Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'


I'm in son. If your Destroyer is anything like the one I grew, you'll be impressed. Mine was from Cannabiogen though, so not the same breeder.
I'd say good luck luck, but you don't need it :pighug:

Day 8 update

This is my first update of 2019 so I wish all my fellow growers here on AFN a very happy New Year full of bountiful harvests, health and happiness!

New Year big ups especially go to:
@archie gemmill
@LED Borg

and of course, @DutchPassionTony and @Dinafem-Mark for the magic beans!

Just a quick update as they are so young, so here they are as a group...

View attachment 995972
clockwise from top left: PAK 2, Des Frans, PAK 1 and Gorilla

PAK 1 isn't looking so hot. She was the first to show, and started well, but by about day 4 it was obvious she wasn't growing.... she was getting discolouration in the leaves that now look pale green around the edges with central darker patches around the veins.
View attachment 995973
I'm feeding her the same as the others... an EC 0.8 pH 5.8 light mix with 0.3ml/L A&B in EC 0 rainwater buffered up with 0.2ml/L Cal Mag, 0.3ml/L Roots Excellurator, and 0.3ml/L Nitrogen Boost. She seems to be slowly picking up, so I'm not worried, although I might dilute her feeds down a touch.

The other PAK, is looking perfect....
View attachment 995974
You can see how much more PAK 2 is developed compared to PAK 1.... the 1st 3 set of leaves are much bigger, and the 2nd set of 3 leaves are well on the way with PAK 2.... also the colour is much healthier.

The others are also doing well...
The Gorilla next...
View attachment 995971
and finally the Des Frans...
View attachment 995970
I've been feeding every other day, about a litre circumferentially to keep the oxygen levels up in the bulk of the pot and encourage lateral root growth, and also a 100ml squirt using a syringe just around the stem.

Just a touch of run off, but I use Drip Clean and will be giving more substantial quantities soon.... I don't wanna drown them in the early days, and I want them to have roots that grow outwards searching for water and nutrient, rather than having the tap root just racing downwards, so that's why I circumferentially water early on.

I started on an EC0.7 mix, and upped it to the current EC0.8 on day 5.... as I said, I might drop the EC to 0.7 for the PAK 1, and keep up with normal feeds for the others for a few more days before thinking about increasing the EC again.

I also plan to give them a good amount of feed this weekend, and really flush through the airpots to re-oxygenate and get rid of stale nute.

I have them under 2x Skyline 400's, and will probably put them under a Skyline 400 each in a week, depending on when I can be bothered to change a plug on one of them.... 3 are UK plugs and one is an Aussie. I prefer the UK style.... nice and solid... you know where you are with them! The Aussie ones are a pain, you have to pull back the rubber cover (with difficulty) to expose the wiring and you have to loop the wires inside to prevent accidental yank outs...

Don't even ask me how hot it is here.... fuck sake..... I'm just wearing pants!

Have a great weekend!
Happy new year bro, looking very clean and lovely.
Happy new year Tee.. nice to see another grow up and running.. sending the :karmacloud:at you nice and early :jointman::vibes:
Those good vibes are well appreciated Hope mate. Happy New Year!

happy new year pal :smoking::coffee:happy new grow :pass:
off to a good start
good luck n keep er lit.
Thanks Archie, hope you have a great 2019!

Subbed brother [emoji106]

Thanks for the tag. Can't wait for the ride!
Nice one James, glad you're strapped in!

Good to see another grow going @Teetee
No worries Bushmaster.... always nice to have you around!

Love the look in his eye.... have a fucking good 'un yourself mate.

I'm in son. If your Destroyer is anything like the one I grew, you'll be impressed. Mine was from Cannabiogen though, so not the same breeder.
I'd say good luck luck, but you don't need it :pighug:
No Ribbzy, I need all the luck I can get..... I hear such good things about Des Frans.... some say NEVER smoke it at night.... you won't get to sleep! Others say it's such knockout gear, it puts you away!

Happy new year bro, looking very clean and lovely.
Cheers Taipan, it feels so good to be up and running again!

Looking good teets!
Thanks Orrganic, I'm hoping they will do well for a first time Fem grow.... we shall see!

It's day 13, unlucky for some, but not too bad this end as it's nice and warm today up around 28-29°C and very, very humid..... good vegging weather.

