USA Only *Tent Fires* Pinky Tuscadero Auto * Test Thread *

I think I needed this grow along to remind me how many variables are really at play here, lol. I guess I've really been in my own little grow world for the last few years.. I'm glad there are multiple grow styles and environments being used. With that said.. I'm not sure if any of what I'm about to type makes any kind of difference to anyone, but figured I'd mention it..

I started researching plant/seed intelligence in like 2016/17 after a convo with Daz.. One he'll of a rabbit hole, sheesh.. But a basic summary of what I've learned over the years is that plants and seeds are both much smarter and much more intelligent then we know. All gens of this line were grown and bred using organics. This info is embedded in their dna/genetic codes.. I'm saying this because if all of the different grow styles. The seedlings may be sensitive to feeds as none have ever gotten a bottled or liquid nutrient. So start feedings off light just in case.. I'm a believer of science, lol and the little I've learned about bio intelligence. So if you believe that DNA is DNA, and genetics are genetics, then you can understand that if both of your grandparents and parents had a low tolerance for alcohol, that you most likely will as well.

Again, just some info I wanted to pass on. When Daz and I talked breeding it was a point the he brought up.. That most breeders don't tell you anything about how the gens were grown/made. So if you gets seeds from a line that was made solely using hydro.. Then plant those seeds in soil and wonder why they aren't vigorous, that could be part of the issue. That initial adjustment period is likely much needed.

Anywhooo.. Do as you will, and if this makes any sense to you, use it where you see fit!!
I don't doubt any of that at all. Who ever thought one organism could be a large grove of Aspen trees? Or plants communicating with microbes......and so on.

Along that line of thinking, Pinky should feel at home in my tent!

I'll grow 4 in my tent like my current grow. Lst the girls in the EarthBoxes and let the others grow naturally.
Maybe her little roots can't take that high of vpd at this point in her life? :confused1:

I'm going to let her dry out a bit, then transplant. She could just be being water finicky going from too little to too much from the flush.

I don't doubt any of that at all. Who ever thought one organism could be a large grove of Aspen trees? Or plants communicating with microbes......and so on.

Along that line of thinking, Pinky should feel at home in my tent!

I'll grow 4 in my tent like my current grow. Lst the girls in the EarthBoxes and let the others grow naturally.

Amazing how that works. Trees growing in shadows supported by fungi supplying remote photosynthesis from others. So efficient at routing that experts have used it to help plot new city subway lines. I can't remember the name of the leading expert whose seminar covered it but I was blown away by his results. He was speaking in Australia, where they had previously dissed him, and he gave them free rights to patents he has regarding home pest control using the same family of fungi.
But seriously, I’m curious in what you think is going on with her.
She's quite the contortionist, holding her own at the moment enjoying the light. I think it's just a matter of dialing in the right amount of fluid. Now she's showing some claw that's easier to read. I'ma gonna let her dry out some then feed her sparingly. She's a bit stunted as opposed to her sister that got the same feeding. Cutting her back too just in case.

<PinkyT Auto 1 & 2>​
She's quite the contortionist, holding her own at the moment enjoying the light. I think it's just a matter of dialing in the right amount of fluid. Now she's showing some claw that's easier to read. I'ma gonna let her dry out some then feed her sparingly. She's a bit stunted as opposed to her sister that got the same feeding. Cutting her back too just in case.

<PinkyT Auto 1 & 2>​
Looks like the new growth is a bit better.