Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

420Forever - photo update #1
@Waira photo update #1 ;)

Linda Seedz photo AK Day 33 :smoking:


Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 28 :smoking:


Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 28 ...def the runt o' the litter :doh:


group shot...:biggrin:


and then, as if i didn't already have enuff to do :wall:, here'z a couple shotz of me major spring wit, a lattice fence enclozure for me photoz out back o' me place....still got a couple postz to sink & of course, the lattice, so it'z a work in progress, lol :coffee:


and welp, durin yesterday'z hard, sweaty toil with the fence postz, at the end o' the day, i discovered that 5 outa 6 of me od autoz decided to sprout into the brave new world! :yay: here they all are this morning in the growbox, all under their lil domez :biggrin: the one in the back right without a dome is the female seedz auto gelato, which sadly, hazn't joined the group yet :rolleyes1: we'll see what the next day or two bringz, fingerz crossed :shrug: and plz note waira -> this is not an official entry...yet :smoking: i'll get em all entered once they're big enuff to actually take picz of, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2:


annnnd, last but not least, here'z what all the girlz got to wake up to this morning :cool1: :headbang: ppp

update minime 6/7
@Waira update od grow,
Good morning AFN

Bit overcast today but I got to start somewhere had a big slug and snail problem this morning but luckily they didn't make it to me girl

But I left my guard cat on look out today

Really excited about this grow never done an auto outside before

Well of to work I go hopefully this girl will catch some lovely sunshine today


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update Shiva 6/7
Help needed!

These two little Seed Stockers' Autos of mine are having problems.
20210607 SM SS Rnd 2 Auto AK, BG (1).jpg

Above is the Auto Blackberry Gum
Below is the Auto AK420
20210607 SM SS Rnd 2 Auto AK, BG (2).jpg

I started them in these biodegrable pots for ease of planting out.
At the second true node, the leaves started curling.
No other (major) signs of deficiency or pH issues though.
(Don't as me to pH check!!)
And they are nice green, still growing somewhat, just curling leaves.
Too much water? Not enough water (these little pots dry out fast)?

A week or so ago I put them into better slightly larger pots, issue persists.
Never seen this kind of problem before.

There was a third one, an Auto Sticky Fingers, smaller, but no problems at all, exact same conditions.

Yeps she was ok with her first :thumbsup: .. and ya, i want to see what the BBBG3 does. :weed: I could soak the other one eh? Just didn't want to run it outside of the greenhouse with the problems i had in late flower last year. I do have Phyter to treat with though .:doh:.. so hmm. I'll let that sit for a bit an see how it feels. Just seeing the time left to get one going in veg is shortening up by the day.

I'll give wifee the hug :bighug:.. and yep, she did ok with her first. She got Moderna, and I got Phyzer or whatever its called. Moderna is supposed to not be so harsh on the 2nd jab.
I found a total mixed bag of reactions among my friends and family, though most we Pfazered :)haha:) like myself... And folks who I thought would weather it well didn't so much, and visa-versa :shrug:
If you have the space, it's always wise to have at least one back-up lady! And I'm very keen on seeing more than one BBGG3 x CS grown out. heck if I had my way I'd run all 3 to compare, BBGG3, 'xS99v4 and 'xCS... A lot of interesting possibilities with these F1's! BlueBonic and Guerilla Gold#3 are already speed queens born up in your 'hood, GG3 has Mighty Mite in it (very interesting plant) that can straddle the auto/semi' line depending on the breeding... S99 is an auto of course, and Critical Sour is about half auto (?); Females says 1 in 30 on average may go auto....