The Girls are looking great.....
group day 13.JPG
clockwise from top left.... PAK 2, Des Frans, PAK 1 and Gorilla.

PAK 2 is absolutely perfect, and growing at a phenomenal rate....
day 13 PAK 2.JPG

The brown edge on that lower leaf is from the fans blowing the leaf against the freshly watered medium 3-4 days ago.... so no harm.

The pot is about 10 inches in diameter, so you can see how big she is already, she's popping out her 5th set of 5 leafed leaves and she has well developed side branches under those fans.... 13 days!

PAK 1, is not looking as good....
day 13 PAK 1.JPG

She's certainly growing, but nowhere near as quick as the PAK 2.
I initially thought she was locked out early on, and so I reduced her feed strength to EC 0.7.
Now I think she's under fed.... those leaves are pale around the edges, there's no tip burning, and that's making me think she needs more Nitrogen, so tonight I'm gonna up the EC to 0.8.

The Gorilla is looking mighty fine.... there's some mutant funny business going on with some of the leaves, but she looks very healthy so I'm not worried....
day 13 Gorilla.JPG

Finally Des Frans... obviously different structure and leaf shape to the others... pure Sativa, while the PAKs are pure Indica and the Gorilla's a hybrid....
day 13 Des Frans.JPG

She also is looking great, and I'm thinking of upping the EC for her as well as the PAK 2 and Gorilla in a few days time. I also plan to start adding Multizyme and Amino Treatment (Silica) very soon.

They are currently on an EC 0.8 pH 5.8 feed, made up as before, a good 3-4 Litres every other day to give them a good flush out, and a bit of time to get the roots to scavenge.

I have them under 2x Skyline 400's, running non stop 24/0 .... I've still not wired that plug on unit number 4, so once I've done that, I'll give them each a Skyline 400 to bask under.

I rotated them once by 180° last week, and will begin rotating daily them by 90° pretty soon - when I start feeding them daily,

.....all if I can just pull my finger out!

Hope you're all doing well, thanks for looking in!
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Those good vibes are well appreciated Hope mate. Happy New Year!

Thanks Archie, hope you have a great 2019!

Nice one James, glad you're strapped in!

No worries Bushmaster.... always nice to have you around!

Love the look in his eye.... have a fucking good 'un yourself mate.

No Ribbzy, I need all the luck I can get..... I hear such good things about Des Frans.... some say NEVER smoke it at night.... you won't get to sleep! Others say it's such knockout gear, it puts you away!

Cheers Taipan, it feels so good to be up and running again!

Thanks Orrganic, I'm hoping they will do well for a first time Fem grow.... we shall see!

It's day 13, unlucky for some, but not too bad this end as it's nice and warm today up around 28-29°C and very, very humid..... good vegging weather.

The Girls are looking great.....
View attachment 998276 clockwise from top left.... PAK 2, Des Frans, PAK 1 and Gorilla.

PAK 2 is absolutely perfect, and growing at a phenomenal rate....
View attachment 998275

The brown edge on that lower leaf is from the fans blowing the leaf against the freshly watered medium 3-4 days ago.... so no harm.

The pot is about 10 inches in diameter, so you can see how big she is already, she's popping out her 5th set of 5 leafed leaves and she has well developed side branches under those fans.... 13 days!

PAK 1, is not looking as good....
View attachment 998274

She's certainly growing, but nowhere near as quick as the PAK 2.
I initially thought she was locked out early on, and so I reduced her feed strength to EC 0.7.
Now I think she's under fed.... those leaves are pale around the edges, there's no tip burning, and that's making me think she needs more Nitrogen, so tonight I'm gonna up the EC to 0.8.

The Gorilla is looking mighty fine.... there's some mutant funny business going on with some of the leaves, but she looks very healthy so I'm not worried....
View attachment 998273

Finally Des Frans... obviously different structure and leaf shape to the others... pure Sativa, while the PAKs are pure Indica and the Gorilla's a hybrid....
View attachment 998272

She also is looking great, and I'm thinking of upping the EC for her as well as the PAK 2 and Gorilla in a few days time. I also plan to start adding Multizyme and Amino Treatment (Silica) very soon.

