Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

update Kyote 8/14
  • @Waira

    Photoperiod weekly update

    Cookies FV out of control monster will probably flip in the next week from what i see going on with her
    cfv 8-13b.jpg

    EBB x CS is coming along well
    ebbcs 8-13a.jpg

    These plants under the tarp are all being treated with @Phyter to hopefully prevent that ugly BR

    EBB x CS #2 not showing any move towards flipping.. taking her sweet time
    ebbcs#2 8-13.jpg

    Blackberry Gum still vegging away
    bbg 8-13a.jpg

    Red Mandarine mutant flipped this week
    rm 8-12.jpg

    rm 8-13.jpg

    Sorry to see so many folks gettng hit with BR this season. Hopefully, the Phyter treatments will prove successful and be available to growers next year. It really sucks putting months of time and effort into a crop and then lose it in the end.
    420Forever - update #11
  • @Waira update #11 ;)

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 102 :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 97 :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 97 :smoking:


    group pic...

    the two non-comp "teenager" photoz, day 46...

    oh boy, the flip has started! :jump: it uzually startz mid-august here in mizery & they're right on schedule :thumbsup: i actually noticed it yesterday, on fri 13th, lol :doh: i ended up supercroppin the cheeze a couple dayz after me last update, so the mimosa is now the tallest of the three at around 70"...thought about doin it too & still might, idk, lol :rolleyes2: they're still a water only grow, but did get a topdress of a lil fresh soil & amendmentz around day 75 & will probly do so again in another week or so ;) the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    updates GTG 8/16
  • @Waira :toke:
    Up date

    Fire og kush #1
    Seed plant
    Breeder Big head seeds

    Started feeding Mother earth bloom, along with Alaska fish fertilizer, and phytoplankton tea to all the girl's.

    Fire og kush #1 is 7' across x 6' 9" wide x 6' 6" tall


    She is doing good. Pre bud sign is coming on ... Finely. :woohoo1: But that's a harvest time of mid October to Halloween ... trick or treat:vibes::pass:
    update Mo' 8/21
  • Limping this to the finish line... still haven’t picked one.. giving the pot just water didn’t pan too well for the later finishing ones
    But I may pick the tall one on right ...
    Just no real weight to them yet...

    As for photos..
    Not bad for 5gal fabric pots...

    Looking like I need to bump their feed up
    Kicked it up to 1.5ec ... water then raise again I think... gonna push em
    Last edited:
    update Kyote 8/21
  • @Waira

    Cookies FV, no flip yet :eek1:

    cfv 8-20.jpg

    EBB X CS started showing trichomes this week :thumbsup:
    ebbcs 8-20.jpg

    EBB X CS #2 no flip yet.. about 5 feet tall. Cute little bush.
    ebbcs#2 8-21.jpg

    Blackberry Gum.. no flip yet.. A lot of pruning on this one to keep the structure open. I like to be able to see through the bush easily.
    bbg 8-31.jpg

    And Red Mandarine mutie .. doing well, building buds.. glad i didn't cull her a couple months ago
    rm 8-21.jpg

    That be it for this week grofolks :d5:
    420Forever - update #12
  • @Waira update #12 ;)

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 109/Day 9 since flip :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 104/Day 9 since flip :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 104/Day 9 since flip :smoking:


    group picz...

    couple picz of non-comp "teenager" cheeze budz, day 52/day 9 since flip...:yoinks:


    welp, it'z pretty much safe to say i'll be makin the ak my final pick when the time comez ;) i mainly jus plain like how her structure has turned out is all, compared to the other two :shrug: she'z def gonna be the biggest yielder of the 3 :thumbsup: i gotta admit, with this bein my first full-on experience with photoz, it'z been pretty exciting finally seein all the budz start to come to life :joy: it'z so cool when i crack open me bathroom window every morning to see/smell a 6 ft tall cannabis plant growin not a foot away, hehe :biggrin: and wowzer, look at thoze lil budz on the lil teenager cheeze! :yoinks: she made it to ruffly 29" by the flip, but she'z def winning the race as far as bud development, woot! :cooldance: all 5 of em got a topdress of amendmentz this past tuezday & the whole grow is still pretty much on cruize control as the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
    update Shiva 8/30
  • :bighug: Maria de Shiva :smoking: ... she's a doll! it seems she might be a solid OD cultivar, mold resistant and this is good news for all... Let Adam know, he values all feedback :thumbsup:
    Let me now when you harvest, and take a nice live pic of her! There's a Pic Depot thread now, so you can just post it up there... :passit:

    Yeah, I've been tagging @Twenty20 Adam a lot, prob driving him cray-cray... :P
    She is very solid, and really just looking better and better with every dry (slightly sunny) day and cold night.
    Here's the latest.

    Green and yellow and red and purple and violet in the mix!
    And the purple will stay after the trim, too, although it's mostly from the outside-in, not inside-out.


    Trichome coverage on point!!


    Can't see too many amber trichs, but otherwise she is near ready for the chop!


    Going to wait until Wednesday to cut her I think, as I have a good time-window then.
    But these pics here may be close the best, let's see...
    update Bill 8/39


    La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze #2 DAY 88
    KNOCK ON new rot! Stinky greasy girls and frosty girls. Good new daily bud growth with nice structure.....remaining reasonably open.

    La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze #1 DAY 88
    Trimmed a few old fan leaves on the big haze.
    Top fed some FFJ with Microbial Mass.
    Filled the rez with humic acid water. Can see more 'water roots' from the fill tube. Put a little bokashi down and a little hay on top that. I just wanna see IF I can get sum fuzz going before the compost mites eat it up. I doubt it! LOL!
    Still crazy amount of activity in the media............. being just a big ol plant food maker!:biggrin:
    I think I still have a pretty good nute bank by looking into the media by lightly brushing away the media and looking at the root intrusion into it.
    She's bushing up nicely!
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    update Kyote 8/39
  • @Waira :pass:

    Update 8-28

    Yay, Cookies FV flipped! :jump: Pruned some branches for access to the EBB x CS behind Cookies monster. Gh is 9 feet tall and 9 feet wide. Halloween chop window it appears if she makes it!
    cfv 8-27.jpg

    EBB x CS in the gh.. kinda cramped in there so can only get a partial picture of her. Grow those flowerz!
    ebbcs 8-27.jpg

    The bushes under the tarp have all been treated with @Phyter for the full grow. Once a week, focusing on any open flesh from pruning and on new growth.

    EBBxCS #2 .. I won't say this one has flipped yet but it's right there. Not much room left for it to stretch. The top is 6 feet, so may have to do some supercropping soon.

    ebbcs#2 8-27.jpg

    Blackberry Gum.. a lot of pruning on this one. Also some LST just to open it up a bit more as well. May have to do some supercropping here as well.

    bbg 8-27.jpg

    Red Mandarine mutie gurl is cruising in flower.. :cooldance:
    rm 8-27.jpg

    :d5:Best of luck to all for a good finish to this outdoor season :pass: