hotoperiod Strains: High Society, Banana Piepaya, and Purple Afghan Kush. These shots were taken 5 days ago.
41 days into flower development. Bud development is really starting to mature -- just wish a could squeeze another couple of weeks from them. The continuing winds I can handle .... and even the borers are not too bad, but now I'm starting to get bud rot. Here's a view of the 3 gals, starting off with High Society, my showcase plant.
... I think the Word here for your girls is "embattled"-
Such a great start, and now it's a demolition derby!
Hang in best you can Sky, I'm sad to see your good work get it's butt kicked like this... Maybe we can come up with a Comp' Top Crash&Burn prize-
--they sure lived up to that!
for getting something decent into the jars mate -
Next year, hit up Phyter Bryon for some product, and I recommend SNS209 systemic for added protection from leaf munching, sap sucking bastards! It's rosemeric acid, derived from rosemary oil, which fouls the sap...
What’s up people…..have had a bad run of luck…
I saw at LBH's thread!
reeeeeally blows my friend, finish and share if you can.... Same recommendations as Sky above too
I have toyed with the idea of a simple small frame, or greenhouse/hoopy structure and wrapping that in mosquito-type mesh... this can keep bugs out, let more than plenty of light in, still have decent air movement. Only the drought years here have spared me the worst; bud worms late in the game...
Always mold, but these bio-agents used properly can make a huge difference! look at how well Jean's auto took that nasty NE weather, and his photo's are in great shape as well... Bill seconds that too!
... And I'm positive it's working well for me, even on what now appears to be a weakly resistant new Malawi Killer/Orange Glue, might be the only reason that finishes at all
... the rest have fared very well despite all the fog and high RH%....
<<< Waira update >>>
Finally going to harvest something!
...semi-auto ChemDSourDieselHaze (LBH) get chopped tomorrow, followed by the normal Cherry WiFi, and looks like Garlicane next week
...about frikkin' time! This season has been just plain wonky....
>>> CWF
>>> Garlicane ....likely my huckleberry for the Comp...