Completed The 2021 Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition!

Nice man, are you UK?
I had big plans lol, then the weather got shit again,
But good to say, thier all doing well in the tent, putting them outside would of been cruelty to plants lol

@THE BEAR I'm on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada. I'm pretty sure the RM and BBBG3xCS will bounce back once they get settled in a bit. If not, well that's that. I"ve got a Seedstockers Cookies FV photo going as well that is thriving. I couldn't enter it in here as it's in the Seedstockers contest grow.

If I waited for ideal conditions to transplant outside, it might not ever happen here :rofl:

Good growing to you :d5:
@THE BEAR I'm on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada. I'm pretty sure the RM and BBBG3xCS will bounce back once they get settled in a bit. If not, well that's that. I"ve got a Seedstockers Cookies FV photo going as well that is thriving. I couldn't enter it in here as it's in the Seedstockers contest grow.

If I waited for ideal conditions to transplant outside, it might not ever happen here :rofl:

Good growing to you :d5:
We just got a nice cold spell here in lower Michigan as well. I wanted rain and finally got it but it dropped the temps down into the high 50's during the day and low 40's at night over the last 3 days I believe. It's supposed to warm up this week though.
We just got a nice cold spell here in lower Michigan as well. I wanted rain and finally got it but it dropped the temps down into the high 50's during the day and low 40's at night over the last 3 days I believe. It's supposed to warm up this week though.
I'm near Lansing. It got down to 36°f Brrr . While my up north property had a bit warmer temps.:shrug::pass:
I'm near Lansing. It got down to 36°f Brrr . While my up north property had a bit warmer temps.:shrug::pass:
Well that is ass backwards ain't it lol... Looks like this week should warm up a bit but we've been having some strange weather so far this spring/summer.
420Forever - photo entry
( :peek: defending auto champ enterz room...:eyebrows: crowd goez wild :yay: )

ok, my turn, my turn! :jump: :cooldance:

Linda Seedz photo AK Day 26 (germed 05/05/21)


Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 21 (germed 05/10/21)


Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 21 (germed 05/10/21)


group shot...

and there u have it kidz, my official photo entriez for this year'z comp :toke: and, weather permitting, i'll hopefully get my autoz entered in about another week ;) this year, i'll be growin 3 photoz & 6 autoz outside (mebbe even 8 autoz, idk yet, lol :rolleyes2: )...they'll all be in me own homemade organic soil...photoz in 7 gal potz, autoz in 4 gal potz ;) the 3 photoz above were started inside earlier this month in 1 gal potz & were finally able to get tranzplanted outside today, woot! :joy: i'm glad too, cuz they were def gettin rootbound already in the 1 gal, and hence, why 2 of the 3 were gettin a bit droopy :rolleyes2: they have however been gettin put outside durin the day for the past couple weekz for a breath o' fresh air & to acclimate :cool1: we've had a fuckton o' rainy dayz here in the heartland, so it'z been total hit & miss bein able to get out to make up soil, etc...not to mention tryin to get a lattice-fence enclozure built for me photoz out back, which i haven't begun to be able to do yet, ahh! :doh: we're suppozed to get showerz again tomorrow, which this time, will be jus what the doctor ordered ;) so, :goodluck: to all & let'z get this train a-rollin, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


@Waira oopz, forgot to tag u wif me entry, hehe :doh: :rolleyes2: if u don't mind, i'll be doin me own threadmarkz for my updatez like i did las year, cuz well, it'z the only way in hell i can keep up with me own shit :rofl: :thumbsup: ppp
The number of growers this year, with all kinds of environments, from straight up gorilla grows to tunnels to tarps to back yards, to greenhouses. Some growing in pots, some growing in the earth. :smoking:

This thread is gonna be huge :growing:

Good luck to everyone and their grows, especially come late September and October for the photo growers. :toke:

May Saint Mary Jane bless the growz :bow:
The number of growers this year, with all kinds of environments, from straight up gorilla grows to tunnels to tarps to back yards, to greenhouses. Some growing in pots, some growing in the earth. :smoking:

This thread is gonna be huge :growing:

Good luck to everyone and their grows, especially come late September and October for the photo growers. :toke:

May Saint Mary Jane bless the growz :bow:

...and there'z peepz even growin on islandz! :yoinks: :smoking: ppp
My last 2 official auto entries.
Jean-O's Genetics Grape Cheese F2 BX and What's My Name S1

Update on The Duke F1 Auto day 15 I believe and doing pretty good. We had a few days of rain that brought in some cooler weather but things are warming back up and things should kick off from here.
@Waira update on the Ethos photoperiods
Big Detroit Energy is impressing me with its veg growth. Im already at the trellis and feel it will be no problem to fill out this 5x5 frame with this plant...

Banana Daddy is taking on shape very nicely also I need to get the trellis frame built up around this one here pretty quick or Im going to run out of time...

Lilac Diesel is also taking a wide stance very quickly. I have a second cage around this one so I am able to widen it out a bit more while its shorter. Im hoping to be able to keep all of the photo's short and wide this year....