@Waira, sure, please ask around and see what comes up on the AOF. Much appreciated. I am in the USA. :biggrin:
Will do, and I'll see if the deal is comparable to Nordic's :thumbsup:
I did say that I would keep her in the one gallon but here's my excuse " too hot can't keep up on the watering" So I put her in a five gallon.
She needed new shoes mate, no doubt about it!
@Waira update on the OD grow. Things are looking good so far. I have some bugs I need to combat that are doing some munching as usual but nothing surprising happening.... I'm hoping to see growth pick up here soon as things are starting to warm up a bit more here.
:d5:- Those are some happy girls Jean, and promising aromas already!
Have you started the Phyter yet?
I found a total mixed bag of reactions among my friends and family, though most we Pfazered :)haha:) like myself... And folks who I thought would weather it well didn't so much, and visa-versa :shrug:
If you have the space, it's always wise to have at least one back-up lady! And I'm very keen on seeing more than one BBGG3 x CS grown out. heck if I had my way I'd run all 3 to compare, BBGG3, 'xS99v4 and 'xCS... A lot of interesting possibilities with these F1's! BlueBonic and Guerilla Gold#3 are already speed queens born up in your 'hood, GG3 has Mighty Mite in it (very interesting plant) that can straddle the auto/semi' line depending on the breeding... S99 is an auto of course, and Critical Sour is about half auto (?); Females says 1 in 30 on average may go auto....

Just checked the soak and got a lil tail happening so into the soil the other BBBG3xCS will go today and we will see what happens eh?

Got to finish me coffee first :coffee:
i discovered that 5 outa 6 of me od autoz decided to sprout into the brave new world! :yay: here they all are this morning in the growbox, all under their lil domez :biggrin: the one in the back right without a dome is the female seedz auto gelato, which sadly, hazn't joined the group yet :rolleyes1: we'll see what the next day or two bringz, fingerz crossed :shrug: and plz note waira -> this is not an official entry...yet :smoking: i'll get em all entered once they're big enuff to actually take picz of, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2:
- good on the privacy fencing! .... Pick your horses when they are well under way :jointman:
.... gorgeous Sunrise pics brudda - :wiz:
But I left my guard cat on look out today
:biggrin: cute kitty! ... I hope she's not a canna-muncher though :rofl:

These two little Seed Stockers' Autos of mine are having problems.
Hi Shiva :bighug:.....hmmm, if it's persisting even in new pots (and more consistent moister levels I assume), it's likely either something in the soil and the other one is hardy enough to grunt through it, or micro-vermin... Can you take a magnifier to the undersides and make sure it's not mites? Another possibility is a transient sap sucker, something bigger (like a leafhopper), damages the tissue around that area and as the leaf expands, the scarred area doesn't do so evenly and distorts the leaves as they expand...
Those first leaves look more pale than they should IMO,...
Two causes for the twisted leaves, genetics or root infection. Looks genetic to me, they seem healthy enough. How old are they?

Help needed!

These two little Seed Stockers' Autos of mine are having problems.
View attachment 1327597
Above is the Auto Blackberry Gum
Below is the Auto AK420
View attachment 1327598
I started them in these biodegrable pots for ease of planting out.
At the second true node, the leaves started curling.
No other (major) signs of deficiency or pH issues though.
(Don't as me to pH check!!)
And they are nice green, still growing somewhat, just curling leaves.
Too much water? Not enough water (these little pots dry out fast)?

A week or so ago I put them into better slightly larger pots, issue persists.
Never seen this kind of problem before.

There was a third one, an Auto Sticky Fingers, smaller, but no problems at all, exact same conditions.

Hi Shiva :bighug:.....hmmm, if it's persisting even in new pots (and more consistent moister levels I assume), it's likely either something in the soil and the other one is hardy enough to grunt through it, or micro-vermin... Can you take a magnifier to the undersides and make sure it's not mites? Another possibility is a transient sap sucker, something bigger (like a leafhopper), damages the tissue around that area and as the leaf expands, the scarred area doesn't do so evenly and distorts the leaves as they expand...
Those first leaves look more pale than they should IMO,...

Hey Waira, thanks for the feedback!

I did look under the leaves. My first guess was a little spider or something curling the leaves under to make a nest.
But no, didn't see any. Will double check again though.

The pale is on the Blackberry Gum, and she was just a bit like that from a young age.
Maybe the soil mix may have been a little more coco, hence less nutrition, than the other two little pots. Maybe.

Two causes for the twisted leaves, genetics or root infection. Looks genetic to me, they seem healthy enough. How old are they?

They are ... three weeks old or so. Slow, yeah, I know.
Damn British weather, have really only had okay conditions for past... one week+.
That is, day temps over 20C and night temps no less than maybe ... 12C or so.
And a fair bit of sunshine.

Maybe roots... those little biodegrable pots...
Thought they'd be brilliant for easy planting out, but keeping them the right level of moisture... very hard!