Indoor Teetee's MONSTER Glueberry OG, Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia and Night Queen Auto grow

day 14

Yeah, so the tent's back up again, and the seedlings are doing well.

clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen

'Hey Tee, looking a bit pale there' you might say, but that's the Skyline 400 giving that appearance... from above with no light, just flash, they look like this...

They were initially on an EC 0.7 mix, which I upped to EC 0.8 yesterday on day 13.

I'm mixing 0.2ml/L Cal Mag into 20L of EC 0 rainwater, dividing into 2 and adding 0.3ml/L H&G Cocos A&B, remixing then adding Drip Clean and Roots Exxcellurator at their recommended levels of 0.1ml/L and 0.3ml/L respectively, and Nitrogen Boost at 0.5ml/L. pH adjusted to 5.8.

Coco's on the way, so I plan to repot them into 25L airpots next weekend.

They are still on a heat mat, set to 23°C, it's about 25°C inside the tent and the lights are on 24/0.

That's about it, so thanks for taking the time to look in!
TeeTee, Bro the girls are looking great, they want a certain temp to germinate. I think doing August grow, will start indoors with something. Those airpots look great, good for the roots and drainage. BBQs are good for Grasshound bus fleets:cool1:. The BBQs been replaced with gasmate:pass:
Yey............... the 15th or 16th grow for teetee............ you been at it 5yr now tee ?, 3 grows a year ? = 15th grow, or 2 grows per year, 10th or 12th grow tee ?................ this will be the last one before the move bruva ??...... the hatchlings looking good man......... @0.7................ i just popped me next fems "Mokums Tulip" & Lemon Zkittle & PowerPlant............ a BHO vape selection on par !!

Accordingly, and as i had to delay the start of my grow also, as i lost a patient from the "Kit" pre order list............. and cant be bothered to replace that person !............ i delayed the start of less than before,..............and have timed it up this grow to ensure, that the next grow from now, "Xmas Kit Grow" will be ready for harvest around the 1st to 8th of December, so i have 100% fresh over xmas !!........... this means by chance, our two seedling sets are exactly the same age again, same as last grow, you started fems, un be known to me at the same time.......... the difference is, i should be starting a new thread, rather than typing this !!.............. i'll take the seedling pics tomorrow light out at 12 midday........... and fire it up tomorrow..... yours look cracking tee...

and Nitrogen Boost at 0.5ml/L. pH adjusted to 5.8.

is your run oof from the new cocco 5.8 then tee ?.............. with cocco, it can be of benefit to Ph your nute to match the run off.............. this way Ph homogeneity is in play, Ph matched in other words....... and keep the nute pack Ph synced to the run off reading from the cocco as you move through the grow........ the added nitrogen to the flower nute profile, makes it fully into an NPK much more suited to vegitive growth period.. my genesis "Grow 2" has such a balance...............

Grow 2 NPK + Ca = 15 / 0 / 8 / 8
Microbase NPK = 3 / 10 / 19
Grow "Veg" Total = 18 / 10 / 27......................... so high in Nitrogen and Ca = calcium. I could just add 'Phos" to the Grow 2 nute values, and use it on it's own............ but the microbase contains a shit load of important trace ellements & minerals = inc 2% iron & manganese at 0.05% + others.......

the lights are on 24/0.

every one of the millions of stoma cells needs a rest some time !........ as its winter i know you like to keep the 24/0............. to keep the heat up in the tent................ but i recommend the 18/6, as it allows natural respiratory processes to coagulate,.......... and the sugars to be made..............just drop back onto a 1kw fan heater with thermo controls, your using the same electricity,......... i believe growth is bettered with a 6hr dark period........ to allow cells detox from respiratory products, just as happen in the wild photo period............ max on this planet is 19.5hrs............ longest day hours on the planet, is on Yuma Arizona 4015 sun hours a year, 11 hours every day of sunshine !! the top ten sun hour places are below;
United States
Yuma, Arizona 4015 11.0
United States Phoenix, Arizona 3872 10.6
Egypt Asswan 3863 10.6
United States Las Vegas, Nevada 3825 10.5
Sudan Dongola 3814 10.4
United States Tucson, Arizona 3806 10.4
Chad Faya-Largeau 3792 10.4
Egypt Kharga 3791 10.4
Sudan Abu Hamed 3763 10.3
United States El Paso, Texas 3763 10.3

keep it natural 19/5 !!!.................. 18 is bio printed into the DNA of the plant though !............

Those airpots look great, good for the roots and drainage.

just be prepared to use 25% more water, due to 80% pot aeration, due to the perforations........... one boon with airpots is this, the base. the bottom, is set up 3-4 holes above the pot bottom, ensuring the plant never sits in water................ this allows valuable oxygen to get into the bottom of the root matrix when grow out........... this defo aids the growth potential, and prevents any anaerobic hydrogen sulfide H2o2 outbreaks.......... to large a pot, and to much energy is re diverted into trying to fill a huge pot with a large root matrix.............. this delays the above ground plant structural growth, somewhat...............

Accordingly, as the plant has a finite life period or time span, better to have a smaller root matrix 15ltrs, and build a proficient, smaller root matrix fast, then above ground plant framework is built faster............... allows more time for ripening the flowers, rather than that time and energy diverted into a huge root matrix build, you get the jist of the energy budget directive though..... glad the grupenleiter, inspectorate, found no issues man................ alls well, best to all your end brva.........Ps, i pm'ed ya yesty......... ALR


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Hi, been busy with the Girls this week.... the Coco finally arrived, so on day 18 I decided to repot them from their germination cups, into the final 25L airpots.....

clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen.

I tried this method before, last year, when I grew the White Widow, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG and Night Queen, repotting at 9 days. This time I repotted on day 18, and although the seedlings were fairly small, I think I should have repotted a week earlier....... the roots had hit the bottom of the cups this time.

Now at day 20, they are noticeably smaller than plants I usually grow at this stage.

3 reasons....
  1. A few of the root tips will have got damaged during the transfer
  2. I was using a Skyline 100W LED unit for germination instead of a Skyline 400W
  3. Growing for a week longer in a small cup will have limited their growth
Here's plants from a previous grow at day 18....

There's a Glueberry, Night Queen Blue Amnesia and White WIdow in there..... MUCH bigger at 18 days compared to this current lot on day 20......

clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia XXL, Glueberry OG and Night Queen.

Never mind, they have settled well into their new homes, and they are progressing well....

Toofless Alien was always a good looking plant, this one's gonna be no exception....

Night Queen is looking vigorous and healthy.....

Blue Amnesia is just a tiny bit smaller than the first two, but being an XXL, she's gonna go a bit longer, so she'll shift up the gears in the next couple of weeks.

Finally the Glueberry OG Conjoined Twins, looking great......

They all have a Skyline 400 each now, and I switched the lighting down from 24/0 to 20/4.

That may be another reason for the smaller plants.... I usually go full hog 24/0..... and yeah, I get monsters in the end, but this grow, I'm trying to improve the quality rather than focus on quantity....

.... plus I'm trying to save cash.
Growing for a week longer in a small cup will have limited their growth

plus the winter start with low RH ???................... all looking healthy though man.......some beutifull little plants,........ mine are same size, and where only couple days later than your on the germ................. we have had cold days here mid june it's 7c low, 14c day high temp !!!................... i actually put a jumper on the walk the cocker spaniels........

me dahlia's are hunckered down like its alaska, and they should be in Mexican weather !! we got 45-65mph winds in from the NE tonight, to spnap of me Dahlia's and 4yr old rose bushes............. ive staked em,........ but wind and volume of flower !!............ = snap offs = damage........ we have 2 MP's addmitting they smoked green, gove saying he did green and had a few snorts of the cokes............. all are running foe PM'ship ???......... but they cant arrange legal CBD oil for kids dying ??.................. = goon squad whato boy's.....

Night Queen is looking vigorous and healthy

and is out front leading the vending cup recovery programmer !!................ will wipe the floor with all in her path !! i'm not biassed !................. just envious !!................ your winter low temp this year around 12c brv ??................

a few pointers i see over the last months in the upside down place, where men down under nick your sandwiches........................ shot guns banned and of, uni's across the island have been hacked into........ and thefts occurred ??............... the the true traits that show, the same shit thats happening ere, macro economically, is showing precursors there also now.........................take this gem, the RBI rate, reserve bank interest rate, was cut hard, down to "1.25%"........................ that means, and says a whole lot in one go............ gov IRS receipts have also fallen by 17%................. creating the same tax deficit scenario we had here 4yr ago............ they aint saying they are borrowing the difference...................but it's obvious they must be............ why and how can this economic virus duplicate itself, with other governments ??.......

yet government is doing this = licensing green to get revenues up again ??.............. a mad world peoples.......... one in which cannabis is becoming more and more important economically as well as medically !!.................... all = revenues right ??............................. read this one....

