Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

update jean 6/7
  • Ethos Big Detroit Energy this things reeks of dankness already don't even need to do a stem rub she's loud! Straight skunk fuel so far! I've been trying to stay ahead with the defoliation this year on all the girls been plucking lots almost daily.

    Ethos Banana Daddy getting some nice sweet aroma's off her. I built a trellis frame and net today over her I'll have to update on that later though I took the pics earlier today.

    Ethos Lilac Diesel trying to get to that trellis but I keep pulling her down! Pretty wide already I like the aroma's I'm getting off the stem rubs pretty floral so far.

    Jean-O's Genetics The Duke F1 Auto already seeing preflower 23 days from seed getting a little LST in the 5 gallon fabric pot. Ive got roots growing down through the bottom of all the pots already. I may just dig some holes this week and plant the pots with some slits in the sides and btms.

    Jean-O's Genetics Grape Cheese F2 BX Auto

    Jean-O's Genetics What's My Name S1

    @Waira update on the OD grow. Things are looking good so far. I have some bugs I need to combat that are doing some munching as usual but nothing surprising happening.... I'm hoping to see growth pick up here soon as things are starting to warm up a bit more here.
    420Forever - photo update #1
  • @Waira photo update #1 ;)

    Linda Seedz photo AK Day 33 :smoking:


    Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 28 :smoking:


    Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 28 ...def the runt o' the litter :doh:


    group shot...:biggrin:


    and then, as if i didn't already have enuff to do :wall:, here'z a couple shotz of me major spring wit, a lattice fence enclozure for me photoz out back o' me place....still got a couple postz to sink & of course, the lattice, so it'z a work in progress, lol :coffee:


    and welp, durin yesterday'z hard, sweaty toil with the fence postz, at the end o' the day, i discovered that 5 outa 6 of me od autoz decided to sprout into the brave new world! :yay: here they all are this morning in the growbox, all under their lil domez :biggrin: the one in the back right without a dome is the female seedz auto gelato, which sadly, hazn't joined the group yet :rolleyes1: we'll see what the next day or two bringz, fingerz crossed :shrug: and plz note waira -> this is not an official entry...yet :smoking: i'll get em all entered once they're big enuff to actually take picz of, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2:


    annnnd, last but not least, here'z what all the girlz got to wake up to this morning :cool1: :headbang: ppp

    update minime 6/7
  • @Waira update od grow,
    Good morning AFN

    Bit overcast today but I got to start somewhere had a big slug and snail problem this morning but luckily they didn't make it to me girl

    But I left my guard cat on look out today

    Really excited about this grow never done an auto outside before

    Well of to work I go hopefully this girl will catch some lovely sunshine today


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    update Shiva 6/7
  • Help needed!

    These two little Seed Stockers' Autos of mine are having problems.
    20210607 SM SS Rnd 2 Auto AK, BG (1).jpg

    Above is the Auto Blackberry Gum
    Below is the Auto AK420
    20210607 SM SS Rnd 2 Auto AK, BG (2).jpg

    I started them in these biodegrable pots for ease of planting out.
    At the second true node, the leaves started curling.
    No other (major) signs of deficiency or pH issues though.
    (Don't as me to pH check!!)
    And they are nice green, still growing somewhat, just curling leaves.
    Too much water? Not enough water (these little pots dry out fast)?

    A week or so ago I put them into better slightly larger pots, issue persists.
    Never seen this kind of problem before.

    There was a third one, an Auto Sticky Fingers, smaller, but no problems at all, exact same conditions.

    update cannalush 6/7
  • Here's my first "update" since the original "entry" I made. They are at 3 weeks today.

    These plants were super slow to start, slowest starting plants I've ever grown from seed. They're stating to come along over the past week or so though. They're loving the hot weather. Big cool down on the way for a few days this week though, actually down to near record lows for this time of year (might get down around 48f at night and only up around 79f/80f during the day). Hope that doesn't slow em' down too much, still 15+ hours of sunlight a day and 12-ish of which is direct on the plants.

    I'm debating between topping the mango smile or not sometime in the next couple days. It'd be nice to break apical dominance and get the other branches to grow out more, but part of me really wants to see what it looks like in it's "natural" form and just let it keep growing with out any delay in growth. (the photos I've grown, when topped they aren't phased and don't slow down at all, but these autos seem finicky & sensitive to things).



    entry wildbill 6/10
    I hope I'm still dancing on harvest day!


    I'll make up some cards today and update the photos

    Great root growth, but this is why I don't like transplanting.

    La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #1 DAY8

    La Buena Hierba: Asian Haze Fem #2 15 gal DAY8

    Mephisto Genetics: Alien VS Triangle #1 DAY 10

    Mephisto Genetics: Alien VS Triangle #2 DAY10


    The fabric pots were put out first while I finished with the EBs. I thought it was interesting that both girls were praying a fair bit.
    I still have to get some straw for all the fabric pots.
    All girls will get their first feeding of AGmino when they need water.
    I have Dr Zymes fer the outside bugs as a preventative and if I get any inside

    update green Hornet 6/13
  • She is a long shot. I broke this stem off a basement grow plant. Scraped up her stem and stuck her in the dirt. It worked last year :baked: She came off a Super Lemon haze plant at week 7 of flower. The wife did not want a in ground plant but the smooth talking Green hornet worked his magic.
    Painted the bucket for the Northern lights photo plant
    Northern Lights photo.JPG
    and put her next to the bike reference.


    • Super Lemon Haze photo.JPG
      Super Lemon Haze photo.JPG
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    update Kyote 6/13
  • @Waira
    Update #6

    Ok here we go again for this week. Some new additions as Cookies FV has been cleared to join the fun, as well as a couple new additions. Another BBBG3 x CS to replace the RM that never recovered from the twisted knarled leaves funk, and an AK47, just for the heck of it. AK will go in the greenhouse as she probably won't finish until mid September.

    All of these will get moved outside on the 17th, as that appears to be when summer starts this year, a day later than last year.

    First, the new kids

    And the Seedstockers Cookies FV getting up to date


    And me dilemma for now is top or not to top?

    And an overhead of Cookies FV

    BBBG3 x CS She's greened up nicely in the last week. Not putting out any branches though :shrug:


    FB Purple Punch is cruising along nicely :thumbsup:


    And last but not least is the Seedstockers Blackberry Gum.. I hope this one grows for me. Day 12 and questionable :shrug:

    That's it for this week grofolks :d5:
