DIY Television Armoire Grow Box aka BayLee420 goes Stealth

Why Panda Plastic vs Orca film? Does it matter, same stuff?
Panda Film is what the Hot Canna Babe Grow Shoppe has. I was going to paint the inside with a flat/matte ultra white paint. Because the armoire is a laminate it will need extra attention to sanding, priming, painting with anti fungal/mold added and a final poly coat. That would take days to do. Let me tell you this. The Stealth Armoire weighs over 200 lbs. It isn't moving from the den and I cannot bring in a tarp to cover the carpet. I have no basement or garage to use. The Panda film is my only option. I have the grow set up already planned in my head. The front opening has been really the main focus. I don't want to give away on what I plan to do until I post it on the thread. But it's so simple.

Orca Grow Film - (90-94% light reflectivity)***

Orca grow film is made of white plastic microfiber and uses a unique structure that is similar to snowflakes or the skin of orcas (killer whales) to scatter light. Although expensive (even more so than panda film), Orca grow film is mold-resistant, easy to clean and thick - these features make it more durable and less likely to tear compared to some other reflectivity options. Using a highly reflective crystalline structure, Orca grow film evenly distributes reflected light so it doesn’t tend to create hot spots even when it has some creases. Orca film is used like panda film in that you point the white side at your plants with the black side facing outwards. Orca grow film tends to reflect back infrared light as well, which means it will tend to keep heat in the grow room

*** Thanks to
Are you gonna put the grow lights in early and cook the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) out of your Amoire?
Or trust the exhaust fan to move enough air that off gassing will be diluted to negligible?
I am not worried about VOC. Laminated woods have been in use in furniture for centuries. The VOC would have to be almost at flash point. My parent's families were in the furniture construction/upholstery business for over a century. We had an old Italian man do our fancy lamination work. He smoked stogies. drank a gallon of Ginny Red every day and worked with volatile solutions that would now be banned by our do good goodies. He lived past 100. Not worried a bit. The exhaust fan will be more than adequate. The Panda film I am more concerned about as per Grow Weed Easy.

The "grain" look on the armoire is laminated on HDFB. Very thin layer and smooth. The surface would need to lightly sanded just till the HDFB flakes, but still there is enough "grain" surface. Due to High Density Fiber Board is very porous any wetness on a water based paint would cause the board to warp. I would need a shellac based primer and an oil based matte white paint that has anti fungal added. The primer coat(s) would take days to dry. Beside that the fumes would be intolerable due to the shellac. Then the oil based coats would take days to dry also. Then a poly finish coat. All this and light sanding between each primer, paint coat. Really a lot of work to do it right.
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Have most of the supplies to get started with the grow area. Picked up the Panda film, 6" ducting, wall flange for exhaust and a 12'x6' rectangle 3 way wall register for the intake. Of course duct tape, Velcro and brass brads for tacking the Panda film.

It's the Cooltube that is giving me a bit of concern. I want to use a passive intake to bring cool air into the grow area. The set ups that I've looked at have the Cooltube is set up with both exhaust and intake. A separate intake fan to bring air for the plants. I really don't think it's necessary. Just have the exhaust cooling the tube and passive air intake. I can always experiment later. Taking a little more $$$$$ than I really care to spend now. A work in progress. The 6" three speed Max Fan more than enough to exchange air.

It's grow area construction tomorrow. Setting up the back panel for exhaust and intake, Panda film and exhaust fan. I'd like to use the "VCR" top shelf to mount the CoolTube and place the ballast where the VCR would of been. Mount the 6" fan directly to the CoolTub and out the top back. The intake will be directly diagonal bottom corner. If and when I need a air scrubber that can be placed behind and above the light. The air scrubber would be attached to the intake side of the light.

If anyone has used a CoolTube light set up or knows the good, better, best way to get her running. Please feel free to chime in.
My best ideas come to me when I am sleeping. Going to use Panda Film on the inside of the armoire for reflection. Panda film is a plastic material that is black on one side and white on the other. The material has a reflection index 85%-95%. From what I've read about Panda Film is that it is slippery and kind of thick. Most growers will hang or drape the Panda Film and then tack or somehow try to hold it in place. I can take the stealth armoire apart. In fact one of the sides was chipped in shipping and the manufacturer will send a replacement in 2-3 business days. Perfect timing. Now the idea I got while sleeping.

I will sort of upholster the insides, back, doors and top with the Panda film. When I replace the side piece I will use 3M spray adhesive on the laminate and Panda Film wait till its tacky. Smooth the Panda Film and then assemble the pieces back. No need to tack or use Velcro. Nice and smooth. Then when dry and ready. I will cut the exhaust and intake holes. Then hang the Cool Tube. Still figuring out where to put the timer and other electronics, but then I may get a dream moment.

Following description of Panda Film is from Grow Weed Easy
Panda Plastic (85-95% light reflectivity)

Panda plastic (also known as "Black and White Polymer") gets its name from being white on one side and black on the other. Although it can be a bit expensive, panda plastic provides great light reflectivity. You point the white side towards the lights, and the black side will help trap light from getting in or out. Panda plastic can be nailed or otherwise attached (velcro works great) to your walls and is easily taken down. The thicker the panda plastic, the more durable it is. Remember, this is made of plastic, so it can melt if it gets too hot - be careful to never let Panda Plastic sit too close to your lights!

Use an adhesive for the film... Imo...

White is my choice.... It makes seeing things like pests very easy...
After 4 hours of huffing and puffing. I finally got the CoolTube and exhaust hooked up. The fan takes up more space than I'd had hoped. Fan needs to hooked up to the CoolTube and then bent to exhaust. I don't plan on moving the light any closer than it is now. The only problem is that I need to raise it and there is no way of doing it. Any help there?

Now that the light/exhaust is set up. I need to apply the Panda film and the electronics. 1st need to clean up the Den before it get's out of hand.

I need to add a brace for the fan to level off the light. Another wire/rope set up to keep the fan weight even.
The Stealth Armoire is going to take awhile to get completed. The back of the armoire is a flimsy cardboard. That is where the exhaust and intake holes are. Will need to replace this with a thicker sturdier board. The armoire cannot be tipped over to install the rest of the Panda film until the back is complete. I also plan to take the armoire apart and install the Panda film to each piece and then reassemble. That should eliminate any light escaping. The Panda film will act as a gasket. As I go along I see ways of doing things.

The light/fan set up was a major headache. I am not an engineer or cabinet maker. Using some of the ideas and methods I've seen at my father's furniture shop. Bringing back some memories.'s a start. :wall: Plus I need to get the Den clean and the rest of the house straighten up before my other 1/2 get's home or this project is dead.

Thank God I have the SmartBox going with my Sour Hound and Deep Blue C. Hope to have the Stealth Armoire finished by the time they go into auto flower. Then I'll put them in the armoire and finish them off. That's about a good month from now.
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My nephew (who owns a pick up truck) will be picking up a 1/2 in. 4 ft. x 8 ft. MDF board for the back of the stealth armoire. The 1/2 in thickness will give me plenty of thickness to screw the back in place. The sturdiness will help the exhaust port's stability. I was going to put the exhaust fan on top of the armoire giving me more space in the grow area. That would delete the stealthiest of the project. May do that plan later; if I find that I need more grow space.

He'll be doing the cutting of the back. The intake and exhaust ports cut out and a 4" hole for the electronics wire/cables.
Things are coming along. :woohoo1:

My "love affair" with Grow Shoppe Hot Babe seems to have waned. I went in yesterday to get some light hanging cables. Got the cold shoulder and was rushed out of the Shoppe after I purchased. She wasn't interested in any chit chat. Hay, I spent the dough and got the bums rush. :crying:

All information, growing techniques, silly comments herein this thread are solely influenced by the use of cannabis.
My nephew (who owns a pick up truck) will be picking up a 1/2 in. 4 ft. x 8 ft. MDF board for the back of the stealth armoire. The 1/2 in thickness will give me plenty of thickness to screw the back in place. The sturdiness will help the exhaust port's stability. I was going to put the exhaust fan on top of the armoire giving me more space in the grow area. That would delete the stealthiest of the project. May do that plan later; if I find that I need more grow space.

He'll be doing the cutting of the back. The intake and exhaust ports cut out and a 4" hole for the electronics wire/cables.
Things are coming along. :woohoo1:

My "love affair" with Grow Shoppe Hot Babe seems to have waned. I went in yesterday to get some light hanging cables. Got the cold shoulder and was rushed out of the Shoppe after I purchased. She wasn't interested in any chit chat. Hay, I spent the dough and got the bums rush. :crying:

All information, growing techniques, silly comments herein this thread are solely influenced by the use of cannabis.[/QUOTE
That's a bummer. Damn grow shop girls.
Got the MDF board cut for the back intake and exhaust. 1/2" and very sturdy. Need to attach it to the armoire frame before I attempt to flip this monster on it's front to start Panda filming. I really want to put the Max Fan on the top of the armoire. That would give me much more grow space inside. I have an idea on how to hide the Max Fan, buy using a camouflaged flower pot with fake flower/greenery. The "vegetation" would be inserted into a large gauge screen just enough to keep the top open for good exhaust. I'd just lift the fake pot and adjust the fan's speed if needed.


Something like this fake potted plant. The bottom of the pot will be cut out. The top would be a screen of wire to hold just enough fake greenery to make it look good. This way I can keep the stealth of the armoire and get better grow space.
Right now this is just a plan for a later time.