Australian cannabis firm Elixinol Global has raised another $50 million to expand in the United States, on top of the $40 million it raised in September.

OG Conjoined Twins, looking great.

it strikes me hard, that i, should have, at least, tried, "two plants in a 20ltr pot"........rather than one bean in a 15ltr pot x 2 under one light.................... as i have shown, re previous trials on this subject..................... 3 plants under one light yeild more than one, that has all the light to itself........................ so by logic,...................two plants in one pot, = more than one plant yeild,............ it's just i aint never tried it !!........................well now we have a twin for a comparison..................... against the night queen say...................... NQ vs Loon Twins !!.................... me dow is on the conjoined twins.......... hope you is well man, nice start.......... best ALR
it strikes me hard, that i, should have, at least, tried, "two plants in a 20ltr pot"........rather than one bean in a 15ltr pot x 2 under one light................
Thanks @AutoLowRyder many years ago, I grew a TD that needed some severe training after a slow start.
I referred to a grower here @Hazy who grew 2x TDs in a single pot, and trained them out to each side.
The final result was this hedge...
BAM hazy5.JPG

after cropping, you can see how he trained 2x plants to fit in one pot.....
BAM hazy6.JPG

Back to my Girls, and I'm happy with their progress, every time I look at them they've grown!

clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG conjoined twins, and Night Queen

Toofless Alien is probably the best so far...

.... but Night Queen is a close second.....

Blue Amnesia is a little bit smaller, but she spends a week longer in veg, so she'll catch up and motor past the others as the grow progresses.....

Finally the Glueberry OG twins.....

I have tried to pull them apart to give the smaller one a bit of light.....

Here's a closer look...

That's it for now, gonna make some Canna Coconut Oil Chai, and enjoy a lovely sunny day in the countryside!
every time I look at them they've grown!

your VPd is much lower in the winter grow window, so the plants grow faster !!................. i also notice another difference, in the last seedlings, and these also, that is, there is no mild yellowing of new seedlings, as usual in the brand new cocco, i know the last batch of cocco was a low Ph batch, but have you added extra nitrogen tee, to offset the mild yellowing effect of the new cocco................... as these are not showing any of the usual outcomes, in new cocco etc ?/................... or do you recon the feedback to the cocco company, you use, has made them re adjust the cocco mix ??.......................... either way these are looking very much better, in the new cocco..................... have you checked it with a run off test before you filled the airpots tee ??........... would love to know a run off test outcome,..................... using a Ph6.5 pure rainwater flush of 2ltrs of "New" un-used, un-wetted cocco from the batch................... the first time ever i have seen em green right up, at that age in new cocco.............

I referred to a grower here @Hazy who grew 2x TDs in a single pot

Aw that was back in the day !!........................Insert name here, Tang, Hazy !!............... all DP show culturists.......... last i heard Hazy was growing outdoor in Spain somewhere..............

i remember the hedgerow grow well................. it inspired me to give an "* Ball Colas" LST set a go. But to do it you have to 'Stop" the plant (Take Out Centre Shoot), way before 21 days........... i did it at 12 days............ to get the head start on the 2 bow set, that is pinched out to a 4 bow set, then pinched into 8 bow, 8 ball colas set...................... at the 4 bow stage, around 26-32 days, the internodes on all bract intersections....... threw the male organelles....... i never tried it again !!............. you have to run more than one 8 ball LST, so if 3 outa 4 herm, you got one to take forward !!......................... my mistake !!.............. the bud in the hedge, looks to be the same amount as a twin pot grow in the end, but takes 21 days longer in the tent ??...............

Australian cannabis firm Elixinol Global has raised another $50 million to expand in the United States,

Why not expand in Aus ???.................... the weather is not as good in USA for growing, as it is in Aus ??.............. it stinks of the Aus gov putting one to many hooks into the company !!.......... back hand bill just to big ??.................... the 50 big ones where raised on the USA stock exchange though, not Aus............. probly the "Drump" affect............ = "Donald Drump" the Englishmen !!....(Changed His Name To Trump ?)........... Who has said a big "Zero" re canna sit rep in USA ?..................... he has zero opinion on canna ??.................. or other substances it seems ?......... slagging off the London mayor, on twitter, 10mins before landing in airforce one, went down like a lead balloon here..................... it do make you wonder, HTF, e got elected !

The girls are looking fine teetee.................... all the best for the rest of the winter grow teetee, it must be the coldest, wettest June on record ere,....June 12th 12c day high ????????????? WTF ??????............ALR

Ps; have you tried the butane BHO extract, in a vape pen yet tee man ??................... they are handy for when you are out, and about, as there is no smell of it when vaping............... you just wouldn't know it was the canna kit........i was vaping outside a coffee cafe, the other day, no looks, no sniffing the air ! no one had a clue i was vaping canna right in front of them.... i am now a member of "Extinction Rebellion" yey !..............ALR
your VPd is much lower in the winter grow window, so the plants grow faster !!................. i also notice another difference, in the last seedlings, and these also, that is, there is no mild yellowing of new seedlings, as usual in the brand new cocco, i know the last batch of cocco was a low Ph batch, but have you added extra nitrogen tee, to offset the mild yellowing effect of the new cocco................... as these are not showing any of the usual outcomes, in new cocco etc ?/................... or do you recon the feedback to the cocco company, you use, has made them re adjust the cocco mix ??.......................... either way these are looking very much better, in the new cocco..................... have you checked it with a run off test before you filled the airpots tee ??........... would love to know a run off test outcome,..................... using a Ph6.5 pure rainwater flush of 2ltrs of "New" un-used, un-wetted cocco from the batch................... the first time ever i have seen em green right up, at that age in new cocco.............

Funny you should notice that mate..... I planted the seeds in those disposable cups using the last of the House and Garden Coco that I used in the last grow.... the pH issue Coco..... and those seedlings did look a little pale.... I thought that was because I was using the Skyline 100 instead of the 400.
I bought 2x 50L bags of Canna branded Coco (Professional Plus) and repotted them into the 25L airpots with that, plus the Skyline 400 and as you say.... they greened right up.

Another thing is that usually by now, I'd be on EC 0.9 to 1.0, but this time I still have them on the EC 0.8 mix I've been giving since day 13 (and they were on EC 0.7 before that) now they are at day 25...
I've noticed my pH issues last time, and previous to that all started around week 3-4 . I also noticed that my enthusiasm usually wanes around then and I miss out waterings, let them dry out, with no feeds for 4-5 days AND THEN start upping the EC, all of which locks them out and possibly being the root (ha ha) cause of my pH issues....
this time, I'm keeping the feed going in every 2 days, and not letting them dry out as before. Plus I'm keeping the feed stable for them, and won't increase it until I see them slowing down, right now they are storming away.... I might move to daily waterings now.

I don't wanna get to the stage where I'm putting up pics every day, but the Night Queen and Toofless Alien are literally twice the size they were yesterday!

Oh go on then, here's today's shot....
day 25 group.JPG

clockwise from top left: Toofless Alien, Blue Amnesia, Glueberry OG and Night Queen

Ps; have you tried the butane BHO extract, in a vape pen yet tee man ??................... they are handy for when you are out, and about, as there is no smell of it when vaping............... you just wouldn't know it was the canna kit........i was vaping outside a coffee cafe, the other day, no looks, no sniffing the air ! no one had a clue i was vaping canna right in front of them.... i am now a member of "Extinction Rebellion" yey !..............ALR

No I've been a bit tight for cash and bud, so still in R and D at the moment. I'm sorted for devices, the Vivant Dabox for wax and the Kandypen Slim for e-cig on the go.... hopefully Santa can deliver this year instead of the usual crappy socks etc.
Instead of BHO, I'm veering towards Rosin, and I've been looking at getting something like a 5 Ton heat press to get my juices flowing.
Then the Rosin goes in the dabox at home, and I can try dissolving some in C8 MCT oil for a crafty e-cig using the Kandypen Slim.

I dunno mate, all still in my dreams.... for now, doobs will do.
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