Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

420Forever - update #16
  • Linda Seedz photo AK Day 137/day 37 of flower :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 132/day 37 of flower :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 132/day 37 of flower :smoking:


    group pic...

    sorry, no mantis picz this of em was way up at the tippytop of the ak where i couldn't exactly get to it to get a good pic, and the other one was in hiding, so...:shrug: the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    update Shiva 9/18
  • Hey everyone!
    I've missed everyone's updates lately --- busy busy busy.
    Here's the last little Twenty20 Mendocino Auto Go-Go girl I took down a day or two ago.
    Had a little BR at the end, coz of the rain and cooling English weather.
    Lost maybe 25%.
    But the rest is drying now.
    Good perfume on her, stinks up the house if she dries inside!

    Now I need to go back and read everyone's bud-pic updates!!!
    update hazey 9/19
  • @Waira UPDATE #11 Oh Lordy! The Venom OG is buckling under the weight of the blooms .. had a look with a scope all trichomes cloudy and a little amber too …so it may come down a little earlier than expected



    The White Runtz still has a ways to go, smells like candy



    Happy growing and good luck, the finish line is in sight :pass:
    update Bill 9/19
    La Buena Hierba Seeds
    Asian Haze Fem


    She's coming along nicely. Did cut some rot this morning. It was the top cola that I didn't cut enough off of previous rot earlier. That may be bad for some, but if Phyter hadn't been used, it would have spread a hell of a lot more. It was still small, it just was on the stem, so off it went.
    I haven't bothered with the scope yet with all the really active bud growth. I'll but it out for this girl next weekend.

    I'm still inclined to say Oct1. That's just over 120 days. Possibility of rain Tuesday, with the weather shifting cooler with lows in the low to mid 50s and highs in the 80s and the humidity in the low to mid 40s and full sun. Looks like a good finish is possible. Hopefully the lower night temps won't slow her too much.

    It's just water, spray Phyter and watch closely until chop! I'm ready as hell! LOL!

    update Mason 9/25
  • @Waira @MasonJarOG September Update
    BFG 161 Days

    Raspberry Parfait #1 113 Days I think this one is just the freak in bag


    RP2 this one I think is the true pheno.


    I’ve been very lucky (Knock on Canna) as CannControl is doing a great job prohibiting PM and most non-beneficial insects. BT has timing has been spot on the worm action. I’m guessing all will be done around Halloween.
    update Jean 9/25
  • @Waira Closing in on the end with the battle plants. I have started my staggered harvest and things have been super busy! Its been rainy and cold in the 50's here rain every day for the last 5 days.... The plants are stacked super heavy and initial smoke reports is this years smoke is the FIRE! Ethos hit it out of the park for me this year! Already pulling seeds from the new crosses from the voodoo and the Duke should be some killer FV's to test out for next years grow! I need a bigger drying closet though I can only fit about a lb at a time in there and Ive got it filled for the 3rd time already and I just got way too much to get through there again this year. My wife was just picking on me that I grow all this bud with no real clue on how to get it all processed by myself lol... Ill get through it as I always do I told her..... I probably still have 5 lbs of last years flower I need to turn into hash so I can have the jars for curing this flower.... I couldn't be happier with the results this year, Im sitting on a metric ton of top shelf flower again shame its not worth a wood Nickle in Michigan lol...... Its kinda funny how many grows you can see now driving down the road around here. Everyone is growing in Michigan you cant drive down the road without seeing a new grow every house damn near. Great job to everyone who participated in this years OD grow season and for anyone who tried there hand for the first time growing OD. This was my 23rd season outdoors and my 6th season in my full sun grow pen and I would have to say this was my best season yet!
    Ethos Big Detroit Energy turned out super fruity with hints of gas and some floral undertones absolutely beautiful aromas

    Ethos Banana Daddy R1 is the sexiest outdoor plant I have ever grown! She has somewhere around 4 lbs of beautiful purple flowers that have a funky rotten fruit smell with hints of BO and vitamin aroma that reminds me of Bubba Kush a little bit. The high is out of this world on this plant though its very heady and trippy in effects the kind of buzz that gets you lost in deep thought.... Great medicine for night time on the back side of the buzz after the racy thoughts it makes me very tired and relaxed.

    Ethos Lilac Diesel still holds that fresh linen aroma but also pulled a bit of an orange terpene here at the end. The flowers are rock solid and very enjoyable to toke. She has great muscle relaxation properties and the buzz is speedy and great for the morning or all day toking....
    update kyote 9/25
  • @Waira

    Photo update

    Down to 3 now.... Red Mandarine is drying, and EBB x CS in the greenhouse is compost. Red Mandarine received a clean bill of health when chopped. Weekly Phyter treatments kept it free of mold.
    cfv 9-24a.jpg

    EBB xCS#2
    ebbxcs#2 9-24.jpg

    ebbxcs#2 9-24a.jpg

    Blackberry Gum - A bit more room now with RM chopped. Opened BBG up a it more with stakes and tie downs.
    bbg 9-24.jpg

    bbg 9-23.jpg

    At this stage, I really don't think any of these three will actually finish, but I'm in, untl they get chopped for whatever reason. All of the remaining plants are receiving the Phyter treatment. Cookies gets sprayed the best I can due to her bulk. EBB & BBG being much smaller, are much easier to spray, as each individual branch is sprayed with no problem.

    Ok, see ya next week, one way or the other, hopefully with 3 plants still plugging along.
    update Sky 9/26
  • Update #11 @Waira
    Photoperiod Strains: High Society, Banana Piepaya, and Purple Afghan Kush. These shots were taken 5 days ago.
    41 days into flower development. Bud development is really starting to mature -- just wish a could squeeze another couple of weeks from them. The continuing winds I can handle .... and even the borers are not too bad, but now I'm starting to get bud rot. Here's a view of the 3 gals, starting off with High Society, my showcase plant.

    174.HS a.jpg
    174.HS b.jpg
    174.HS c.jpg

    Here's a look at the lovely Purple Afghan Kush.

    174.PAK a.jpg
    174.PAK b.jpg

    And finally, the beleaguered Banana Piepaya - suffering the most from borers and bud rot.

    174.BP a.jpg
    174.BP b.jpg

    Here's a typical greeting when I make my routine daily inspections:

    update Mo 9/28
  • Been battling a fever with the lil one, guess teething or growth spurts?
    May as well get some night shots while I can.. may do a massive leaf removal just for some final penetration.. snipped the tiniest piece of rot on the kush.. seriously can’t let it get rained on anymore, leaf blower ain’t cutting it anymore back to classic shake of the tops then a blow job :crying:
    Water only for frizzy .. I’m so glad I cloned this... smells lovely kinda papayaish now or tropical?? I know it’s one I like lol


    Still filling in I think.. may make the deadline..
    Oh boy..
    Get some close shots.. the GLH has a few purple leaves while fizzy looks like it’s about to change funny because I thought it be purple by now clone is right purple..

    Looks like I’ll be good and stoned this winter
    420Forever - update #17
  • @Waira update #17 ;)

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 147/day 47 of flower :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 142/day 47 of flower :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Momosa EVO Day 142/day 47 of flower ...oopz! :doh: :rolleyes2:


    group pic...

    ya, sorry i'm a couple dayz late with me sue me :finger: :rofl: as u can see by the background in the picz, they've been doin a shitload o' work on me building this past week & thingz have been buzy af, ahh! :nono: and if that weren't enuff, u'll see that the mimosa lookz a bit different now, lol :rolleyes2: long story, but it'z cuz the top 19" section of one of her two main spirez got accidently snapped cleaned off :yoinks: :face: :wall: i had no choice but to g'head & trim, wash & hang it :shrug: needless to say, it def happened too soon, but there were actually a few hintz of amber smatteringz on the top cola, the rest bein a mix of clear/cloudy....but oh man, the nugz are def so fat, dense & frosty af! :yoinks: :thumbsup: and no signz of any br, woot! :cooldance: so, it is what it is & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp