Arrakis. Also known as DUNE. The desert planet.
Kwisatz Haderach as brought the rain.
I was watching this movie thinking outside starting to look like a little bit of a desert.
Few finally rain. It's not raining real hard but it's at least raining.
I've already collected about 40 gallons out of all my barrels so far. Hope to collect at least another 40 before this rain cloud goes over. It's not real big. Hopefully it brings lots of rain though. I might be just wishful thinking. As I'm writing this it looks like it's slowing down already. Ugh can't catch a break.
The ground is so dry it's like a rock. We need a good soaking. I hope there's enough but I don't know these Farmers around here are going to have tough time if we don't get some substantial rain ASAP.
The dog days of summer are just coming upon us...we still have all of July and August to go

corn and beans don't grow without