Indoor THC Bomb Auto Fem / Pro-Mix / HID Grow For Noobs


In Dog Beers I've Only Had One
Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
Strain: THC Bomb Auto Fem by Bomb Seeds

Pots: old used 3.73 gallon thin plastic throw aways.

Medium: Pro-Mix BX with Mycorrhizae.

Water: low quality tap water, untested.

(Always let tap water sit and breath so chemicals dissipate in unsealed container for 24 - 48 hours prior to use)

Nutes: All will be AN products as I have never tried anything of theirs before.

Lights: Unknown spectrum cheapies off eBay.

Reflector: The cheapest ebay bat wing.

Ballast: Cheapest eBay dimmable digital, 400W, 600W, 1000W or 1100W

Just attempting to bring back some of that "first grow" excitement by using all unkowns. Nothing I do or use will be my normal grow method.

☆☆☆ PLEASE NOTE: The Info here won't be of much use to any current members as I intend to make it simplistic and comparative. Its intended for future readers who find this thread by looking for info on this specific strain and growing in general a year or three from now ☆☆☆

So, lets proceed and see how badly I can embarrass myself shall we ?

I just dropped 4 seeds into a shot glass of tap water.

Pics and posts will follow if / when anything happens to justify it.


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Sounds good bro.

I can say however as a noob (current journal is my 4th single plant grow) that all I want is to be at the stage where the end result is guaranteed!

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I got stuck in a rut and didn't experiment with anything process related after I had everything dialed in.

Experimented with strains, yes. Nothing else though.

Last excitement I had was when one thing I normally used in my regular soil mix was sold out so I picked up something very similar and it must have been 90% white flys by weight.

I was actually going in my flower room about 5 times a day with a shop vac and sucking up clouds of them out of the air.

THAT kind of excitement I can do without....
At 12 hours into their soak 4 out of 4 had started to crack with just a hint of white tap peeking out on each.

All 4 are now resting comfortably in a barely damp paper towel inside a baggie.

Both done in dark area, 83° F / 60% RH

:coffee2: :chef:
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4 good taps extended after 12 hours in baggie.

So... 4 seeds now in medium 24 hours after opening package.

Very impressed with Bomb Seeds freshness and viability.

Normally I do 1" deep with tap pointing down.

I did these 3/4" deep and just dropped em in.

Many will say both are too deep but I found it makes for a great strong tap.

Kept at 83° F / 60% RH

Medium kept loose and slightly damp. No pot covering to trap moisture is being used.

Medium was saturated (tap water, very slowly, over an 8 hour period) 48 hours ago.

Lightly misted top of pots with a spray bottle @ 15 hours after planting seeds.

MH is on @ 44" from pots and 400W setting.
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Very impressed with Bomb Seeds service. I emailed them for specs to post here and had an answer in a couple of hours. So.....

Direct from breeder Info for anybody reading about this strain a year or three from now....

From Bomb Seeds
Strain specific preferences:
Temperature: low to mid 20’s
Humidity: 30-40 %
Light cycle: 18/6

☆ From me: only switch to this schedule after you have a strong seedling ☆
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30 hours after being placed in medium #1 girl broke through clean (no husk)

#2 through clean @ 32 hours.

#3 through clean @ 35 hours.

#4 through clean @ 37 hours

☆ Note: if you do get one that breaks through with a stuck husk just mist it and give it a bit more time. Then if it still hasn't shed naturally very gently remove the husk with a tweezers.

And don't worry if that plant then looks funky. It should be fine by the time it's first leaf pair are developed. Occasionally it takes until the second set are developed to look normal again.

Growing Environment: Large Room
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Nice start hash and welcome to the world little one/ones.


I'll be back to read the full grow in about three years

Only kidding :smoking: I'll check in to see how things are proceeding!:thumbsup:

Have a great grow man :smokeit:

Nice start hash and welcome to the world little one/ones.


I'll be back to read the full grow in about three years

Only kidding :smoking: I'll check in to see how things are proceeding!:thumbsup:

Have a great grow man :smokeit:


Thanks Arty !

I have changed everything up and am using all noob equipment (lot cheaper to run than my full normal systems) :biggrin:

I decided to mix in old guy stuff for info to help noobs in the future and also make it fun for me as problems pop up along the way as I'm using all "new to me" stuff for every step on this grow.

It is a bit strange already though, I haven't tended only 4 plants in a grow in eons. :smoking:

Maybe I'll add one more here....


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So... it's now day one in the life of 4 shorties


Still at 83° F / 60% RH

Will start dialing that down when I have strong healthy seedlings.

MH still @ 44" and 400W on 18/6

Height will decrease and W increase when I have strong healthy seedlings.
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