Hey gang, I hope prime time is going great for y'all! ...as usual, I'm 3 steps behind....
Thanks ...
I guess I didn't post in this thread about being attached by 3 pits a couple of Sundays ago. I did in my home thread...

The bump on the head gave me a little ??? forgetfulness now and then.

So I was out trimming early morning and heard some commotion up front of my house. So I ran around the house with my trimming sheers in my hand and found 3 pits going to it after the cats my lady takes care of.
But soon as them dogs seen me thay came at me. And they came at me 4 different times by the time I got the upper hand with a club. You can catch the whole story on my thread in more detail. It bothered some fokes.
But you know me just a Red neck living in the city.
I was raised with dogs. My first babysitter was a German Shepherd for real.

At one time we had 65 dogs. I'm not afraid of dogs at all. But you can read more about that in my thread if you care to.

Holy shit biscuits GTG, if it ain't one thing, it's another!

....this year has been a test for you, and I think that sucks

...that whole
no good deed thing really ticks me off! Absolutely no doubt, you standing your ground and dishing out some hurt is what saved you from far far worse... 3 fucking Pits, most people would be
all done, right?!
I'll go get the det's in a minute here, but your neighbor has some 'splainin' to do to say the least.... lucky for them you weren't armed at the time, you'd have been fully justified in blowing them away to the last after getting jumped on your own property....
@Growtogrow i was attacked by a pack of dogs one night. The funny thing was I had to walk home 20 miles and took a short cut through a golf course and took the 18th holes flagpole along the way. Don’t know why but thought it funny at the time… well that flag pole and the heavy weight at the base saved my life 4 miles down the La river wash when a pack of nasty dogs came after me. 4-5 swings and direct hits sent that pack running back up the road where they came from.

wow, you too? How long ago was that Mason? .... a 20 mile walk home sounds like a real drag at the least, and that time
crime did pay!
Ok.. finally feeling gooder here as is the rest of the family

That chit was not fun
Last photos of Muchacha auto as it will be coming down in the next week. Nice fade on the flowers from top to bottom.
May 18th was her first day, so she's around 112 days or so.. little too much banana tea and got some burn

...damn, she took her sweet bloody time, but the results were worth the wait! She looks solid mate, gonna be some rocky nugg's off her

Snow-G is gorgeous too, and looks like she's building pretty quickly now -

T20M has got the speed goods for sure!
Something Good is almost done, and Trainwreck is smokin' her tires right now, buds have 2x'ed in less than a week; she's chunking up like a Champ!
i know i have no chance of winning the comp...i just wanted to prove im not a free loader. Once i prove i do grow and try to be better every grow, i wont feel bad taking a win on the raffles AND i will feel better jumping into convos on an autoflower forum...i mentioned i will need some autos for my breeding projects and what better place than the Autoflower net...im just big on integrity and honor so im gonna put plants up, good or bad, then ill participate proper. much respect.
updating later today
:smoking: Mate, I have seen some surprising poll results over the years, so keep the swagger going!
Really, the polls are just a beauty contest, and what folks fancy isn't always the biggest, most frosty, etc.,...tastes are purely subjective...
Myself, I enter just for the fun of it! ... I DQ myself from any seed prizes, not just because I'm the MC here but because as much as I love fine-ass seeds, I'm not hoarder enough to just keep collecting when I'm already past what I can grow in a reasonable frame of time... And always there's something new and irresistible that only a fool would pass up! Been burned on that enough, so on occasion I snag'm regardless... Come grow time, I have a lengthy list of candidates that have been bumped off time and again for other things that just HAD to be run!
Morning all, I usually post on fridays or Saturdays but got caught up in things…
so, day 113 for the “hedge” girls. All seem to be doing fine. I think the Dr earth has been mostly used up so started giving MC at 3 gpg with BE at 1 gpg. Don’t wanna starve them! They are starting to move now. Building flower sites now. The tallest heads on the tallest girl is 6+ feet! If I hadn’t leaned them over for LST they’d be about 9 ft. Still have the different pheno smells to them. One in the middle smells more like strawberry while outer two have a more musky berry aroma

A nice mix of aroma's is a plus, and most importantly, you got a proper namesake pheno!

Do you have some PK booster? I found MC to be too heavy-handed with N to use much when into full bloom... They sure made good use of the Dr.E' stuff. Which one did you use? I hear Flower Girl is quite good for blooming, if a bit stinky...
@Waira Update on the photo outdoor contest plants.
Sweet Seeds Chem Beyond Diesel CBD is really looking great! I should have enough CBD to medicate my hole family off this one! This pheno has a bit more of the Chem D terps coming off from it smelling very dank and musky with some gassy chemical undertones. It appears to be stacking up very nicely. @Sweet Seeds, @Sweet Seeds Apolo, @Sweet Seeds Jay I could not be happier with the Chem Beyond Diesel CBD it is a magnificent cultivar! Anyone looking to grow out an amazing CBD cultivar should definitely check it out.
...Detroit Rock City F1 FV is really putting in work with flowering. She didn't quite trigger as fast as some of the other FV strains I have checked out in the past but she is really putting the Fast into the FV with the quickness of flowering however. This pheno has a rotten fruit/wine aroma coupled with some fresh linen and lavender. It honestly reminds me of the Lilac Diesel I did last year from Ethos. I am very happy with this test run of the DRC so far and I am very excited to check out the flower once finished. I have a feeling once I get time to work this one into my breeding schedule she will be a great cultivar to have in my lineup!



...just about sums it up for you this year my man! I forgot, did I ask already if you can have her tested? I'd be very keen to see results,... should be about 1:1, right?
Oh man, that Lilac D' last year still gives me a chubby just thinking about her! I MUST try her next year, hands down!
Interesting, DRC is carrying this floral note, and an enticing pairing with the rest of that profile... Could be a small chance Lilac got into the woodpile there?

Yeah, that kinda weather is the shits on the pistils, isn't it, and vermin sprays magnify the problem... tip burn can't be avoided with that combo of things though, and it's the Rots that are the bigger worry! Aphids are no joke either, I find certain species can tolerate the trichomes enough to become buried in them, with the filthy fucks molting, crapping, and drying in there all in one nasty hot mess that renders the buds ruined totally =
@Waira Auto update day 74 Sssc Afghan tester Chop Chop (preemptive rain harvest) thank god I took some photos I spaced out and forgot this was my comp plant lol

... that looks dank AF, Mason, well done! How did she smell at harvest? ...center pic is my fav', lovely color and hashy trich coverage just like an Affy should be!
Finally getting a soaking rain

Happy Farming
They look
phaa-aat GH, gonna be a juicy harvest this year!

Did you try RotBlock last year, I forget? This is what it's made for, and part of what makes it better than the rest is that it's endogenous into the surface tissues, doesn't get washed off -

I still need to chat with Panik (Real Gorilla Seeds) about the NL is was gifted by another mate that came from him,... knowing him and his connections, breeding, etc., he wouldn't bother with anything but true-blue stuff... I feel a right of passage that's incomplete until I run and OD NL girl!