Old Reviews TaNg's AN feeding schedule.

Thats all youll need as far as coco only nutes, in my opinion anyways. I think the description says theyre made to be used with the rest of the AN line thats not coco only. I would wait on an answer from someone experienced in coco to tell you if you would use the same amounts as soil-less medium before you actually do any watering but if youre ordering off the net or going to the store you should be able to just replace Sensi A&B with the Coco Sensi A&B and buy the rest of Tang's nute list, adjust ml/L if necessary, and grow some kick ass plants.
Thats all youll need as far as coco only nutes, in my opinion anyways. I think the description says theyre made to be used with the rest of the AN line thats not coco only. I would wait on an answer from someone experienced in coco to tell you if you would use the same amounts as soil-less medium before you actually do any watering but if youre ordering off the net or going to the store you should be able to just replace Sensi A&B with the Coco Sensi A&B and buy the rest of Tang's nute list, adjust ml/L if necessary, and grow some kick ass plants.
Thank you my friend! This has answered my original question; are these nutes ok to use with coco
Tarzan - pH perfect just refers to two things: (1) the ability of the nutes to find the correct pH of about 5.8 from water that isn't too hard (anything less than EC 0.2 should work), and (2) the ability of nutrients to be taken in at a broad range of pH due to the buffers in the solution which broadens the range of nutrient uptake.

The only nutrients that advanced nutrients makes which aren't considered pH perfect are Jungle Juice, and I believe their organic line (Iguana, etc.). So the base nutes for coco are indeed just Sensi Grow and Bloom (same thing as the regular but with just added Cal-Mag since coco tends to cause these deficiencies). After that AN makes a shit ton of addies which I suspect are largely unnecessary, though people may disagree and I've yet to test it. The ones I'd consider using are:

Big Bud (early bloom booster)
Overdrive (late bloom booster)
Rhino Skin (silica)
B-52 (AN's version of super thrive)

I'd add Voodoo Juice to the list if you're willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money, as root health basically means plant health. Sensizym is enzymes to break down dead root material if you want it.

After that, the big money sucks are Bud Ignitor, bud factor X, Tarantula, and Piranha, which are supposed to increase the number of bud sites and fix calmag deficiencies, add essential oils for resin production, provide beneficial bacteria to the root zone, and provide beneficial fungi, respectively.
Thanks for the explanation man. There is an overwhelming amount of additives from AN, gets a bit confusing when you start looking at them all
Tarantula and Piranha are the bizz. I used them both I'm my last round with voodoo and sensizym and got my beat results yet. I found that plants uptake the feed faster and I found with my blue cheese she wanted about 1-2 litres per day split into 2 feedings, same for my syrup, they both came in at 3oz.
Tang mate, you mentioned you feed daily, can you give us approx amounts of water you use in different growth stages?
Tang i dont understand, You wrote :

" I mix all my nutes into 5L bottles so the measurements are based on that."

So are those dosages for 1 or 5 liters? i bet its for 1liter but just asking

Week 2 to 4 - 6ml Sensi grow A&B (12ml total),3ml of voodoo juice,3ml of Sensi Zym and 3ml Carboload.

Week 4 to 6 - 8ml Sensi grow A&B, 4ml B52,4ml Carboload.


Week 6 to 8 - 10ml Sensi bloom A&B,5ml voodoo juice,5ml Sensi Zym,5ml carbload and 5ml Big Bud.

Week 8 to 10 - 10ml Sensi bloom A&B,5ml b52,5ml Carboload and 5ml of overdrive.
Hey Tang the flush you do between veg and bloom is it just on plain water? and whats the ph/ec then?Thanks