Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

@Waira update on the grow.
Things are really filling in nicely, and I am very happy with how things are shaping up.
Chem Beyond Diesel CBD
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Detroit Rock City FV F1
View attachment 1493487
Skunk Hero 22 F1
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Lecter Auto
View attachment 1493489View attachment 1493490
Chocolate Skunk Auto
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Sampled some of the spoonicorn and it is a very speedy and heady effect I really enjoy it. Things are still on cruise control looking good I'm spraying once a week for maintenance and feeding twice a week don't think that will change till the end when I cut it out for the last few weeks. The auto's did awesome so far this year I still have a few of them out but I am very happy with yields and quality on everything out in the garden so far. The Sweet Zkittlez is really stacking some monster colas and putting out a very nice aroma, its been a little weird still pumping out new bud sites on some lower branches it has several stages of flowering over the plant..... I think its going to do the job still it is a trichome factory and covered in flowers so Im happy....
the LECTER seems to like outdoors there dude. Not here in Scotland tho. :rofl:
l'll throw my hat in the ring. Kinda late to the party, but here we go.
These are plants grown from seeds that got soaked on April 20, 2022 in our 'community garden' in B.C.
They are photoperiod plants. About a 50/50 mix of a local acclimatised strain & some seeds l made last year.
My seeds are a cross between two female plants of the now defunct Bama Seed's "RIF KAFRINE" which is their (Kif Ketama X La Reunion lsland strain K-1) & a male Lebanese plant from seeds l got in the mail from a dude in Zgharta, Lebanon in 2020.
No seedling pix unfortunately. l'll take some photos later this week with the proper entry info included in the shots.
:toke: Welcome Coughy!
You're not "late", there's no entry restriction on when, just a finish-by date. :thumbsup:
Yes please, before you officially join, go to the first posting and read up on the Comp rules and get your entry card made up as you see like the others have done... easy peasy!

This is a very intriguing cross mate, all landrace is a rarity these days... It looks like something ACE would cook up! :woohoo1: I gather the parents have shown to perform well up at that Lat? I would fret big time over mold resistance!

Okay well what I'm trying to say is... it's not getting any easier to make a pick . these girls are really doing well today.:thumbsup::shrug::drool::nono::shrug::rofl::confused1: I'm glad I haven't picked the three girls yet. They're changing constantly.
:crying: tic-tok brotato chip! It's August already, time to pick yer horses :aha:... what I've been trying to impress on you is what cultivars do you know will have the best showy buds, coz that's what the Polls come down to, pure porn queen goodness!

Silver haze... :doh::cuss::shrug: so I don't know what's going on with this plant it's not doing what it's supposed to be doing. It's not supposed to look like this, it's not supposed to smell like, these leaves are wrong, everything's wrong about this plant. It is not a silver haze I do not know what it is? It acts like an auto or a semi-auto?. Ugh...
But it does have some nice looking **colons coming on it:thumbsup::shrug::clapper: ---- *** :haha: = fucking spell checker!
This has got to be some sort of labeling error? That plant is a long cycle auto or an very quick FV, zero chance it's a full photo version of SSH... Buds and leaves sure look Sati'-dom though!
Skunk hero. This is another plant it's a top contender absolutely love the looks of this plant. She's a beautiful girl.
awesome pheno here!
,... Whaddya think @Jean-O ? .... those angular toothy margins on the leaves and her structure are gorgeous!
Thank brother for the reaction!
It has been a ton of work but it is all coming together, although a little late.
That little "Buzzer" did 80% of the work, it's not the size it is how you use it!:crying::woody:
Only the biggest and gnarliest Brambles needed the long handled *secateurs.
:tang: Go Go Gadget Buzzer! :rofl: ..... * oh, you Brits have been too close to the French for too long! :crying: .... her in 'Merica we call dem long handled thangs loppers,... :shooty:

