieved how many folk just said 'hey ho' as long as you're discreet << soz folks I didn't really expect the Stinky to get so big Oops... he he...

But I think we sometimes underestimate increasing tolerance across generations - even into my parents generation (as early hippy folk). Alas here in Scotland (despite prods to change drug law it would appear that we have a slightly harder attitude << so even a personal grow would likely go to court.


I actually admire the stance taken by the Chief Constable

To quote from the Dail Mail (ugg)

Mike Barton, Durham’s chief constable, has repeatedly advocated decriminalisation of possession.

The policy was highlighted this week by a posting on the force’s own Facebook page detailing a raid on a house where officers found an enormous cannabis plant growing under a polytunnel.

Although an officer was pictured standing proudly by the plant, a statement revealed the 51-year-old grower received just a caution.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-small-scale-reduce-costs.html#ixzz4ewAHcpnK
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Oh to have so much luck.... and a polytunnel

Stay Happy - and may the weather be with you :D
It's so hard to know what to comment... in my garden grows I explained to neighbours why I was doing it (Canna v Prescribed Opiates)(firstly it was just playing about with these new autos the early Ryders - so very small), trying out new crosses - but last year new neighbours had to be introduced, you'd be surprised how many don't realise that 4' bush at the back of the flowerbed (Super Stinky) is illegal. I'm 50+ and I was relieved how many folk just said 'hey ho' as long as you're discreet << soz folks I didn't really expect the Stinky to get so big Oops... he he...

But I think we sometimes underestimate increasing tolerance across generations - even into my parents generation (as early hippy folk). Alas here in Scotland (despite prods to change drug law it would appear that we have a slightly harder attitude << so even a personal grow would likely go to court.


I actually admire the stance taken by the Chief Constable

To quote from the Dail Mail (ugg)

Mike Barton, Durham’s chief constable, has repeatedly advocated decriminalisation of possession.

The policy was highlighted this week by a posting on the force’s own Facebook page detailing a raid on a house where officers found an enormous cannabis plant growing under a polytunnel.

Although an officer was pictured standing proudly by the plant, a statement revealed the 51-year-old grower received just a caution.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-small-scale-reduce-costs.html#ixzz4ewAHcpnK
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oh to have so much luck.... and a polytunnel

Stay Happy - and may the weather be with you :D
That's the one mate. A few other police forces folloed suit also i believe. I think the problems you have is Scotland actual as a better police force. The police around here are useless. Most are corrupted and favour the criminals what have been raised in the criminal justice system that seems to have forgotten that justice is for victims. I grow up with a saying 'if you do the criminal you do the crime' this isn't the case anymore today.
I am looking into a VPN article as of now........................eP.
I am looking into a VPN article as of now........................eP.

Cool - I think we need some clarity on for example where AfN Servers are physically based (looks cloudy - Ive seen different IPs), the hosting companies etc... it's a data disclosure juristiction issue (whether in US or WHEREVER), I'm satisfying my cyber-paranoia here - but it is all valid as AfN reaches a predominantly American, Canadian and European userbase << all of which handle data security and interception differently... and (more importantly) the 'use' of such data in a court of law....

In the UK it would only be admissible as 'hearsay evidence' (ON IT'S OWN) << but then as part of any raid they would have probably got a grow - all my mobiles - tablets - PC's - externals << the one with the backup photos of all the grows (SIGH) << all nicely dated and cross referenced to a publicly accessible website.... (probably not run by the chief constable of Durham who seems like my kind of lad :D

My only defence in a Court of Law here is I can honestly say I've never sold or profited from anything I've grown... and that my accounts show that << in Scotand it's not the charge for 'production' that bothers people if its only a couple of plants << it's the follow-up hearing under the terms 'Proceeds of Crime' << where they estimate the value over the 'period of charge'.

