Sex test for the Cherry apple fritter started today
...more wonky weather continuesDay 77 for the OD photos. They are doing what they do. Had to water them on thurs as we had a full week of sun with no rain. Now next week is mostly rain and hardly sun… see-saw , back and forth… lol
Excellent on the one making it!Day 1 on the twenty20mendo Humbolt Afghani
Cracked two and one made it. Damn one pot had some weirdness in the soil and killed three sprouts. So off to the soil heap it will go. Got a late start but weather finally got right this week. A month or more behind schedule.
A whole plant pic will help mate,... need to know if that interveinal chlorosis is at the tops, mid or lower levels...Auto TW has got some serious immobile nutrient issues happening. I'm either going to foliar spray with some highly diluted (80-1) fish fertilizer, or give her a feeding with MC. Am leaning more towards the MC just to get pull out of it, then back to 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 for her. She really got stunted from her first 10 days or so outdoors in the cool weather, then the sun came out and the deficiency showed up on all the new growth. Same organic medium as a couple other plants that are doing great. Feel bad for her as I know she can perform to a much higher standard.
SoYour thoughts? EDIT: fed her MC @500ppm ... still want to here your thoughts brother
---- LOL-- that's what I get for not reading far enough ahead!Right, this is from the new growth, not on the bottom so i'm thinking immobile nutrients. That's good to know as well, thanks for the heads up![]()
Yep. I’m using Bio 365 BioAll and ph is good. But the one Afghani that took off is a fresh different bag of soil no amendments like the other. I used to be a bit more careful with top dressing or teas and will def take that approach with this batch of our door. Only getting a Tablespoon of Purée Coots mix for now.View attachment that up GH, I'm curious... is it a home test kit?
...more wonky weather continues View attachment 1607717 GTG getting no rain, maybe @Jean-O too?
Thrills chills and spills, our OD grower motto for this Comp! long as we don't get nunna-dem Rip's, thrips and (LEO) yips, we're pretty golden!
Excellent on the one making it!
- on the soil snafu, I'm in the same boat with the auto's! ...I'm fucking heated about this, they look like shit, worst I've had in a long while, and I can't account for why. Soil is only common factor, all other parameters have been in line...
pH checks out, but the behavior of the plants tells the tale best. Something is TARFU with it, just plain O.... none of the typical mild N tox' I usually get with the KIS amended soil's early cycle release, instead they are eating fans early... I fed before blooming even, lightly and got some tip burn,
A whole plant pic will help mate,... need to know if that interveinal chlorosis is at the tops, mid or lower levels...
A few things cause that; Mg, Zn are the most common for this specific pattern, but Mg is mobile so it shows low-mid level. Zn is immobile, so tops first and worst...
The why? ...cold T's for starters, screws with the whole nutrient uptake/transport gig, but Fe, Zn, P seem more adversely effected by low T's...
Correcting can be difficult via the roots if this is the case... Foliar treatment bypasses all this, but you'll need a dedicated micronute supp' to cover all the bases...
Epsoms +fulvic acid can treat the Mg at least... you want fulvic to help chelate those reactive Mg++ ions, though with foliar that's not a much a worry as in soil... fulvic can serve as a limp-along carbon source though, it does help!
Fe, Zn, hell all the metal type micro's are bitchy to fix; regular steady applications needed, top and bottoms(!) of leaves, with wetting agent, unless you're lucky enough to have Optic Foliar Transport around...
pH is always in play, but I don't think that's the prob' here... Still, with old reagents in that pH dropper kit, the results are dubious.
Other factors like individual plant/cultivar pissiness and pot-to-pot differences are ion the mix too for causes... it's why sometimes other plants are fine and 1-2 are going shite-wards!
All three of my tent auto's are sucking butt-wind, so that's a clear hint that the soil is the problem, for example-
...let's see if the feeds, and a few foliars start to correct things,... if ya got no micro' supp's, kelp and weak MC can cover those bases OK....
I got a tiny bit of rain yesterday! Thank goodness my well is tapped into a natural spring and I get quality water from it because the garden has been on life support all year so far! It wasn't even enough rain to knock the dust down from the dirt road.Arrakis. Also known as DUNE. The desert planet.
Kwisatz Haderach as brought the rain.
I was watching this movie thinking outside starting to look like a little bit of a desert.
Few finally rain. It's not raining real hard but it's at least raining.
I've already collected about 40 gallons out of all my barrels so far. Hope to collect at least another 40 before this rain cloud goes over. It's not real big. Hopefully it brings lots of rain though. I might be just wishful thinking. As I'm writing this it looks like it's slowing down already. Ugh can't catch a break.
The ground is so dry it's like a rock. We need a good soaking. I hope there's enough but I don't know these Farmers around here are going to have tough time if we don't get some substantial rain ASAP.
The dog days of summer are just coming upon us...we still have all of July and August to gocorn and beans don't grow without
Oh yeah you get some nice fresh spring water. That's nice.I got a tiny bit of rain yesterday! Thank goodness my well is tapped into a natural spring and I get quality water from it because the garden has been on life support all year so far! It wasn't even enough rain to knock the dust down from the dirt road.
I cut a small branch off the Cherry apple fritter and have submersed it in a solo cup of water. I put the branch in my tent and set the light cycle time to 12-12 which will hopefully show it's sex in a week or so.View attachment that up GH, I'm curious... is it a home test kit?
...more wonky weather continues View attachment 1607717 GTG getting no rain, maybe @Jean-O too?
Thrills chills and spills, our OD grower motto for this Comp! long as we don't get nunna-dem Rip's, thrips and (LEO) yips, we're pretty golden!
Excellent on the one making it!
- on the soil snafu, I'm in the same boat with the auto's! ...I'm fucking heated about this, they look like shit, worst I've had in a long while, and I can't account for why. Soil is only common factor, all other parameters have been in line...
pH checks out, but the behavior of the plants tells the tale best. Something is TARFU with it, just plain O.... none of the typical mild N tox' I usually get with the KIS amended soil's early cycle release, instead they are eating fans early... I fed before blooming even, lightly and got some tip burn,
A whole plant pic will help mate,... need to know if that interveinal chlorosis is at the tops, mid or lower levels...
A few things cause that; Mg, Zn are the most common for this specific pattern, but Mg is mobile so it shows low-mid level. Zn is immobile, so tops first and worst...
The why? ...cold T's for starters, screws with the whole nutrient uptake/transport gig, but Fe, Zn, P seem more adversely effected by low T's...
Correcting can be difficult via the roots if this is the case... Foliar treatment bypasses all this, but you'll need a dedicated micronute supp' to cover all the bases...
Epsoms +fulvic acid can treat the Mg at least... you want fulvic to help chelate those reactive Mg++ ions, though with foliar that's not a much a worry as in soil... fulvic can serve as a limp-along carbon source though, it does help!
Fe, Zn, hell all the metal type micro's are bitchy to fix; regular steady applications needed, top and bottoms(!) of leaves, with wetting agent, unless you're lucky enough to have Optic Foliar Transport around...
pH is always in play, but I don't think that's the prob' here... Still, with old reagents in that pH dropper kit, the results are dubious.
Other factors like individual plant/cultivar pissiness and pot-to-pot differences are ion the mix too for causes... it's why sometimes other plants are fine and 1-2 are going shite-wards!
All three of my tent auto's are sucking butt-wind, so that's a clear hint that the soil is the problem, for example-
...let's see if the feeds, and a few foliars start to correct things,... if ya got no micro' supp's, kelp and weak MC can cover those bases OK....