I am also ledbud on other forum
@Teetee bro.
@otuaflower used to help me with the auto mazzar grow. that in 2013 bro.
That's where I lost it man, I thought you were otuaflower as well LOL
That's my ideal set up.. 4 bigguns in a 4x4 or a 5x5 tent with skylines galore up above :smoking:unfortunately I'm confined to as many 3L airpots as I can squeeze into the little 80 x 80cm tent atm!!
when you get that bigger tent the 80x80 will be a perfect vegging or cloning space Bro. Better than ideal!
@Teetee mate looking beautiful, I wish my plants looked like that at a young age lol, and those autos you posted? 15oz! Fuck me side ways pointy end first! Look at those colas

I could never grow autos, always had stunted growth for the first few weeks, maybe you are right about handling a seedling, lucky to pull 2oz per auto under a 600w hps, then I went to photos, and haven’t looked back, good luck on this grow brother, not that you need it. To bad about the inspections or you could run a perpetual grow with your clones!
glad you like my grows mate, All indoors when it's a travesty having all this sunshine and land ripe for growing, and I can't use it.
Nice journal! Quick question, are you counting days from seed or from completed germination?
Thanks Honeybee, I plant my seeds directly in the coco, so I count day 1 as the day they pop through.
It takes 48-72 hours for this to happen.
So to be pedantic, it's not technically 'from seed', or 'completed germination' (like you'd see in a paper towel etc) just a touch afterwards (because if the extra time to push up through the coco).... but it's a matter of hours really.
Long answer to a quick question..... the joy of Cannabis!
Looking like another great round, Teetee!
Cheers Iriee! Keep sending those good vibez! Thanks for putting me over the 10K mark with those rep points!
Teetee - as always rocking the place!! Looking excellent bud!
Thanks WW, there's a long way to go mate, and this is all new territory for me.... anything can happen!
To be honest, I've had a stressful week. on Wednesday arvo having pulled that day off, I was just in the kitchen when my 5 year old called me over to the lounge....
I couldn't believe my eyes....
........at the foot of one of the french doors, there was a snake skin.... INSIDE the house.
I tried to fob him off saying it was a bit of old carpet, but he wasn't having it. I told him this was our little secret for the moment, and not to tell his sister or Mum.
I went into a cold sweat, there's a snake somewhere in the house.... and spent the next hour looking around for the snake.... while pretending to play catch with my Boy.
"Why are you lifting up the sofa Dad?"
"The ball's over here, Dad"
"Why are you pulling out the fridge/washing machine/dishwasher, Dad"
My Daughter's oblivious to it all, one of the only times I'm happy she's locked onto my phone.
And the Wife is upstairs getting stoned.
I walk in, sweating my tits off, she just thinks it's the heat.
I make sure she goes in the bedroom upstairs, with the kids, and I shut the door saying keep it cool up there, and put a towel down.
I have a joint, and half an hour she's back in, and starts talking about dinner etc, except I'm not really listening, all I can think about is the snake.
I imagine various scenarios as to how I should tell her, and each time I bottle out.
I find myself looking at her deeply, while she's nattering away, and eventually I say....
"hold on a minute Darl.... I've got to tell you something...."
"I found a snakeskin in the house..... and I can't find the snake..."
She reacted as I expected, she wanted to leave immediately.
But we're broke, and so we had to stay. We decided not to tell my Daughter.... she'd never sleep again!
We had a good look around again, and decided it must have gone into hiding.
Called the snakecatcher, and he wanted me to send him pics of the skin....which I did. He thought it may be a small carpet python.
I reckon it was a Tree snake, the skin was fully intact and was 80cm long, very thin with a similar head to a tree snake and the big eyes....
I rang up animal rescue, and they said it was pointless them coming over if I hadn't seen the snake.... and said it would probably wanted to come in to shed safely, but went out again, as it wants it's own food, water and habitat etc.... if we don't see the snake or any evidence of it, such as piss etc after 3-4 days, then we should be fine.
They also told me to avoid the local snakeman, as he has been known to be aggressive, extortive and a general pain in the arse.
I inspected the door, and it had a small space underneath it, and the mesh screen there had a small gap at the bottom. Careful inspection of the gap betweeen the door and the screen showed small curves in the fine dust.... snake tracks. And I found them in all 6 of the french doors in the lounge.
Our lease expires in August, so we have to put up with this shit till then!
Anyway, in other news, I have a grow on.... it's day 31, so here's the obligatory group shot...
clockwise from top left: PAK2, DF, PAK1 and Gorilla
The big three are all about 40cm high, and 50-60cm wide.
Des Fran is probably the biggest....
She's reacted well to the LST and topping, and is filling out with side branches and plenty of potential bud sites.
I now have her on an EC 1.0 feed, having raised her up from EC 0.9 on day 29, mainly by adding another 0.1ml/L more of Amino Extract.
Gorilla is on an EC 1.0 feed, but slightly stronger than the Des Fran feed, as it has a touch more N.
You can see how nicely she has grown after the LST, but I am concerned that she's going a bit pale, and some of the leaves are yellowing down below....
PAK2 is also on the same feed as the Gorilla, but she is much darker green in general, but the new leaves are much lighter green in colour....
Sometimes, like in these shots, she can look a bit droopy, but you can see she has a lot of action going on in there, and is growing pretty well...
I especially see it at 'lights on', but after an hour or so she really picks up again....
PAK1 is growing, but so much differently to the rest.... she's only 13cm high! 31 days old!
I topped her (badly) so I topped her again, and also removed the top 4 large fan leaves - they were so velvety and healthy, so it was a hard decision, but it has exposed all the inner new tops.....
I need to know what to do from now on.....
How much more veg time.... it's day 31 from when they popped out the coco, and I am thinking maybe 7-10 more days till 12/12?
I reckon the main 3 will be ready to flip soon, but do they need more growth after the LST I did?
I want the PAK1 to be flippin with the rest, so how do I prep her to make the most of it.... do I remove all the lower fans and open her up to veg that little bit more?
Thanks for looking in. Gotta get back to the snake hunt