Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

420Forever - photo entry
  • ( :peek: defending auto champ enterz room...:eyebrows: crowd goez wild :yay: )

    ok, my turn, my turn! :jump: :cooldance:

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 26 (germed 05/05/21)


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 21 (germed 05/10/21)


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 21 (germed 05/10/21)


    group shot...

    and there u have it kidz, my official photo entriez for this year'z comp :toke: and, weather permitting, i'll hopefully get my autoz entered in about another week ;) this year, i'll be growin 3 photoz & 6 autoz outside (mebbe even 8 autoz, idk yet, lol :rolleyes2: )...they'll all be in me own homemade organic soil...photoz in 7 gal potz, autoz in 4 gal potz ;) the 3 photoz above were started inside earlier this month in 1 gal potz & were finally able to get tranzplanted outside today, woot! :joy: i'm glad too, cuz they were def gettin rootbound already in the 1 gal, and hence, why 2 of the 3 were gettin a bit droopy :rolleyes2: they have however been gettin put outside durin the day for the past couple weekz for a breath o' fresh air & to acclimate :cool1: we've had a fuckton o' rainy dayz here in the heartland, so it'z been total hit & miss bein able to get out to make up soil, etc...not to mention tryin to get a lattice-fence enclozure built for me photoz out back, which i haven't begun to be able to do yet, ahh! :doh: we're suppozed to get showerz again tomorrow, which this time, will be jus what the doctor ordered ;) so, :goodluck: to all & let'z get this train a-rollin, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


    update Shiva 6/1
  • Shiva's Mistress: Guerilla Auto Anarchy in the UK

    2021/05/30: Day 12 from sprouting (Day 17 from germ)

    UK weather has picked up, now with sunshine and day temps 20+C, even up to 25C.
    So I've been putting them outside during the day to harden off.
    20210530 Shiva's Mistress SS Auto AK, BG, SF.jpg

    Top right: Auto Blackberry Gum
    Bottom right: Auto Sticky Fingers
    Bottom left: Auto AK420
    Top left: possibly some sweet peppers...

    2021/06/01: Day 14 from sprouting (Day 19 from germ)

    And a couple of days later, sitting inside still in the morning sunny window.
    20210601 Shiva's Mistress SS Auto AK, BG, SF.jpg

    Top right: Auto Blackberry Gum
    Bottom right: a sweet pepper finally popped!
    Bottom left: Auto AK420
    Top left: Auto Sticky Fingers

    @Waira -- may be the last of the regular posts before sending to the great wild outdoors...

    Lots of love and hugs,
    update Sky 6/1
  • Update #3
    Photoperiod Strains: Banana Papaya, High Society & Purple Afghan Kush
    Approximately 60 days old.

    a tire smokin' start Sky! ... will you transplant them up once more later? I think they will need to with all the veg-time ahead yet!
    You bet. Here they are now, potted up in their 10 gallon RainScience Grow Bags. Medium is Soil King's Big Rootz amended with a bit of this and that (azomite, dolomite, worn casings, lobster compost, mycos, and perlite).

    That Kush is a Beauty!
    Thanks Pop. My wife's favorite color is purple, and Kush is her favorite strain family, and she absolutely adored Sweet Seeds "Sweet Afghan Delicious". So when I saw a strain with all 3 words in the name I just knew we had to have some. Unfortunately, of the 5 seeds I got, the 1st 4 failed. So that makes this plant even more special. Hope it survives and lives up to our imagination. :biggrin:

    @Kyote - concerning your feelings for the view these plants get ... let me just say, sometimes an ocean view becomes way too intimate. We just finished two straight days of a full-on Nor'easter. That's New England jargon for "gale force winds loaded with salt water". Had I not carried these babies inside for the duration, they would all be dead now -- instantly tuned into a googy black moldy mass. I just worry that as they get bigger I may not be able to carry them in for every storm. The six-month 2021 Atlantic hurricane season begins today, June 1st.

    61.all b.jpg
    entry Minime 6/1
  • OK here is my entry @Waira

    2021 od auto/photo comp

    Cash crop from-
    Cream of the crop
    Germinated 12-5-21


    Hope I've done the entry correctly
    Today's date 1 June 2021
    Last edited:
    update wildbill 6/3
  • Ok...........unofficial pics until get them transplanted and cards made.

    La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem DAY 3
    Test girls!
    One will be in an EarthBox and the other in a 15gal pot


    Mephisto Genetics: Alien VS Triangle DAY 3
    One will be in an EarthBox and the other in a7gal pot

    update Bear 6/5
  • Here's my Wilderness on Day 40.
    Started in the tent and realised there was no room, so i put her in the hedge opposite the garage,
    Now sits about the garden in different locations lol

    Not much going on with her, just that she was really steatching so I had to tie her down, wish I had of staked her upwards instead, but the wind was blowing her about crazy,


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    entry cannalush 6/5
  • Here is my official entry. I'm only entering these two auto plants at the moment, I might be starting some photo-period plants or getting some clones soon so I'm going to wait a bit before deciding on my third potential entry.

    These pics were taken a couple or few days after germination, they are now almost 3 weeks along and I'll get more recent pics posted within a few days. I just happened to have these pics on my computer and I want to get in on this comp so I figured I'd post em' right now.

    This is my very first time working with auto flowering genetics but I've grown the plant for a few years now, and only outdoors. This is the first online-community competition or "grow off" of any sort I've participated in lol. I'm looking forward to seeing how these things turn out, staying hopeful for some dank flowers, and looking forward to seeing what y'all grow as well.



    update Kyote 6/5
  • @Waira
    Update #5

    Start with the little ones waiting to go outside :thumbsup:

    They will both get a feeding of Miicrobial Mass with their next rain water.

    Blackberry Gum @ Day 5.5. Hang in there little one... me last Blackberry Gum seed - the surface is dry butz this is a 7 gallon bag, so lots of damp soil for those roots to find :smoking:

    Fast Buds Purple Punch is cruising @14 days with her lil buddy... will go outdoors with the next good stretch of sun and warm temperatures.

    Red Mandarine struggling hard.. wifee says she will get her roots together soon and be ok... I hope so. I had me 2nd shot at noon Monday, and was having sweats and high fever by 6pm. Had a night of night terror's, soaked meself sweating, and the aches and all were not good. So Tuesday I go check me plants, and instead of waiting and thinking it through, I grabbed a jug and watered the RM. Well, later I checked the bottle, and it was a concentrated mixture of MC, around 2000ppm.:wall: So I watered with more straight rain water a couple times, and again today. So if this RM survives me, that would be nice. I did the same to the BBBG3 X CS, and she bounced out of it a lot better.

    And BBBG3 x CS in the greenhouse is looking much better :biggrin:

    So that'z that. Lesson learned. When not feeling well. LITFA :thumbsup:

    Until next time grofolks :peace::pass: