Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

update the bear 6/19
  • Day 60 for my Wilderness
    update Kyote 6/19
  • @Waira
    Update #7

    I could pick me two horses right now. Purple Punch auto and Cookies FV, as they are both thriving.

    The mutant RM will keep going just to see what she does or doesn't do.

    Blackberry Gum isn't showing me much so far. Out of 5 seeds, I haven't had any good luck with them.

    BBBG3xCS is showing some side branching, and the younger BBBG3XCS will either go into the ground or into a pot in the next week.

    Cookies FV photo. Grew 10 inches in the last week, now 3.5' tall.

    Purple Punch has exploded since going outdoors

    Mutant Red Mandarine that was topped a few days ago ..

    Blackberry Gum on the small side

    Little BBBG3xCS
    bbbg3#2 9.jpg

    And big BBBG3XCS

    That'z all for this week grofolks! :peace:
    420Forever - photo update #3
  • @Waira photo update #3, choo-choo! :headbang:

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 46 :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 41 :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 41 :smoking: ...topped at the 10th floor a couple dayz ago to try & encourage side branching :shrug:


    morning group shot...:cool1:

    still no auto entriez yet, but have had 3 new od autoz sprout the las 3d, for a total of 9 now, so may still be a minute, lol :doh: ppp
    update Shiva 624

  • Shiva's Mistress: Guerilla Auto Anarchy in the UK

    2021/06/25: Day 38 from sprouting

    Weather went back to cold, wet and cloudy again... meh...

    The Seedstockers' Auto Sticky Fingers is tiny in her shaded location,
    the Auto AK420 is doing okay in a different guerilla site, not growing much, but okay.
    Here is the Auto Blackberry Gum that I've kept in this little pot at home.
    She has some kind of fungus/mold in the tiny pot and is going into flower!

    20210625 SM's Auto BBG.jpg

    Looking for prize for smallest flowering plant outdoors in 2021 here.... :crying:

    I have some other plants looking better -- other Seedstockers Autos, and Twenty20 Mendocino Auto Go-Go in other threads.
    Here's one of the small Auto Go-Gos:

    20210625 SM's Auto Go-Go.jpg

    Hope everyone else's grow is going just fantastic!
    Lots of sun, good temps, gentle breezes.

    Love and hugs.

    St.tom no 2 update
  • @Waira weekly update my girls are now 18 days old and i now have 1x 2 strawberry pie and 1x2 lemon pie both 2to a pot as they streatched really badly so rather than dump them i repotted them in the eco live soil mix i made i also have a wedding cheese cake in a solo and 2 in 2 litre air pot maybe a smoothie and a purple lemonade .we have had terrible rain this week in the uk so not much sun so they dont look the best but early days yet hey
    update minime 627
  • @Waira
    Update on comp 2021
    Auto, cash crop
    Well the rain came down today and hasn't stop,
    Not like the weather other peeps are getting in the States
    Hopefully the weather will get better for all od comp participants
    Just start to show signs of flowing

    update cannalush 6/27
  • If I remember correctly, I think this is my 4th update since my auto plants germinated back on May 16th.

    It is crazy how much growth they can pack on in 7 to 10 days, since the last post/update I made here.

    The Mango Smile is now in full on flowering, same with the Creme de la Chem...I've been starting to see the first trichomes develop on those plants as of the past 2 to 3 days. My two "Strawberry Mango Crumble" plants aren't too far behind.

    It has been interesting seeing these plants go through their different growth stages so rapidly and leap into flowering (this is my first time ever growing autos)...It seems that with autos there is more "overlap" between the veg & stretch & flowering stages, where with photos it seems like the plants slow down on veg growth dramatically as soon as the plants have started to develop flowers.

    My Mangosmile is already bigger than some of the clone plants I harvested at the end of last summer...Crazy how much it has grown in just a month.

    It has a great essence/aroma...Sweet pine, a bit "hazey", along with some fruity/mango notes, and the trichomes have just barely started to develop. No real distinct aroma from the SMC or the CDLC yet.

    I was going to let all of my autos grow into their natural form/structure, but last week I decided to bend down some of the lower branches on the Mango Smile just to open up the structure of the plant a lil bit more. The MS seems to naturally have a really nice "open" structure though with big spacing between nodes.

    I've got some clones and seedlings of regular photo-period plants going, I might enter a couple of those into the comp sometime soon.




    update jean 6/27
  • Grape Cheese F2 BX

    The Duke F1

    What's My Name S1

    The Auto's are all looking great and loving life!
    I built some more framework onto the photoperiods and added more trellis netting to add support after this last week of crazy weather. I should be good to finish out the season now....
    Lilac Diesel getting big!

    Banana Daddy really putting it on now

    Big Detroit Energy living up to its name!

    @Waira update on the outdoor crew! Been a rough week this week with storms but preparation pays off.... Its been a week of hard work around the farm and at the shop long hot days filled with tons of work.... Everything is doing very good as far as the grow no complaints on any of the plants.... A few bug bites but nothing to really complain about.... I need the rain to stop so I can apply some essential oils and the RB.... Im also wanting to hit some of the OD auto's with some pollen.
    420Forever - photo update #4
  • @Waira photo update #4

    AK Day 54 :smoking:


    Cheeze Day 49 :smoking:


    Mimosa EVO Day 49 :smoking:


    group shot...

    welp, unfortunately, it lookz like the photo girlz are gonna hafta save the day now, cuz all the autoz are now outa the running :wall: all evidence pointz to a soil issue, but i'm still tryin to figger it out, so it'z gonna hafta be film @ 11 on that :shrug: anyhoo, the cheeze (in the middle) is now leavin both the other two behind in height at ruffly 39" now, so due to the fact that i can't let em get much past 6', i'm gonna g'head & top both the cheeze & ak in the next day or two ;) annnnd, last minute thought, i'm also gonna be plantin one more each of the cheeze & ak in 5 gal potz, hehe :smoking: they won't get all that big before flower time, but that'z ok...i'm jus lookin to get a lil xtra is all, in light of the auto fiasco :doh: had some bug damage of some sort hit all three of em the same nite this past week early clue what exactly, but it ain't slowin em down, so i ain't trippin, lol :rolleyes2: the mimosa has responded well to her topping & has finally started some side branching, so there'z hope ;) and well, at least i haven't had to water lately, cuz we been gettin a shitload o' rain, so...:thumbsup: the photo growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp