Lighting TEST: 2Autocobs growing 2 autoflowers

@pop22 doesn't look like you are using the air domes... is this a personal preference derived from past grows with the autopots? I am giving serious consideration to my next adventure being dwc in a bubble bucket or autopots. Guess I've read that autopots do very well with supplied air. Just looking for your opinion after you mentioned running them for a year. Have any links to your autopot grows? Best of luck on this one!

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:pass:thanks for the info brudda! I'm waiting for weather to get good enough to start some auto's again, indoor/outdoor style... and give the 2 COB conversion A-Train did for me a proper testing- :cooldance:
...damn, that's weird for Sweet... holy crap, is that one fragg'ed or what:doh:.... we chatted about this before, right? Did you reach out to Tommy and let them know? They usually gladly cover replacements, but now, with the shipping issues from Spain, it may have to come via a hand-off or two,.. but at the very least they should know! Any lot # and such will help them,.. it happens, and did with Sweet Special a while back I'm told,.. they pulled it ASAP, when feed back came in, but you know how it goes,... a hiccup magnifies into a bad rep' overnight these days! I don't know if it's connected, but Sw. Sp. isn't made anymore,...
The differences are so close it could vary from chip to chip, more like 1-3% with the current gen. Cree is falling behind if the don't pop a new chip soon. The citizen 1818 is dead even with the CXB3590 to 75 watts, then pulls ahead in efficiency and output by a couple percent. And the 1818 is $25 compared to top bin Cree at still $40+.
Here is data collected using a Sphere: ( no the 1812 isn't in this, but chips to both sides in line are. )

cob data.png

1812 IS NOT similar to 3590! 10-12% under efficient. Stop promoting like that.

Plants have adapted well to the 2 gallon pots. I turned on the res for the auto pot based. The solution is Seagrow 380ppms and cal/mag at 150ppm per gallon, ph'd to 6.2
I may turn the res back off for a day or two after they soak up this first feeding. Want to be sure they have good root mass.

Autocob test with Gereen Poison pic2 -4-12-2017.jpg
Green Poison -A pic1 -4-12-2017.jpg
Green Poison -B pic1 -4-12-2017.jpg
So far so good pop. I read here and elsewhere on this air dome and autopot growing and have no clue what you all are talking about. I guess my old fashioned ways of filling a pot with dirt is out the window lol.
The airdomes inject air into the wet lower soil, greatly increasing available oxygen. I've used them a couple times and I think they benefit certain medium mixes more than others, ie, I'm thinking ( haven't tested the theory yet ) soil may get more benefit than coco as coco hold more air to begin with. I used a similar device in a 20 gallon pot and without a doubt, it greatly increased root mass.

So far so good pop. I read here and elsewhere on this air dome and autopot growing and have no clue what you all are talking about. I guess my old fashioned ways of filling a pot with dirt is out the window lol.
The airdomes inject air into the wet lower soil, greatly increasing available oxygen. I've used them a couple times and I think they benefit certain medium mixes more than others, ie, I'm thinking ( haven't tested the theory yet ) soil may get more benefit than coco as coco hold more air to begin with. I used a similar device in a 20 gallon pot and without a doubt, it greatly increased root mass.

I just ran coco with air domes in autopots; to be honest I never got around to hooking up the reservoir (lol, argh) but man, I will probably NEVER, EVER not run air domes in my pots now after seeing the growth with them. The roots didn't grow into the dome like I thought they would but you can see the mass on most of 'em. Coco and perlite.
you could very well be right! My previous testing was done under what I now consider inadequate lighting. It was obvious when I started using auto pots that the plant growth potential provided by the system was not being fully realized do to not enough light. I got HUGE veg growth but buds the size of small grapes....
Now that I have better lighting in all my tents, I'll see what my pots can do, with and without air.

If anything, I felt like it allowed for more frequent feeding by helping to dry the root zone more quickly. Felt less worried about overwatering knowing there was air pumping into 'em.