I've been spaffing money up the wall, getting all the gear, substraes and amendments but some of that will be able to be used in the future (I bought 100 guerilla tabs but only used 40 for instance).
I was dreaming big, what can you say?
...seems we all have to pay for our love,...:pimp::laughcry:
We have had a heat wave in the UK, that threw a massive spanner in the works!
The heat wave really could not have come at a worse time and it really put things on hold for around 10 days.
No way was I going to dig holes in heavy clay soil in 39C heat.
The girls would have just withered and died and I would of had to haul water 1/2 a mile to them daily.
Geebus gibberin' key-riiiissst!! :hothot: ... I picture Terry Gillum's animation of his glowering God holding a bloody magnifying lens on Earth's ass - :rofl:
Seriously, the heat is freakish, in so many places, all at once... Rather genuinely alarming in this biologists mind - :nono:
Every year, back to-back-to-back does not coincidence explain away! The hurricane/Monsoon season is going to be an utter shite-show, just bet me...
...waiting for that Category 5+ "Destroyer/Kali's Fart" rating to become a thing!

I'm very happy you didn't caught and burned by that heat mate, to say nothing of them finding your Sun-stroked corpse glistening in the mornin' light, Cheers to the ravens for the heads-up on spotting you! :yoinks: :haha:

Here is the new line up, they are all autos.
Still plenty fruity Arty ..(see what I did there?)
Not a great pic but it was 5am.
Clay soil is a bugger to dig, with just hand tools!
It took an "all night shift" (11 hours) to dig 10 holes with just hand tools and a red light head torch.

... queue the Devo song Workin' in Coal Mine :cooldance: ..... one doesn't "dig" that damn hard pan, one mines that shit= :deadhorse:
Very nicely done mate!
10 Plants were taken to the site, on the bus!
I made 2 liter drinks bottles in my transportation vessels and made them air tight with foil tape.
Brilliant!.... until the Constable frowns at your bulging cylindrical-suspicious backpack and figures a night stick poke is warranted...

Soil and prep is pro stuff RT-Z, you manned-up with both hands to plan and execute this caper! I'll be beaming lottsa Good Karma out your way

>>>> :pause::pause::pause: >>>> .....catch up more tomorrow....

indeed, the brambles are very tough, that little buzzer is no match unfortunately...but it can still help with maintenance aganst the more tender, new growth that will encroach soon enough!
Ah life can be cruel once your memory starts to fade, best take the weight off and have a cup of tea, eh old timer!:rofl:
So as you see Monsieur, "eet eez not moi, oo called zem "Buzzers eet was vous"! (As close to sounding French as I get)!:haha:


This what "you" referred to as my "Buzzers" and yes they did do 80% of the heavy lifting, when clearing the brambles!
They may not look like they could but they did! (the long blade, not the topiary trimming blade)!

As for thinking I live too near France, I wasn't the one who called them Buzzers lol
Are you sure you don't live near Canada or Louisiana, maybe you have some Cajun or Creole in you,?:rofl:
I'm thinking in this instance, it may be you, who is living too near French speaking people!
Should I be calling you Monsieur Buzzer from now on?:eyebrows:
In British gardening nomenclature, we don't usually call them "buzzers" we call them "hedge trimmers"!
I just used the word "you" called them as sometimes you use different words in "Merica" to those used in the UK and so I used the word that you would understand!
If you are going to roast someone for using a particular, or in this case a peculiar "word" best not be the one who used it first, huh?:crying::crying:
(OK I'm done, I hope you didn't mind a little roasting back atcha, did you)?:smoking:

We also call them "Loppers" and or "Long handled secatuers" which is equally valid as a name, as it is what they are! :headbang:

Another pic of the garden, this one is a bit of a closer view.

I'm done now spending on this grow, now it is just a mater of tending the garden and feeding/watering and reap the rewards.

Yeah the heat wave was a proper fly in the ointment and put back planting out the girls for two weeks, just as well I did multiple sowings!
Class 5 hurricanes, thank my lucky stars we don't get those here,I hope they pass by and leave you and your plants alone! Stay safe brother!
If it does come your way, grab those ruby slippers and ask Toto to sing "rains in Africa! :rofl:

"Quote Waira - Still plenty fruity Arty ..(see what I did there?)
Yes indeed sir, very doll, my friend,:hump:
Blueberries, bananas, lemon and peanut, half way to making a canna museli!
All the fruitiness aside the plant I really want to try is the "Night Crawler" Heavy indica couchlock, I can't wait to enter into canna oblivion with her!:cools:

"Working in the coal mine" is a very apt song!
That clay was a lot of hard work!!
Next year I look for and nice easy to work Loam.

I bought a mini mattock/pick axe for the job and it was awesome.
(To avoid confusion we call an "Ax" an Axe")
When hold it I look like I am giant lol!
However it could only break the surface as once the hole got to a certain depth it, was not easy to use.
I then switched to the "Tiger Spade".

To give you an idea of the size, the shaft is only 38cm (15") long and it weighs 400 grams
It is drop forged and the head is removable which is great for transporting it!

I also bough a folding spade/shovel

A Tiger spade, which was brilliant for getting the clay broken up, so it could be shoveled out.

Transporting the girls in their transport vessels, was easy, no smell no suspicion.
No one gets stopped for having a heaving back pack there, so many students and festivals in my area, everyone and his dog has a bulging pack!
Then there is the lack of police, every time I walk through the central shopping area of my city, I smell weed everywhere, no one give a damn any more!

Thank so much for the karma and kind words :karmacloud::jointman: always very much appreciated!!:bighug:
I'd also like to thank you for being the lead in the outdoor grow comp, "your a brick"!
(Your a brick is a UK expression - If you say that someone is a brick, you mean that they have helped you or supported you when you were in a difficult situation. You were a brick, a real friend indeed)
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be doing this grow!!!:d5::smoking:Waira for President!:salute:

I did start a bit late but I had to do a rush job on site locations and ground prep, which was further hindered by the heat wave!
If I do something, I don't like half measures!
Soil, soil amendments and ground prep, is a must, my girls always get the best I can give them and then they reward me for making life nice for them!

One thing I did forget is to do is an AFN Competition sheet for the photographs:face:, I do one next time I go up the plot!

I gave your last post a :slap: as a little thank you for all you do for this comp for us all!
I hope I didn't roast you too hard earlier, we like a bit of fun..huh??
Until next time have a great week bro!:jointman:
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Kyote's weekly update

Weather has been sunny and temps in the 90's. Next week, cooling down to the 70's and hope that helps with setting the auto flower buds. Last summer, all the outdoor autos had hot weather all through flowering, and they weren't very dense. so hoping the cool temps help with that this year.

All the plants get top dressed when needed with WC, 4-4-4 and 2-8-4. Muchacha also gets a banana, comfrey, molasses and brown sugar fermented tea once a week.

All plants foliar sprayed with Rotblock 1x a week.

Early morning pics from today

T20M Muchacha Auto @ 72 days

T20M Snow G Photo - pinched her off a few days ago .. really don't know why butz i was standing there and pinched her off :rofl:

And then this Fast Lemon Drizzle .. it'z only in a 5 gallon bag.. if it flips in the next two weeks, I'll figure something out for it .. if it doesn't flip by August 15th, onto the compost pile for it as I'm not going to try to finish anything off in November in this climate :shrug: It would also have to finish off in the GH do to height :eek1: And from last year's experience, the GH is problematic in October.


Happy growing all! :pass:
07/30/22 - 420Forever update #8
@Waira update #8 ;)

Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 58 :smoking: she'z grown 2" a day the past week, lol :yoinks: 55" now & female seedz continuez to be my breeder of choice, handz down....strong, stable geneticz that never fail....they may take a hit in the beginning, lol, but alwayz come back with a bang, oh ya! :shooty: :joy:


Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 58 :smoking: 30" now


morning group pic showin the ww x bb towering over 4 other plantz the same age, lol :rofl: fs geneticz rock! :headbang: ppp

:crying: Cheers and touche' RT-Z!
This what "you" referred to as my "Buzzers" and yes they did do 80% of the heavy lifting, when clearing the brambles!
They may not look like they could but they did! (the long blade, not the topiary trimming blade)!
Did I miss seeing the long blade mon amie? :smoking: That's more like it!
Actually, some of the better brands of these battery powered tool are surprisingly capable - :thumbsup:...better, punchier batteries I imagine... A mate has an electric pole saw that could go toe-to-toe with a gas powered unit...
As for thinking I live too near France, I wasn't the one who called them Buzzers lol
Are you sure you don't live near Canada or Louisiana, maybe you have some Cajun or Creole in you,?:rofl:
I'm thinking in this instance, it may be you, who is living too near French speaking people!
Should I be calling you Monsieur Buzzer from now on?:eyebrows:
In British gardening nomenclature, we don't usually call them "buzzers" we call them "hedge trimmers"!
I just used the word "you" called them as sometimes you use different words in "Merica" to those used in the UK and so I used the word that you would understand!
If you are going to roast someone for using a particular, or in this case a peculiar "word" best not be the one who used it first, huh?:crying::crying:
(OK I'm done, I hope you didn't mind a little roasting back atcha, did you)?:smoking:
Oh Oh! - some confusion here, it was the secateur I was jousting you about! Not the word buzzers, which was indeed my 'Merican terminology :rofl:
C'est bon! know I'm a Cali-boyo already don'cha? :cool1: ...though I do love me some Gumbo Z'Herbs and Andouille sausage with red beans and rice!
:hothot:- iiooooooweee! - set mah tung ahn fi-yoh! :hump:

Yeah the heat wave was a proper fly in the ointment and put back planting out the girls for two weeks, just as well I did multiple sowings!
Class 5 hurricanes, thank my lucky stars we don't get those here,I hope they pass by and leave you and your plants alone! Stay safe brother!
If it does come your way, grab those ruby slippers and ask Toto to sing "rains in Africa! :rofl:
My good fortune to be well away from hurricanes here! 3 years in Florida though, but even then at the time 4-5 were heading toward Gainesville but then veered off everytime like a force field... quite lucky really! The rains and thunder/lightening were phenomenal though, sometime the super violent Spring squall lines were like Armageddon for brief moments! ....A few uncomfortably close strikes were bloody sobering :yoinks: :nono:....

Yes indeed sir, very doll, my friend,:hump:
:rofl::yellowcard: -- I know, that's a 3m pun penalty! (don't tell @blue )
All the fruitiness aside the plant I really want to try is the "Night Crawler" Heavy indica couchlock, I can't wait to enter into canna oblivion with her!
I was going to ask who the breeder is? The last couple years I have actually missed the mark on gettin me my head flattening Indi' buzz in the line-up... Ones I thought or reported to be heavy, were not... Or struck out on! Do you recall me trying to grow Aunt of Farouk? 0/3 on females, and they were mopey little wankers the whole fekkin' time too- :shrug:
I bought a mini mattock/pick axe for the job and it was awesome.
(To avoid confusion we call an "Ax" an Axe")
...we call a small ax, a hatchet --- :crying:-- but we digress!
Nice guerilla tools mate, a solid investment...
Transporting the girls in their transport vessels, was easy, no smell no suspicion.
No one gets stopped for having a heaving back pack there, so many students and festivals in my area, everyone and his dog has a bulging pack!
Then there is the lack of police, every time I walk through the central shopping area of my city, I smell weed everywhere, no one give a damn any more!
All good news,... you were in disguise!
It's good to hear things are steadily loosening up over there. I hear rumors of progress toward legalization?
Thank so much for the karma and kind words :karmacloud::jointman: always very much appreciated!!:bighug:
I'd also like to thank you for being the lead in the outdoor grow comp, "your a brick"!
(Your a brick is a UK expression - If you say that someone is a brick, you mean that they have helped you or supported you when you were in a difficult situation. You were a brick, a real friend indeed)
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be doing this grow!!!:d5::smoking:Waira for President!:salute:
:eek1: No pressure man,... :rofl: Cheers RT, and thanks :pighug:
Hey, this Comp' is a pleasure to run mate, and a tip o' the hat to @Weed Warrior who was the other hand in shoving this ship out to sea several years ago! :drunks:
It's been tuned up to be casual and nearly run itself... besides, so much is indoor, we needed a stage for the Sun bathing beauties... UV THC boost for the win!

Weather has been sunny and temps in the 90's. Next week, cooling down to the 70's and hope that helps with setting the auto flower buds. Last summer, all the outdoor autos had hot weather all through flowering, and they weren't very dense. so hoping the cool temps help with that this year.
I'll be finger-crossing for that too mate! Yeah, heat is usually no friend to OD auto's in bloom...

Did Bryan reach out to you yet, or visa-versa? I'm thinking most folks in the Comp are solid candidates for a "test" or Grow&Show gig!
I'm chatting with him about this currently,... the product is available to Canada and States, and sold in 2 sizes- :thumbsup:

:greenthumb: Looking great Kyote! FLD is really nicely put together, I hope she'll switch in time :goodluck:

You got Pinchy-Eyes! :rofl: ......A late "pinch" worked out well for me last year, remember?
Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 58 :smoking: she'z grown 2" a day the past week, lol :yoinks: 55" now & female seedz continuez to be my breeder of choice, handz down....strong, stable geneticz that never fail....they may take a hit in the beginning, lol, but alwayz come back with a bang, oh ya! :shooty: :joy:
Noice! :d5: .... yeah I agree, Female doesn't get the love they deserve... Every one has been a winner for me, even the leaf crinkle mutie SexBud that smelled like fresh apricots!
You gotta try Skunk Special, OD Grapefruit and Mimosa Champagne too... To date, the sweet pheno' of SkSp is one of the most terp loaded girls I have ever had. She made me woozy and a bit nauseous when I harvested her, total olfactory overload!
I'll be finger-crossing for that too mate! Yeah, heat is usually no friend to OD auto's in bloom...

Did Bryan reach out to you yet, or visa-versa? I'm thinking most folks in the Comp are solid candidates for a "test" or Grow&Show gig!
I'm chatting with him about this currently,... the product is available to Canada and States, and sold in 2 sizes- :thumbsup:

:greenthumb: Looking great Kyote! FLD is really nicely put together, I hope she'll switch in time :goodluck:

I've been pushing Rotblock to anyone that will listen :smoking: I had a lot left so I'm good for this year. :thumbsup:

Yeppers, the FLD is a pretty gurl, and the lemon she is kicking out is bold and yummy. Taking it day to day with her. :eek1:

And Snow G, a lil pinch here, a lil pinch there.. :doh: Figured wth eh? :baked:
I've been pushing Rotblock to anyone that will listen :smoking: I had a lot left so I'm good for this year. :thumbsup:

Yeppers, the FLD is a pretty gurl, and the lemon she is kicking out is bold and yummy. Taking it day to day with her. :eek1:

And Snow G, a lil pinch here, a lil pinch there.. :doh: Figured wth eh? :baked:
I'm trying to get some! They only accept PayPal and that's an issue for me. I waited on hold for over 30 minutes tonight trying to get it sorted and gave up. I messaged them to see if there is another way to purchase but haven't heard anything back.
Update- Photoperiod SSSC Strawberry cookies day 71
Update for the photoperiod girls! Day 71. Waiting to see some flower sign… just the first initial set of pistils will do. They are healthy and happy. I have a front runner that’ll prob be my horse but still have time… the way I have them trained it looks like one plant. Lol