They are currently on an EC 0.8 pH 5.8 feed, made up as before, a good 3-4 Litres every other day to give them a good flush out, and a bit of time to get the roots to scavenge.

I have them under 2x Skyline 400's, running non stop 24/0 .... I've still not wired that plug on unit number 4, so once I've done that, I'll give them each a Skyline 400 to bask under.

I rotated them once by 180° last week, and will begin rotating daily them by 90° pretty soon - when I start feeding them daily,

.....all if I can just pull my finger out!

Hope you're all doing well, thanks for looking in!
Looking good bro. I got no place to grow for now bro. going run out weed soon. LOL:pass::pass:
So sorry that you can't get a grow on @Taipan, I really hope things change.... once you get used to having limitless supplies of top drawer bud, scoring again will be a nightmare.

It's day 21, so let's start with the group shot...
day 21 group5.JPG

clockwise from top left: PAK2, DF, PAK1 and Gorilla.

They all have a Skyline 400 LED each to bask under, now that I finally changed the plug on unit 4, and I'm feeding them about 4-5L daily if I can manage it.
They seem to be filling out the 25L airpots nicely, so I'm hoping for a good run over the next 14 days and flip them at about 5 weeks.

The PAK1 is back in action, I am now giving her the same EC0.9 strength feed that I'm giving the rest.
She's just popped out her 5th node, the new leaves are looking lush and green, and although the older leaves look strange, they seem to be functioning....
day 21 PAK16.JPG

I wanna give her a few more days before thinking about topping her. She is developing nice looking side branches under those 3rd and 4th node fan feaves, and I'm thinking about defoliating her to expose more new growth.

PAK2 is looking a lot more developed. I topped her last week on day 18 and she now has 7 nodes, and nice looking side branches.
day 21 PAK27.JPG

Gorilla is also looking great, again I topped her on day 18, leaving 7 nodes ....
day 21 Gorilla 13.JPG

I've been leaf tucking (on them all), and you can see how those side branches are doing...
day 21 Gorilla 24.JPG

Finally the Des Frans. She is the picture of heallth...
day 21 DF 11.JPG

I topped her on day 19, again leaving 7 nodes....
day 21 DF 22.JPG

I'm gonna pop out in a minute to get some soft wire, and get going with LST on the longer side branches for the big three.

Cheers for looking in, gotta run!
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So sorry that you can't get a grow on @Taipan, I really hope things change.... once you get used to having limitless supplies of top drawer bud, scoring again will be a nightmare.

It's day 21, so let's start with the group shot...
View attachment 1001930
clockwise from top left: PAK2, DF, PAK1 and Gorilla.

They all have a Skyline 400 LED each to bask under, now that I finally changed the plug on unit 4, and I'm feeding them about 4-5L daily if I can manage it.
They seem to be filling out the 25L airpots nicely, so I'm hoping for a good run over the next 14 days and flip them at about 5 weeks.

The PAK1 is back in action, I am now giving her the same EC0.9 strength feed that I'm giving the rest.
She's just popped out her 5th node, the new leaves are looking lush and green, and although the older leaves look strange, they seem to be functioning....
View attachment 1001931

I wanna give her a few more days before thinking about topping her. She is developing nice looking side branches under those 3rd and 4th node fan feaves, and I'm thinking about defoliating her to expose more new growth.

PAK2 is looking a lot more developed. I topped her last week on day 18 and she now has 7 nodes, and nice looking side branches.
View attachment 1001932

Gorilla is also looking great, again I topped her on day 18, leaving 7 nodes ....
View attachment 1001928

I've been leaf tucking (on them all), and you can see how those side branches are doing...
View attachment 1001929

Finally the Des Frans. She is the picture of heallth...
View attachment 1001926

I topped her on day 19, again leaving 7 nodes....
View attachment 1001927

I'm gonna pop out in a minute to get some soft wire, and get going with LST on the longer side branches for the big three.

Cheers for looking in, gotta run!
I going grow at my mates place but it will be another month. hate buying weed as you don't get good quality or it cost to much.
Your girls looking very nice :pass::pass::slap:bro.
Woohoo would ya look at that! They are of and racing arnt they.

Going to be awesome to see what you can do with these.

My predictions are you are going to need a bigger boat! (Tent haha) or you reckon they will stay smallish now you topped them?

I got my new seeds I'll start one in a few days