@WildBill for the
Yup harvest=trimm jail that's for sure.
I have gotten use to it though over the years now. Only Because I do a lot of trim work. As a freelance trimmer for a couple of growers, I trim quite frequently and a lot of weight.
With the outside pruning and trimming. I like to do mine standing up outside. Even in the rain and at night with a head light on.

For whatever reason I move pretty fast like that. I can use both hands now with scissors in both. I do it like this because it's all still on the stock. I've really not heard of anybody else doing it like this. So I kind of dubbed it (the technique) as " live trimming" and that's because I can trim it down to practically harvesting, to the hanger line or to however you dry your weed.
But the bud can remain alive. So if I don't get a chance to get to it right away for harvest then It can remain alive still. So within a day or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or even 7 days. It stays alive. It allows me time so I can still harvest alone and still get it done.
I don't have to depend on anybody else to help out.
This is a pretty large crop for me to do by myself this year. But I have no one to help this year. No one to give me scissor time.

It's not their fault though.
I really haven't asked anybody to help this year.
My buddy who did offer he's working so many hours just now. it really conflicts with him. So I told him not to worry about it when he gets Time come on by. But there's always the second part of the harvest and that'll be the debucking and the finish trimming, is where we can sit drink beer and party a little bit while watching TV probably a game or something.

I'm practically done anyways with the live trimming.
I've got about 18 hours into all the trimming done so far.
That includes harvesting 5 plants totally, and live trimming 2 that are mostly ready for harvest.
I still have 3 more to live trim and harvest yet. Maybe another 4 hours
I'd love to see what you could grow down there in Texas with all that sun you have and the experience you got. You outside, I bet you could grow some organic monsters.