Lighting TEST: 2Autocobs growing 2 autoflowers


CBD Haze has sprouted! In fact, all 6 sprouted! 2 have gone direct to the 3.9 gallon auto pots, the other 4 I planted at the door end of the greenhouse raised bed. Hadn't planned to add anymore but, what the hell, the more the merrier lol!

So, spouts are under the cobs! Lights are as high as they can go, so I'd say about 40". If the seedling stretch too much, I'll lower them a bit. Pics tomorrow!


Well, I averted a disaster! A few days before I went away, the valve on the reservoir decided to leak and filled the tray with water, saturating the pots! I was afraid of root rot. but all I could do was raise them out of the water, then vacuum it out with the wet vac. I poured a little solution from the res on the photo period tent, straight down the stem to give them a little nutrients. Pots dried for several days and when I got home last night, I gave them each about 8 oz of 600 ppm solution of SeaGrow. They are looking good! This CBD has seems to start slowly and remain small for a while, I expect another week or so they will explode! And for comparison, these are slightly larger than the ones I planted in the greenhouse!

And I've long since decided that these lights are a permanent fixture in this tent!

autocob tent - CBD Haze pic1 -6-20-2017.jpg
autocob tent - CBD Haze pic2 -6-20-2017.jpg
This is my first venture into high CBD strains. My understanding the seed was from a mother selected from a large number of plants and has tested as high as 15:1 CBD:THC. This is a Dinafem strain.