USA Only *Tent Fires* Pinky Tuscadero Auto * Test Thread *

Day 9
Both got a first full feed. They seem to like it.

Pinky 2

Nice! Fresh seeds make a world of difference, lol. Looks like the one on the left is already showing color. Actually, they both look to be growing purple stocks. Shhhwweet! I'll compare them to everyone else's seedlings. I have a few planted myself and will post pics in a couple of hours when my lights turn on.
I had a similar thought, When it comes to showing color, Because that, Or purple streaks up the stalks around the time sex is shown is Usually how the colorful strains I’ve had have begun.
Shhhhwweeet! Glad to see packs are landing! I think we'll just keep this thread going and post updates here. I'll be germing a few tonight myself! Pretty excited to see these plants in other people's tents!

The name Tent Fires is a play on words/ode to us tent growers. In the photo period world tent growers catch slack for being small time.. We might be in little tents, but we make/grow fire in these little tents!
So this was the date I germ'd a couple of seeds.. I put them directly into my 15 gal no till pot.. If you look dead center, you can still see the base on the plant I chopped last week. I just chop, water, and re plant.. After 3-4 days I couldn't find any seedlings.. So I trimmed down the cover crop and searched like crazy.. Nothing.. Im guessing I cut them when cutting the cover crop down.. So I germ'd two more seeds this past Monday.. Same technique.. Directly into the pot.. Went to check today and both are pretty much above soil.. One is being a little slow.. AND.. the original two decided to show themselves! I think they got lost/trapped under the cover crop cause they are super stretched out, lol. They were laying on the soil growing sideways! Crazy .. I stood them up the best I could and will put a light breeze on em to give the stems a good work out. So we have 4 Pinkys in a 15 gal no till pot up and growing.

Im hoping this concept of growing along with testers catches on in some cirlcles.. Both parties having immediate and direct access to info is priceless.. I can jump on and asl you guys any trait related questions that come to mind.. And you can do the same.. This jist feels right, lol. Can't thank you guys enough for doing this! Who knows.. If any of these plants preform well, Ill let you guys vote on which plan to use to f4 and if I should or not! We'll review traits as they grow!

One of my Pinkys has downward curled first leaves. I've only ever had one show this in my previous grows. It still grew good but took a very long time to get off. I hope this time will be different. She's in the 2 gal pot. Sorry bout the pics. As best i can do with my shaky hands.

If it's alright, I'd like to keep her lol. I'm sure she'll take off after a while.

The other one in 5gal pot looks great. Nothing different except pot size. Same recycled soil which I'll supplement with MC1.0 if necessary. Only difference I can think of is, I planted the curled Pinky before I saw tail, but already cracked. This one below already showed some minor tail when i planted her
One of my Pinkys has downward curled first leaves. I've only ever had one show this in my previous grows. It still grew good but took a very long time to get off. I hope this time will be different. She's in the 2 gal pot. Sorry bout the pics. As best i can do with my shaky hands.

If it's alright, I'd like to keep her lol. I'm sure she'll take off after a while.
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The other one in 5gal pot looks great. Nothing different except pot size. Same recycled soil which I'll supplement with MC1.0 if necessary. Only difference I can think of is, I planted the curled Pinky before I saw tail, but already cracked. This one below already showed some minor tail when i planted her
View attachment 1281491
She'll come around. She's a weed! :eyebrows:
One of my Pinkys has downward curled first leaves. I've only ever had one show this in my previous grows. It still grew good but took a very long time to get off. I hope this time will be different. She's in the 2 gal pot. Sorry bout the pics. As best i can do with my shaky hands.

If it's alright, I'd like to keep her lol. I'm sure she'll take off after a while.
View attachment 1281492

The other one in 5gal pot looks great. Nothing different except pot size. Same recycled soil which I'll supplement with MC1.0 if necessary. Only difference I can think of is, I planted the curled Pinky before I saw tail, but already cracked. This one below already showed some minor tail when i planted her
View attachment 1281491

I have observed the downward curled first leaves in plenty of my plants, and they all turn out ok.

I went ahead and moved my girls to their big pots this morning. One is filled with this stuff, and one’s a mix of this and coco (couldn’t find my scoop, or it would be a full pot of coco coir)


7 gallon cloth pot. 5 gallon cloth pot

If you notice the wet ring around the cups, that’s a mix of :


Both are mixed below the recommended “seedling” dosage, Due to the fact that I have no clue what’s in the soil.

Next update will happen when I see any changes.

I went ahead and moved my girls to their big pots this morning. One is filled with this stuff, and one’s a mix of this and coco (couldn’t find my scoop, or it would be a full pot of coco coir)View attachment 1281955
View attachment 1281956
7 gallon cloth pot. 5 gallon cloth pot

If you notice the wet ring around the cups, that’s a mix of :View attachment 1281957
andView attachment 1281958

Both are mixed below the recommended “seedling” dosage, Due to the fact that I have no clue what’s in the soil.

Next update will happen when I see any changes.
I actually use that soil, and Megacrop!