^^^ So yer that's why I stopped posting my own stuff (I use VPNs but only 'back to here personal VPN' << but if i were to resume posting logs I'd certainly be looking at multiple measures to avoid tracking from the UK.
Cool - I think we need some clarity on for example where AfN Servers are physically based (looks cloudy - Ive seen different IPs), the hosting companies etc... it's a data disclosure juristiction issue (whether in US or WHEREVER), I'm satisfying my cyber-paranoia here - but it is all valid as AfN reaches a predominantly American, Canadian and European userbase << all of which handle data security and interception differently... and (more importantly) the 'use' of such data in a court of law....

In the UK it would only be admissible as 'hearsay evidence' (ON IT'S OWN) << but then as part of any raid they would have probably got a grow - all my mobiles - tablets - PC's - externals << the one with the backup photos of all the grows (SIGH) << all nicely dated and cross referenced to a publicly accessible website.... (probably not run by the chief constable of Durham who seems like my kind of lad :D

My only defence in a Court of Law here is I can honestly say I've never sold or profited from anything I've grown... and that my accounts show that << in Scotand it's not the charge for 'production' that bothers people if its only a couple of plants << it's the follow-up hearing under the terms 'Proceeds of Crime' << where they estimate the value over the 'period of charge'.

^^^ So yer that's why I stopped posting my own stuff (I use VPNs but only 'back to here personal VPN' << but if i were to resume posting logs I'd certainly be looking at multiple measures to avoid tracking from the UK.
Living in scotland and having been a victim of ID Theft u have my spidey senses tingling with that read......i always use a vpn and nievely believed that would be enough ...gulp gulp.....luckily i never keep photos but have posted on here many times

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
But without posting, participation hmmm ... how can I tell Mitch that the 'supposed' Walter White Indy Pheno turned into a Sativa Monster lol (without keeping photos for comparison) << therein lies the problem... I could bung photos n data in an encrypted folder... but then if I don't disclose the password for decryption they can put me in jail, or I can get uber sneaky and hide folders within folders of random data.... the unsolvable encryption.... << then they think I'm a terrorist or a peado but they can't prove it !!

But then if they are recording every webpage you visit << this country sucks lol.
I post pictures to multiple accounts on different sites then remove them from any device's I use. This way I have a number of back ups on various server's. I can then find any of the pictures usually with a simple Google search. I can then simply down load from Google and spread it on forum's. This way my pictures have a online trail rather than simple device trail.

Also I dont care for processed of crime. The reason is my doctor knows I take cannabis. I tried quitting a few year back and meet a few health problems because of it. Anyway my doctor advised me not to stop taking it and it's on my medical records. He also put the high amounts I consume ect. The police believe have it on record after a incident also. Insomnia lead to a load of problems in a nut shell I spent 3 days under 24hr police arrest while a medical team tried labelling me insane. Anyway they didn't. I was tired from insomnia mentality drained because of family problems and eviction leaving me homless and crazy sort tampered from quitting a drug problem was the diagnosis. In a nut shell I got a lot of help from it to gain a standard of living every human should have the right to.
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Ouch - sounds like you been having a rough time. Tho as an IT professional I can say your method offers some obscurity it still relies on the servers where you post not IP logging and storing the results << unless you use a VPN and a secured browser :D (I chose the other method << just stop incriminating yourself)

Stay Happy and Healthy ...

Would be interested in your Horse Tail recipe << we also call it Mares Tail here and it is a pain in the arse at the allotment (we burn it by the bucket) so if I can find another use for it all the better lol.
Ouch - sounds like you been having a rough time. Tho as an IT professional I can say your method offers some obscurity it still relies on the servers where you post not IP logging and storing the results << unless you use a VPN and a secured browser :D (I chose the other method << just stop incriminating yourself)

Stay Happy and Healthy ...

Would be interested in your Horse Tail recipe << we also call it Mares Tail here and it is a pain in the arse at the allotment (we burn it by the bucket) so if I can find another use for it all the better lol.
Been through the storm mate. Clear skies ahead now. When you have lived under a bridge no food to eat, a house and a family is heaven alive. I have had more blessings in life than anything else. :)